MARCH 16, 2009
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, March 16, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Chairman Ronald Rifenburgh, Commissioner Charles Larsen, Commissioner Mark Schiller, Commissioner Ray Bauer, Commissioner Harry Harned, Treasurer Denise Fiore, Chief Laurence Saulpaugh and Assistant Ronald Seymour.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Schiller to approve the minutes of the February meeting.
Total amount of February invoices paid $15,614.39
Proposed March invoices $45,130.31
Paid March invoices $ 1,636.41
Total $46,766.72
Money Market Checking Balance $225,639.10
Checking Balance $ 336.07
Total $225,975.17
Capital Reserve Fund $ 50,477.76
Commissioner Larsen noted a correction to the February report on the transfer to the Capital Reserve Fund from the 2nd bond installment. A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to accept the treasurer's report with correction, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
- RBC Financial report for February.
- Annual Meeting of the Association of Fire Districts to be held in Albany April 30th - May 2nd.
- Secretary-Treasurer Seminar to be held on April 30th in Albany.
- Fire Commissioners Training Program to be held in Copake on April 25th. Commissioners Larsen and Schiller will be attending.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioner Larsen and Commissioner Bauer
- Sirens: Quote of $2449.00 for controller, antenna, installation, etc. for Station #1.
- Ordered three six bulb lights.
- Commissioner Bauer has received three quotes for alarm system
- CIA - There is a $25.00 per month fee. Quote is $1375.00 with two detector heads.
- The gutters have not yet been installed at Station #1.
- Commissioner Larsen suggested replacing the toilet at Station #1 and pumping out septic tank.
Station #2 will probably cost about the same. A pole would have to be set at Station #2.
Bobs in Red Hook - $1,900.00
Safeco Alarm systems - This is a monitored system. There is a $28.00 monthly fee, Installed for $1,795.00. The Chief asked about heat detector heads. There are two heat detectors existing.
Commissioner Bauer suggested contacting Fire Control regarding the reputation of these businesse'. He will make contact.
INSURANCE: Commissioner Larsen and Commissioner Bauer
Discussed the fire company bonding their treasurer for an additional cost on the insurance of $198.00.
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioner Bauer and Commissioner Schiller
- Truck 604 - Antifreeze, flushing and belts, batteries are six years old
- Truck 601 - Antifreeze, flushing and belts, pump packing should be replaced.
- M60 - batteries are four years old. They can be replaced for less if we do it ourselves. Get a price on valves, antifreeze and belts for next month.
- Chairman Rifenburgh has made up an inventory sheet for Captain McCarthy to use. Tracey can enter new items purchased this year into the computer.
- Commissioner Schiller asked about accountability tags. We do need more.
- Photo ID's - Chairman Rifenburgh will check with Fire Coordinator Van Duesen.
Ralph's price is $175 for belts, $300 for antifreeze and flushing.
Assistant Chief Seymour suggested that discharge gates should be lubricated.
LOSAP: Commissioner Harned and Commissioner Schiller
Commissioner Harned reviewed the financial report from RBC. Commissioner Harned explained the roster of points for membership. It must be posted for thirty days for membership to review, and paperwork must be completed when the thirty days is up.
Motion for Commissioner Harned to sign paperwork for LOSAP by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Schiller. All in favor. So carried.
Discussed if there are other programs, which can fund a retirement program for firefighters, other than LOSAP. Commissioner Harned will ask Penflex if anyone else has pulled out or he will ask the NYS Comptroller.
Next month schedule a time for review of requirements for officers.
- Commissioner Larsen asked that payment of camera come out of last year's budget.
- Siren at Station #1 - Motion by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to repair siren at Station #1. All in favor. So carried.
- Siren at Station #2 - Fire Company would have to put up new pole and do electrical work. District would pay for the controller.
- Alarm System - Commissioner Larsen motioned to get the CIA alarm system for $1375 plus $25.00 monitoring fee. Seconded by Commissioner Schiller. All in favor. So carried. If they accept an annual fee, we can pay it for the year.
- Diesel Fuel Pump at Station #2 does not work. Chairman Rifenburgh talked to Main Care and pump would cost $500.00. Northern Tool quote is $351.96 without freight. Bob McCarthy will do the rewiring. A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Harned to purchase from Northern Tool. All in favor. So carried. State bid price for diesel through Main Care is $1.66 gallon.
- Commissioner Harned will bring up insurance bill to membership.
- Routine Responses Safety and Tactics training was attended by seven firefighters on February 26, 2009.
- Motion made by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Harned to purchase toilet for Station #1 and have septic pumped. All in favor. So carried.
- Association of Fire District Training for Commissioners - April 25th in Copake. Commissioner Schiller and Commissioner Larsen will be attending.
- Federal Grant received for $47,489.00 for Fire District for two cameras, 16 air bottles and five-inch hose.
There were five calls in February:
2/4/09 - MVA County Route 8
2/13/09 - Mutual aid to Livingston - Traffic Control for propane tanker rollover.
2/18/09 - AAPI Rollover - Hogtrough Road
2/23/09 - MVA - County 4 and Rt. 9
2/23/09 - Alarm activation - Provost Park
2/23/09 - Standby - Mutual aid to Tivoli
Drill - 2/23/09 Station #1 & #2 - Critique of tanker rollover at Livingstons quarters.
- Ordering vests for Fire Police
- All physicals have been completed for last year.
Motion by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Harned to pay the bills.
All in favor. So carried.
Motion to adjourn at 8:59 by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submittted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary