FEBRUARY 2, 2009
The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Monday, February 2, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Supervisor Staats, Councilwoman O'Neal, Councilman Jones and Councilwoman Lent. Councilman Nolan was absent. Also present were Andy Howard, Town Attorney and twenty-two residents.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Staats with a salute to the flag.
The Supervisor introduced Local Law No. 1 of 2009, which establishes income levels for Senior Citizens, and Local Law No.2 -2009, which establishes income levels for Disabled and Low income Citizens. Mr. Howard explained that these local laws would set certain levels for annual income for which an exemption is received in a phased manner. These must be adopted by March 1st. The County is going to hold a public hearing at the February meeting to raise the limit to $27,000.00, which would provide a 50% exemption off the assessment. A public hearing will be held on Thursday, February 19th at 6:00 P.M. and a special meeting will follow.
A motion was made by Councilman Jones to approve the January 5, 2009 minutes, seconded by Councilwoman O'Neal. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman O'Neal to approve the January 17, 2009 minutes. All in favor. So carried.
Resolution #63A-08 transferring funds for the Highway fund was presented to be signed. This had been approved last month.
Supervisor Staats explained that our accountant, Brian Fitzgerald was to be here for the meeting with the annual report, however there was further information that he needed to complete the report.
- Columbia County Health department schedule of rabies clinics will be posted.
- John Fiesers report for 2008:
- Town Clerks report: A check for General fund in the amount of $1,032.38 was presented. A motion was made to approve the Town Clerk's report by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman O'Neal. All in favor. So carried.
- Councilwoman Lent wrote thank you notes to the Town of Germantown and Germantown Ladies Auxiliary for their help during the December ice storm. Supervisor Staats will sign them.
- Letter from Pine Plains Veterinary Associates notifying the town that any dogs brought in for kenneling will be vaccinated for kennel cough.
Building permit applications - 42
Single Family Homes - 3
Accessory Apartments - 3
Referrals to ZBA - 2
C. O.'s issued - 32
C. O. search/pre-date letters - 38
Courtesy letters - 2
Remedy orders - 2
Written complaints - 4
FOIL Requests - 1
- EMERGENCY RADIOS: Councilwoman Lent has been in contact with Rob Lopez, Deputy Director of Emergency Management and Director of 911 regarding which radios he would suggest purchasing for our base station during an emergency. He suggested a portable base station with a 25-watt output. They can be purchased through state bid and the prices fall close to grant amount, and are included in the narrative. He did not recommend portable handheld radios unless used in conjunction with a base radio, because the coverage would not be as great. The Supervisor will talk to Rob Lopez regarding this.
- ZONING REVIEW COMMITTEE: The Zoning Review Committee met on Friday, January 31, 2009 with the Zoning Board of Appeals. They are working on applications for commercial permit, application for wind towers, solar panels and new definition for accessory apartments. The next meeting will be February 25th. Councilwoman Lent will forward permits to Andy Howard for review. Charlie Larsen, chairman of the ZBA would like a paragraph added that we support 25AA of the Agriculture and Markets law. The ZBA would like to continue the review to discuss the Nevis Hamlet. Patrice Perry of County Planning will give information to the committee.
- HIGHWAY GARAGE: Councilman Jones reported further on the proposed Highway Garage. Supervisor Staats has suggested meeting with the town engineer before spending any money on drafting services.
- ALTA SURVEY: DEC requested an ALTA Survey of the entire property and this has been completed by Robert Zimmerman for $2500.00. Councilman Jones thanked Mr. Zimmerman for the price reduction.
- SITE PLAN: Councilman Jones has prepared a site plan for property showing driveway coming off Route 6 to a parking area, little league field, snack shop, bathrooms and highway garage. He has also re-oriented the highway garage for solar effectiveness.
- ROLL OF HONOR: Councilman Jones introduced a book by the name of Salute to Our Local Heroes of the Hudson Valley, which was published by the Register Star.
- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN: The town requires a generator for the command center. It was found that the generator at Fire Station #2 was not adequate to run the entire facility. A new generator at Station #2 would be set up so that if power goes out, generator would go on automatically. We could then use the generator from Station #2 for the Town Hall command center and we would also need a generator for Community House because the well is off that building. A quote was received from Better Light and Power on generators. The Town is also talking with G-tel about a battery backup telephone system for the Town Hall. Shelter sites, which were previously designated, were the highway garage, Station #1 and the Carmelite Sisters. Councilwoman O'Neal and Ruth Hammer went to see Sister Eileen at the Carmelite Sisters. They have forty-five rooms and are willing to help. The Carmelites would require liability insurance if we were to use the facility for overnight stays. Supervisor Staats talked to Jean Volk at Fingar Insurance and it would cost about $100.00 per year for additional coverage. Andy Howard spoke about an agreement, which would specify the terms by which the town would be using the facility and indemnification. This may be done with the Fire Department also. Since this will take some time a short term emergency preparedness plan including telephone numbers, website, and designated shelter site etc. will be sent out with the Fire Department's fund drive letter next week.
- QUADRICENTENNIAL: Chairwoman Angela Goetz has attended county meetings but there is some disorganization. State website has not been updated for months. She has been told that grant applications may have to be resubmitted for funds. The committee has planned for festivities in October with the Friends of Clermont. The preliminary budget is for $8000.00 and the Friends of Clermont applied for $2800.00. Barbara Moore asked what the plan is for the event. The proposal is ‘Carriageway to the Hudson', a connection between Clermont and the Clermont Historic site along County Route 6, which would be closed for a time, for bicycling, hiking, hay rides to the park with a pig roast and Native American dancers and Folk singer at the historic site.
- COLUMBIA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY: They asked Louise Kalin if she would make a square for the Columbia County Quadricentennial Quilt and she embroidered a replica of the Fulton steamship.
- RESOLUTION #35-09 - Lease for Clermont Community House for 2009. Councilwoman O'Neal noted that the Canaan Fellowship have been good tenants.. Councilwoman O'Neal made a motion to renew the lease of the Canaan Fellowship for 2009, seconded by Councilwoman Lent. All in favor. So carried
- BANKING: Supervisor Staats has moved $500,000.00 into a CD for 6 months at National Union Bank of Kinderhook at 2% rate. It is fully insured.
- GENERATORS/RADIOS: Supervisor Staats will check with Rob Lopez on testing the portable radios. The grant needs to be closed out by May or June. Supervisor Staats stated that is important that we have portable generator for the Town Hall and a permanent generator for the Community House. We should have prices at the next meeting.
There are plaques in the academy for Revolutionary War, War of 1812, WWI and WWII. Councilman Jones suggested assembling a Town of Clermont Roll of Honor (add - which would be )framed for the Quadricentennial celebration. In the future it might be something that can be added to a memorial park on the town property. He is seeking a few volunteers to help to get the names together of local veterans.
- HUMAN SERVICE COMMITTEE: There has been a significant increase in applications for home heating assistance. In 2007-2008, $973,000.00 was paid out. This year through January 1st, $1,481,908.00 has been paid out, which is a 52% increase. Applications last year were 683 and this year 909.
- YOUTH PROGRAMS: There could be an affect on the Germantown Park Program, as a 24% cut in funding for youth programs is expected from the State.
- REAL PROPERTY TAX: Supervisor Staats reported that it is currently possible to pay your town and county taxes in January with no interest and February through May with interest at 1% per month. The question from Judy Neary was to be able to pay school taxes in two six-month increments as is done in other counties. This is being discussed at the County level.
- COUNTY HIRING FREEZE: A hiring freeze on new positions and filling positions has been implemented in the County. Supervisor Staats is against the raise that the Supervisor's were going to receive, not that they don't deserve it but it is a hard time to inflict this on the taxpayers.
- PUBLIC SAFETY: A new system "New York Alert" is being implemented by the County for an automated calling system, which will call residents in an emergency.
- ASSESSOR: Supervisor Staats thanked our Assessor Hank Greenhouse for his help to a resident on understanding his taxes.
- CLERMONT FIRE: Roast Beef Dinner - February 28, 2009 at Station #2.
- COMMUNITY HOUSE WINDOW PROJECT: Councilwoman Lent asked about the three invoices which were paid to Amidon Builders for $18,000.00 without being vouchered, entered on the abstract and approved by the Town Board. Also, according to the contract, the contractor should have showed supporting documentation that he paid prevailing wage and the AIAG702 form. Andy Howard suggested requesting vouchers and AIA form from Amidon. It would be prudent for the Board to have that on file. Mr. Howard examined public work vs. purchase contracts, which require the competitive bidding process, which was done in this case. It is important to make sure that you have those vouchers on file and a notice of prevailing wage should be submitted. A failure for him to file these could result in a fine for the contractor.
- YEAR-END AUDIT/FOIL REQUEST: The Town Board did hold the audit on January 17th of the Clerk, Justices, Tax Collector and Supervisors records. Councilwoman Lent had hoped to get information from our accountant, Brian Fitzgerald, on her FOIL request. The Town Clerk has acknowledged her request, but she has not received anything from Brian Fitzgerald. She has been working with three state agencies and on January 16th advised the Town Clerk, Supervisor, Town Board and Andy Howard that she hired an attorney because she has not gotten the information requested. At this point, the Supervisor requested an executive session as this involves possible litigation. However, Councilwoman Lent requested to continue because a matter of litigation, which should be in executive session, has ended up on the front page of the Clermont Broadside, and therefore, there is no need for executive session on this matter.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman O'Neal to pay General fund abstract #2, vouchers 11-38 in the amount of $20,407.19. All in favor. So carried.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Jones to pay Highway abstract #2, vouchers 3- 22 in the amount of $12,947.33. All in favor. So carried.
There was no Trust and Agency abstract for February.
- Dagmar Payne submitted a Profit and Loss report for Village Green activities in 2008. There are no donation letters being sent out on town letterhead. These functions are for the entire town. The budget for the storage shed is $5000.00. She will discuss with the committee the support of the veteran's plaques.
- Tammy Connolly - The article in the Watchful Eagle has upset her. There are a lot of volunteers who put in a lot of time on these events, taking their vacations to help out. If town keeps pulling apart then the community spirit will not happen. Supervisor Staats, Councilwoman O'Neal and Councilman Jones thanked the Village Green volunteers for the work that they do.
- Judy Neary - Appreciates the BBQ committee also. Will address the Town Board on the matter of the Broadside. She has two names on paper through email on who is putting out the Broadside. For the purpose of public information they are not unknown, and she asked the board if it is ethical or honorable to endorse oneself. The tax paying citizens are the bosses of the town, not the Town Board or the Supervisor; we pay your salaries. As a taxpaying citizen, with all the excuses, lack of reports, unfinished business, etc. she is dissatisfied. She is asking why after five months there are no answers to the questions that have been asked.
- Charlie Larsen - Thanked Tammy Connolly and the Village Green Committee. He is also disgusted with both the Broadside and the Watchful Eagle and thinks that they both should stop and people pull together. The BBQ was in financial trouble until Bill Banks came back in as Supervisor and supported the committee, and now this board has done the same by combining all events and giving financial support to the committee.
- Henry Rudolf - Asked for clarification on the base radios and portable radios. Councilwoman Lent explained that with a base station, the portables at 5 watts could communicate to the 25-watt base station but not to each other alone.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 P.M. on a motion made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman O'Neal.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk