OCTOBER 17, 2017
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held the public hearing on the 2018 Preliminary Budget at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairwoman Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Ronald Miller, Commissioner Raymond Bauer, Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh and Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh. Also present were Assistant Chief Lloyd Kukon, Treasurer Denise Fiore, Jack Gomm and Kathy Gomm of Milan Fire Department.
Chairwoman Rifenburgh opened the hearing with the salute to the flag.
The Secretary read the public notice for the Public Hearing on the 2018 Budget.
Chairwoman Rifenburgh asked if there were any comments or questions from anyone present on the budget. With no questions or comments, the public hearing was closed by a motion made by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh at 7:10 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
There was discussion about the expense of the LOSAP plan. The Gomm’s were present representing
Milan Fire District, who Clermont contracts with for coverage on Shields Road.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh to approve the September minutes, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Total of September invoices paid $46,011.62
Proposed October Invoices $ 368.16 *
Paid October invoices $26,703.14
Total $27,071.30
* Delete $40.00 payment to Matthew Signs, add payment to Lloyd Kukon for $165.69.
Reconciliation of Accounts
The Bank of Greene County Balances:
Money Market Checking Balance $89,466.34
Checking Balance $ 7,618.29
Plus Deposit $25,000.00
Less Outstanding Checks $27,507.89
Checking Balance to date $ 5,110.40
Money Market and Checking Account Total $94,576.74
A motion was made to accept the Treasurers report by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Received a letter of intent from Commissioner Raymond Bauer to seek re-election to the Board of Fire Commissioners.
Letter from Albany Medical Emergency Urgent Care with information re: Valatie office opening on November 4, 2017 at the Valatie Medical Arts building at 8:00 AM.
Fire District Affairs newsletter for October and November.
RBC Wealth Management account statement for September - $377,790.94
Penflex – Service Award Program
Letter from John Faso on supporting Cancer Registry Act.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh
Commissioner Bauer asked if the furnace was serviced this year. We did have a bill for it from Haltermans.
INSURANCE: Commissioners R. Rifenburgh and Miller
No report
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh
Assistant Chief Kukon said that Truck 6034 did not start again last week. He notified Commissioner Saulpaugh but does not know the outcome. The truck did start this morning but don’t know what the problem was.
LOSAP: All Commissioners
At this years Election on December 12th there will be two propositions amending the defined contribution plan. One proposition provides for a 100% vested benefit to the designated beneficiary or estate is none is designated of a participant who dies while an active volunteer firefighter. The seconded proposition sets a $500 annual service award at the end of each year. These would take effect with new members effective after January 1, 2018 if passed.
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
The Policy and Suggested Operating Procedures have been converted to a Word program at Pro Printers. Commissioner R. Rifenburgh did have two corrections to be made before having them printed. Page 3 – Have the sign off page separate so that it can be removed once signed. Page 15 – Change to age 21 years old as is on page 68. It cost $110.00 to convert this and will cost $237.98 for 50 copies. The board will get binders for the copies. A motion was made to print 50 copies with changes by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
LEGAL: All Commissioners
Massello Road: The Board was advised by Livingston Fire District that 5 parcels were being taxed in the Clermont District and should be taxed in Livingston. The secretary referred this to our attorney but they were unable to trace back the owners of the parcels at the time of the decision to tax these in Livingston. Commissioner S. Rifenburgh will check with Real Property Tax Service to see if they can.
New member Cody Rockefeller has gotten his gear and physical.
Chief Gooderham has been signed off by his doctor but has not gotten his physical. As soon as he gets this paperwork to a Commissioner he can be reinstated.
The paint on 6013 is chipping. The truck is a 2007 and the warranty is only for four years.
The lettering of 6010 and 6013 will be done when the size of the lettering is determined.
The Infrared Camera has been at MES for three weeks and would cost $359.00 to repair. Unable to get a response from the rep as to when it may be ready.
The Secretary to write a letter to County 911 to cancel lowband dispatch for Clermont Fire.
Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked when the rescue tools were last serviced. He will contact MES to see if they will do it.
It was also discussed with Assistant Chief Kukon that they should be looking into the pricing of new gear as this will have to go out to bid.
There were ten calls for September as follows:
9/3/17 – Alarm Activation – Inflight 104 Mill Road – 6 firefighters
9/4/17 – EMS Lift Assist – 205 Cedar Hill Road – 8 firefighters
9/10/17 – Alarm Activation – 104 Mill Road – 4 firefighters
9/11/17 – EMS Assist ECO – County Route 6 and Cedar Hill Road – 4 firefighters
9/16/17 – Stand by for Livingston with tanker – 157 White Birch Road – 9 firefighters
9/17/17 – CO detector activation – 1241 County Route 6 – 7 firefighters
9/20/17 – Mutual aid Livingston – State Route 9 – AAPI – 2 firefighters
9/20/17 – AAPI – Buckwheat Bridge Road & Route 9 – 12 firefighters
9/25/17 – Tree on wires – County Route 6 & Hogtrough Road – 6 firefighters
9/28/17 – Smoke Detector activation – 726 Woods Road – 10 firefighters
Monthly Drill/Work Detail
9/25/17 – Truck positioning & portable pond – 13 firefighters
The Chief reported that he received the first aid kits and they are on trucks 6010 and 6013.
He would like to purchase surgical masks to protect members from unknown type drugs, which could be present in vehicles, homes, etc.
Physicals for interior firefighters – Currently they are due by June but he is suggesting April. Ronnie believes it is a year.
Would like to purchase 1 ¾ inch hose, 2 - 100 foot lengths. Ronnie would like to know how much this would cost.
Larry is on the traffic safety board for the County. He spoke about the guardrails on Route 9 near Buckwheat Bridge Road, where we have been having many accidents, the bridge on Route 9 between Livingston and Clermont and the intersection of Route 31 and Route 9 where there needs to be something alerting motorists to the stop sign.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer to adopt the 2018 budget as presented, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
Commissioner R. Rifenburgh reported the fuel usage of 67.9 gals.
A motion was made to pay the bills as corrected by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Miller. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:55 P.M. by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon