DECEMBER 18, 2017
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, December 18, 2017 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairwoman Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh, Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh and Commissioner Ronald Miller. Commissioner Raymond Bauer was absent. Others present were First Assistant Chief Lloyd Kukon, Treasurer Denise Fiore and Robert Desmond.
Chairwoman Rifenburgh opened the meeting with a salute to the flag.
MINUTES: Commissioner R. Rifenburgh noted a correction on page 2, Old Business, to change 350 feet to 200 feet. With that correction, Commissioner Rifenburgh made a motion to approve the minutes of November, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
Total Amount of November invoices paid $4,645.81
Proposed December invoices $4,048.91 *
Paid December invoices $2,166.06
Total $6,214.97 *
* Adjusted – Add $50.00 each to Lee Gallant and Patricia Daley for Elections.
Reconciliation of Accounts:
The Bank of Greene County Balances to Date
Money Market Checking Balance $ 59,472.04
Checking Balance $ 5,128.49
Less Outstanding Checks $ 2,207.51
Checking Balance to Date $ 2,920.98
Money Market & Checking Account Total $ 62,393.02
Capital Reserve Fund for Fire Equipment $ 29,711.78
Capital Reserve Fund for Construction & Improvements $ 33,646.99
A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh to accept the Treasurer’s report. All in favor. So carried.
- Certificate of Livingston Fire District Elections – Re-elected for five year term – Warren Dierkes.
- Distributed Fire District Affairs newsletter for December-January.
- Received contract to be signed for Milan Fire Department fire protection in the amount of $2,839.00 for 2018.
- RBC Wealth Management for November - $397,760.21.
- Received Workers Compensation reimbursement from Treasurer’s office for 10 physicals - $650.00.
- Advanced Fire Commissioners Training – 1/13/18 in Highland, 4/7/18 in Clifton Park.
- Data Request Package for 2017 LOSAP for Commissioner R. Rifenburgh.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh
Light on light pole at Station #1 was fixed.
INSURANCE: Commissioners R. Rifenburgh and Miller
No Report
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh
- Truck #6012 tire pressure was increased.
- It was suggested to purchase a charger for radios, pagers and flashlights on Truck #6034. Motion to buy the charger by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Miller. All in favor. So carried.
LOSAP: All Commissioners
Commissioner Rifenburgh received the 2017 LOSAP Data Package. He would like to have all the necessary reports by the January meeting including training, drills, calls, work details.
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
No Report
LEGAL: All Commissioners
Received the contract to be signed for Milan Fire Department for $2,839.00 for 2018. A motion was made by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh to authorize the Chairwoman to sign the contract after Commissioner Miller looks it over, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
- Physicals: All firefighters should have a physical at least once a year regardless of age.
- MASSELLO ROAD: The Commissioners have been trying to determine which properties mentioned in a 1951 resolution are the parcels on Massello Road that are covered by the Livingston Fire District. Real Property was able to trace back the parcels which are mentioned in the resolution. It was determined that the five parcels in question are located in the Town of Clermont but are covered by Livingston and should be taxed in the Livingston Fire District. The second resolution in 1970 is in regards to Shields Road. A letter will be written to the Livingston District and the Chairwoman will call the Chairman.
- Lettering of the trucks with new numbers has not been done and needs to be done ASAP.
- Assistant Chief Kukon ordered 2 rolls of 50 foot red and two rolls of 50 foot yellow hose.
- Tivoli does have their water back but we will probably still be on call for them.
- Commissioner Saulpaugh asked about the air bottles and if they have expired. They do have expiration dates stamped on them. The Assistant Chief will check the dates.
- Commissioner R. Rifenburgh will call VRS and see if there is anyone who can use 4 inch hose and old airpack bottles.
- Light on south of Station #1 goes on and off. Commissioner Saulpaugh will check with B& K Electric.
- At last months meeting there was discussion about decontaminating equipment after an incident while on scene. The incoming Chief feels that if there is contamination on clothes they can be taken back to the firehouse and washed.
- There was discussion about the responsibilities of the Officers in taking care of the equipment, trucks and firehouse.
- The announcement of drills should be done in advance of the scheduled drill night.
- There were four calls for November:
11/1/17 – Alarm activation – 183 Commons Road
11/4/17 – Alarm activation – 168 Pleasantvale Road
11/12/17 – Smoke Investigation – 1401 Route 9
11/22/17 – Stand by for Tivoli (smoke investigation) – 311 Lasher Road
- Drill: 11/27/17 - Equipment check/driver training – 11 firefighters attended.
- Driver training: Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked if he could have all the necessary information, such as drivers license info accessible to him at the firehouse for drivers training.
- Pittsfield Communication: Assistant Chief Kukon requested purchasing pager cases which will help protect the pagers. Under the county bid they can be purchased from Pittsfield Communication for $11.73 each, normally $17.00. Members who opt to not use a pager case are going to be responsible if damage occurs. A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh to purchase 30 cases, seconded by Commissioner Miller. Commissioner R. Rifenburgh voted Nay. Motion passed.
- New hose was received and has been loaded onto trucks 6013 and 6034 with extra rolls in the event they are needed. The hose on truck #6034 that was tested in April has been cleaned and replaced with newer hose.
- Truck 6010 needs to be checked because there is foam on the top. Its very corrosive and needs to be cleaned.
A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh to pay $50.00 each to Lee Gallant and Patricia Daley for working at the Election and pay bills, seconded by Commissioner Miller. All in favor. So carried.
There were sixteen votes cast at the Election held on December 13. The results were 16 votes for Raymond Bauer for a five year term, 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2022. The two Propositions passed 15 ayes,1 nay.
There was discussion on whether the new officers, in the future, should be here in December to be approved or at the January meeting. They do have to be sworn in.
There is no fuel report this month.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Bob Desmond asked about other parcels that might be in the Livingston fire district. Chairwoman Rifenburgh thinks a review of all parcels should be made next year.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Miller at 8:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, Secretary