Kosior – County Route 6
Messmer – Commons Road
Phillips – County Route 6
Platti/Renner – County Route 6
Mountain View Farm – County Route 6
JANUARY 9, 2008
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, January 09, 2008.
Those members present were: Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Nancy Sperry, alternate
member, Clayton Andrus, Robert Queirolo, Aldo Dusman, Garret O'Connor and Thomas
Jantzen. Amandus Fuchs was absent.
Others present were Dan Wheeler, D. F. Wheeler Engineers, Andy Howard, Town
Attorney, Vera Daley representing Christine Kosior, Richard and Patti Messmer, William
Phillips, Lisa Platti of Renner Creative Celebrations, Robert Desmond, Rodney Morrison.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. He welcomed Thomas Jantzen, new planning
board member and alternate member Nancy Sperry to the board.
A motion was made by Clayton Andrus seconded by Garret O'Connor to approve the
minutes of the December meeting. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing of Christine
Kosior by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
PUBLIC HEARING: Christine Kosior, County Route 6 to subdivide a 6.16 acre parcel
into 2 acres and 4.16 acres and merging the 4.16 acre parcel with 1.50 acre parcel. Mrs.
Vera Daley is representing Ms. Kosior at tonight’s meeting.
The applicant has submitted deed descriptions, septic system approval was done by prior
owner on October 26, 2006, submitted certified return receipts. There was no one present
for or against this proposal. There were no other questions from the board.
A motion was made to close the public hearing by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Aldo
Dusman. All in favor. So carried.
The SEQRA application was reviewed and a motion was made to declare a negative
declaration by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Garret O'Connor. All in favor. So carried.
A motion to approve this proposal was made by Garret O'Connor with the condition that
maps are brought in to be signed, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing on Richard
and Patti Messmer’s subdivision by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in
favor. So carried.
PUBLIC HEARING: Richard and Patti Messmer, Commons Road to subdivide seven
acres into two parcels, Lot A- 2 acres and Lot B-5 acres. The applicant brought in
returned certified receipts, maps, deeds descriptions for both parcels, driveway permit for Lot A, septic system approval for two proposed sites. Andy Howard did review the
utility easement but it is not on the map. National grid will not come out until the
subdivision is approved.
There was no one present for this hearing for or against. A motion was made by Clayton
Andrus, seconded by Robert Queirolo to close the public hearing and open the regular
The SEQRA application was reviewed and a motion was made by Garret O'Connor,
seconded by Clayton Andrus to declare a negative declaration. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to approve the Messmer subdivision as presented by Aldo Dusman,
seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
Application to ZBA for a temporary mobile home while house is being rebuilt.
Clayton Andrus, Garret O'Connor and Larry Saulpaugh did a site visit on the property.
Clayton and Larry asked if the mobile home that is there now on a temporary basis will
be used to replace the present mobile home and if he would be placing it perpendicular to
the road. It will be. There is a thirty-day approval for temporary mobile home. It will be
parked on the west side of new house, which is being built. Will need a shared driveway
agreement, deed descriptions, utility easement, and front yard setbacks.
There is a six-month time limit on the temporary mobile home. Pins, which are shown on
the map for property line, may be enough for the setback of fencing to eliminate parking
on the road and backing into road. Motion to allow the mobile home by Tom Jantzen,
seconded by Nancy Sperry. Letter will be sent to ZBA.
Suggested that Mr. Phillips call the Health department to get on the list for septic
Lisa Platti appeared before the board and is seeking a special use permit from the ZBA.
Planning board members did visit the site. Employee parking spaces will be in the back.
Discussed the required number of handicap parking spaces which are governed by
building code and ANSI standard, currently only one is shown on sketch plan.
Comments from Columbia County Health Department for take out services was read.
Door would be increased to 36 inches; fire exit is adequate for square footage of plan.
Survey shows existing well and septics and relationship to surrounding properties to the
Platti/Renner property. Currently has three security lights and adding three more. Show
lights on plan. There is an area for turnaround of trucks. Will have a retaining wall ahead
of parking spaces so that they cannot go over into the field. There are no new structures,
just parking spaces. County is making them put in curbing. Twenty four-foot entrance
and paved 20 feet in. Asked if there will be any signage, and there will be on the westside
of the driveway based on the regulations. Show location of signs on map. Discussed
the number of handicapped parking spaces needed. Check with John Fieser about
code on handicapped parking spaces. Delineate each parking space with sign on retaining
Suggested that Ms. Platti ask John Fieser if she needs a building permit for changing
doors and adding cabinets, etc.
A letter will be written to the ZBA advising them that a site visit was made and
recommending approval contingent on the approval of Columbia County Highway of
driveway entrance and location. Also, approval is contingent on the installation of
additional security lighting.
A motion was made by Robert Queirolo, seconded by Nancy Sperry to approve the
sketch plan, and recommend approval contingent on driveway approval by Columbia
County Highway, installation of additional security lighting and attachment of
Attachment A to site plan. All in favor. So carried.
The board discussed business permits with Dan Wheeler and Andy Howard. Currently
there are no requirements when a business opens to get a permit. Some suggestions for
handling this would be that, whenever, a sign is changed at a business, they are required
to get a business permit. Also, when a business opens they must get a business permit in
order to get a fire inspection done. These permits can be renewable every two years.
Andy Howard created a proposed resolution for final conditional approval for Mountain
View Farms on County Route 6, reviewed by Dan Wheeler.
In review, Rodney Morrison on condition #5 – The DEC will issue a DEC wetlands
crossing permit, but he doesn’t know if they write back on the SWEPPS because they
have left up to town to enforce it.
On condition #11 – Mr. Morrison would like to change to certificate of occupancy rather
than building permit.
The bond amount of $236,607.42 for road improvements will require that the road is
completed within two years or that the developer will come back in and ask for an
extension. The bond itself will not have an end date and therefore if the developer does
not complete the road, the town would be able to take it over and complete the project
with the amount bonded. After completion of the road and before the bond is released, a
maintenance bond of $47,321.48 will be posted.
Proof of General Liability insurance is required in the form of at least $200,000 for
bodily injury/and or property damage.
It was agreed to modify condition #11 to certificate of occupancy and clarify issue on #11
up to and prior to topcoat. The resolution can be approved subject to conditions and being signed by the Chairman. The board agreed to see the modified resolution next
A motion was made to adjourn by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Aldo Dusman. All in
favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon