Joyce and Jim Shaw - Family Sweets, Route 9 William Cole - Route 9G
DECEMBER 10, 2008
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Aldo Dusman, Nancy Sperry, Robert Queirolo,GarretO'Connor and Tom Jantzen.
Others present were Joyce and Jim Shaw, Robert Desmond, Dan Wheeler of D. F. Wheeler Engineers, Andrew Howard, Town Attorney and William Cole.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. A roll call vote was held. Garret O'Connor asked for one correction, page 1, third paragraph, to delete ‘there was no present for or against'. Garret O'Connor made a motion to approve the minutes with correction, seconded by Aldo Dusman. All in favor. So carried.
William Cole appeared before the board. He did not send out the registered letters for his hearing, so the hearing will be advertised and held at the January meeting.
Nancy Sperry motioned to close the regular meeting and open public hearing, seconded by Garret O'Connor.
FAMILY SWEETS: The Shaw's are here to resolve the situation. Joyce Shaw asked if the board could still change something once the hearing is held. Andy Howard explained that the board can revise after the public hearing, the hearing is for the public to hear the information. The plan is not approved until the board votes on it.
Larry Saulpaugh asked if any public place has to be wheelchair accessible? The Shaw's said that they called the ADA and if the building has been used in the past, it is grandfathered. Dan Wheeler explained the differences between the two handicap standards. The Planning Board is responsible for parking, etc; the building inspector is responsible for handicap access.
Aldo Dusman stated that the owner was asked for a survey map of the property, but the board has not yet seen it. The septic is located behind the building to the south.
PARKING: The Shaw's measured from the white line on the road, back 40 feet for the parking area. The board asked for the trees to be removed to make room for the parking area, but they have not yet been removed. The Shaw's do not want to remove any trees until they know that this is all the board wants.
MOTION: A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Nancy Sperry to continue the public hearing until the owner, Ross Fenn, can appear in front of the board. The Shaw's were advised to bring in a survey map and take measurements of the parking area. The Shaw's do not want to remove the trees until there is a determination by the board. Tom Jantzen suggested outside lighting in the rear unless their hours are restricted and they close the store before dark. The Shaw's asked why they would want to restrict a retail business for this reason? The Shaw's were advised that the next meeting is January 14, 2009 at 7:30 P.M.
A motion was made to adjourn by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon