JANUARY 19, 2009
The Fire Commissioners held the regular meeting on Monday, January 19, 2009 after the organization meeting. Those present were Commissioner Rifenburgh, Commissioner Larsen and Commissioner Bauer. Others present were Chief Laurence Saulpaugh, Assistant Chief Ronald Seymour, Captain Bob McCarthy, First Lieutenant Jake Marks and Treasurer Denise Fiore.
MILAN FIRE DEPARTMENT: Present from the Milan Fire Department were Jeffrey Galm, Charlie Schultz, Chairman of the Board of Milan Fire Department and Michael Herlihy, Treasurer to discuss the contractual amount for covering the seventeen properties on Shields Road area of Clermont. Milan has changed the method of negotiating with the towns. The percentage increase is the same for Milan and Gallatin. The contract is a two-year contract for $1913.00 for 2009 and $2050.00 for 2010. Commissioner Larsen asked that we receive the budget figures in September before we do our budget.
The Commissioners reviewed the contract, will correct accordingly and send to the Chairman of Milan. A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to accept the two-year contract with Milan for $1913.00 for 2009, $2050 for 2010 with amendments. All in favor. So carried.
Captain Bob McCarthy and First Lieutenant Jake Marks were sworn in. There was discussion about the duties of Captain and Lieutenants, which is charge of the stations, equipment, inventory, servicing and care of trucks. They will be added to the driver's list for insurance purposes. An inventory should be done on all vehicles and equipment. Anything purchased new will be inventoried right away. Maintenance logs and inventory will be kept on the districts computer.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to accept Bob McCarthy, Captain and Jake Marks, First Lieutenant of the Clermont Fire Company. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to accept the minutes of the December meeting. All in favor. So carried.
December invoices paid $ 4,928.58
Proposed January invoices $ 1,559.33
Paid January invoices $ 2,078.01
$915.67 of the proposed invoices will be applied to 2008 expenditures.
Money Market Checking balance $77,161.06
Checking account balance $ 535.62
Total $77696.68
Capital Reserve Fund $50,442.44
A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Larsen to accept the treasurer's report. All in favor. So carried.
A letter was read from Ronald N. Seymour, who was elected in November 2008 to fill the unexpired term of Brandon Seymour as Fire Commissioner, that due to State law against holding the office of Fire Commissioner and being an officer of the Fire Company, he is declining to accept the position of Fire Commissioner.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to accept the resignation of Ronald Seymour. All in favor. So carried.
Chairman Rifenburgh suggested Mark Schiller to fill the vacated seat on the board.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Larsen to appoint Mark Schiller, Fire Commissioner to complete the term of Brandon Seymour until 12/31/09.
- Received reimbursement for two physicals $110.00
- Letter written to Ronald Seymour on appointment
- Received Firehouse software update
- Received notice of alarms from Sheriffs Department
- RBC - transactions
- RBC - account statement for December 2008
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioner Larsen, Commissioner Bauer
Commissioner Larsen got a price for gutter for Station #1 from Hold Tite Building at $400.00.
INSURANCE: Commissioner Larsen, Commissioner Bauer
The Commissioners reported that the insurance policy comes due March 1, 2009. The building value on the policy is $1,255,000.00. Two new drivers need to be added to the driver's list and three removed. The shed at Station #1 should be added to policy at a value of $6000.00.
A motion was made by Commissioner Rifenburgh and seconded by Commissioner Bauer that Commissioner Larsen sign the statement of values and update the drivers list with Kleeber Agency. All in favor. So carried.
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioner Bauer
Commissioner Bauer will contact Ralph Torchia regarding servicing of trucks - engine oil, fuel filters, air filters, lubricate valves and grease chassis. Truck #603 had a flat tire on right front.
LOSAP: Commissioner Harned, Commissioner Rifenburgh
No report
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
No report
LEGAL: All Commissioners
No report
- A motion was made by Commissioner Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to hire Hold Tite Building to put gutter up on shed at Station #1 for $400.00. All in favor. So carried.
- Chairman Rifenburgh will call Commissioner Harned to see what his intentions are as a Fire Commissioner and get the computer and reports.
- Physicals: All but two members have gotten their physicals, letters will be written to Gary De Laurentis and Tom McCarthy that they are in inactive status until they get their physicals.
- The Chief submitted reports on calls, drills and work details for 2008 LOSAP. It is necessary to contact Commissioner Harned for non-firematic work details.
- A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to pay the bills. All in favor. So carried.
- There were 75 calls for 2008
- Treasurer Fiore has talked to accountant about doing annual report.
- Purchase orders are to be used for all orders.
- Defibrillators have been ordered but not yet received.
- Inventory, when complete, will be entered onto district computer by Tracey Gallant. When new purchases are made it will be entered right away.
- Generator at Station #2 did not run entire firehouse during the recent power outage. The Town is thinking about buying a larger generator for Station #2, and using the one at Station #2 for the town command center.
Motor vehicle accidents 15
Alarm activation's 13
Structure fires 2
Miscellaneous 26
Brush fires and car fires 6
Good intent 3
Standby 10
In 2007 there were 72 calls and in 2006 there were 68 calls.
Chief Saulpaugh needs to purchase two saws all batteries and Williams has them for $79.00 a piece. Also, will check prices and order fluorescent green vests, two apiece, summer and winter sizes for Fire Police. Also, would like to purchase eight - 50 foot lengths of rope.
- FEMA Grant for 2009 - The Board can apply for a mentor to help write a grant through a mentoring outreach program.
- Siren on Station #1 - Siren does not work, there may be a problem with electronic control. Commissioner Larsen will contact vendor to repair.
- Alarm system at Station #1 - Commissioner Bauer to have someone come down and assess the current system. It should have an automatic dialer to 911 system, heat and cold detectors.
- Phone system with voice mail - Record a new message on Station #1 telephone.
Chairman Rifenburgh will contact G-tel.
There were 17 calls for December
Mutual aid 1
Pump outs 13
Alarm activation 1
Drill for the month was on jaws and extrication.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Larsen at 9:16 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary