The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 7:00 P.M.
at the Town Hall. Those present were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Robert Desmond,
Councilwoman Dawn Brownson and Councilman Kris Gildersleeve. Councilman Evan Hempel was absent. Tracey Gallant, Deputy Town Clerk was also present.
Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with a salute to the flag.
Supervisor Staats asked for a motion to go into executive session to discuss contract negotiations. A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve at 7:00 P.M. to go into executive session to discuss contract negotiations, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to come out of executive session at 7:30 P.M. by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
MINUTES: The August minutes were not available due to the illness of the Town Clerk and will be approved at the next meeting.
TOWN CLERK’S REPORT: The Deputy Clerk, Tracey Gallant, presented the Supervisor with a check for the General Fund in the amount of $393.88 and for Trust and Agency in the amount of $1,500.00. A motion was made to accept the Town Clerk’s Report for September by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in favor. So carried.
Supervisor Staats mentioned that the Clermont Fire Department will be holding their steak barbecue this coming Saturday at Station #2 on Route 9G.
Website: There were no recommendations or complaints.
Councilman Desmond reported that the surplus equipment did sell for the amount of $2,550.00, which was more than Superintendent Potts expected.
Scenic Hudson did make contact and walked the property. Councilman Desmond said that they will be coming up with a plan for walking trails, trees and plants and habitats for various species. They also discussed an area for the Veterans memorial behind the cemetery. This will develop over time.
Councilman Gildersleeve reported on equipment that the Building Inspector has requested. He has requested a laptop, accounting software and Microsoft word. The laptop would be $700, Accounting Software, $45.00 for Quicken, Microsoft Office, $119-$139.00, printer approximately $70.00. The Microsoft Office price does include for the Town Clerk as well. The total is approximately $1,300.00. A motion was made to approve spending up to $1,300.00 for laptop, accounting software and Microsoft Office for the Building Inspector and Town Clerk from the Contingency Account 1990.4, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in favor. So carried. Supervisor Staats thanked Councilman Gildersleeve for getting this information.
Councilwoman Brownson reported that she went to the Planning and Zoning Boards for comments on the solar permits. She will be going back to the board in September. If the boards do not want to add an additional permit we would not be able to participate in the program. There was discussion as to whether or not there is a benefit to the applicant or if the state is going to be collecting this information. As of now, the state is not asking for this information.
Councilwoman Brownson has been working on getting a grant to replace the historical markers but has not been able to find the documentation that the Community House was the first public school in New York.
Councilwoman Brownson also mentioned that the Village Green Committee is planning the Election Day Dinner Ham dinner. She also asked if the town would authorize purchasing the $36.00 temporary wine permit. Members of the board felt that they did not feel comfortable with this.
DEC: The Supervisor has asked Michael Mason of DEC about blacktop to fix the driveway and fill in the silt fence ditch around the edge. He has also asked for a breakdown of the costs of the project. He does not feel that we should pay the 10% until we see the breakdown. The contractor will be sending someone down to fix the ditch because that is his responsibility.
SCENIC HUDSON: Supervisor Staats and Councilman Desmond did meet with representatives on the a plan for the park for trails, screening, etc. They will be providing a sketch plan with some preliminary ideas.
BUILDING INSPECTOR: Our new building inspector, Sam Harkins, has started. He has years of experience and has been working with John Fieser. The Supervisor thanked John for over twenty years that he has worked for the Town.
HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT: The Highway Superintendent is looking at the purchase of a new pickup truck. He would like approval for the truck so that he can get it before the snow season starts. He believes we can get $15,000 for the 2011 truck on trade-in or at auction. The new truck would be $34,860.00 for a ¾ ton pickup, double cab with new plow. He currently has four quotes but from only two manufacturers. The Supervisor would like a third vendor to bid this to follow our policy but he would like this approved tonight pending verification
of third bid not being less than this amount.
If we sell the truck for $15,000 and there is $11,800 left from tractor purchase, $10,000 extra from FEMA and sold the brush hog for $2,550. There is enough to cover a new vehicle. There is also $35,000 budgeted to transfer to the Capital Equipment Reserve. He would like a motion to approve purchase a 2018 2500 GR GMC for $34,860.00 pending the third vendor not being less from the Capital Reserve account 9950.9. A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
BUDGET WORKSHOP: A workshop will be held on Monday, September 25 and a second date if needed of Wednesday, September 27 at 6:30 P.M.
LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 2017: Veterans Exemption Limit – This local law would increase the veterans exemption limit. A motion was made to hold a public hearing on October 2, 2017 at 6:45 by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in favor. So carried.
The Fire Department will be holding the steak barbecue this Saturday, Election Day dinner will be held in November. He also thanked John Fieser for twenty years of service and Tracey Gallant for filling in while the Clerk is out on sick leave. Councilman Desmond also thanked Tracey.
A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve to approve General abstract #9A, vouchers #237-256 in the amount of $7,030.58, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Brownson to approve General abstract #9, Pre-paid, vouchers #234-236 in the amount of $201.46, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to approve Highway abstract #9, vouchers #95-104 in the amount of $9,188.84, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.
Mary Howard: A request was made by residents of Nevis Road for a reduction of speed limit on Nevis Road and a stop sign at Nevis Road and Lasher Road which is currently a yield sign. They are now five families with children under twelve within a quarter of a mile from the intersection. They would really like a reduction in speed. This will have to be done by a traffic study. Supervisor Staats will put in a request.
A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve to adjourn at 8:20 P.M., seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk
Transcribed via Video tape recording