February 11, 2008
Attending: Dianne O’Neal, Aldo Dusman, Claudia Tuebl, Ruth Hammer, Joan Buser,
Louise Kalin, Ray Tousey, George Davis
Stephen Hammer came to test/look at the piano in the Community House. Stephen is of
the opinion that it should be looked into further. Professor Fred Hammond has agreed to
come and see if the piano could be tuned, and what the cost might be. A time will be
Items discussed:
· What is the future use of the buildings? There was some input, but no decisions were made. Needs much more time and thought
· General maintenance of buildings. It was suggested that perhaps the Town could
budget for annual maintenance. Or perhaps one of the three highway employees
could do some general maintenance. The Town Board would have to be
approached to see if this is feasible. Ruth and Louise have agreed to begin to
generate a list of obvious repairs as well as restoration repairs.
· Aldo and Ray have agreed to venture into the attic of the Community House to
inventory its contents.
· Everyone concurred that a general clean up of the inside of the Community House
was necessary. Claudia and Joan will arrange a time and will begin to clean out the kitchen.
· Questions arose as to whether or not the fireplace worked which led to questions
about building codes. Dianne is going to try to get answers.
· There was a discussion regarding the use of the display cases. No conclusion was
Next meeting – Monday, March 10th, 2008 @ 7:00pm in the Community House.