FEBRUARY 18, 2008
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, February 18,
2008 at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Chairman Rifenburgh, Commissioner Larsen,
Commissioner Bauer and Commissioner Seymour. Commissioner Harned was absent.
Also present Chief Laurence Saulpaugh, Assistant Chief Ronald Seymour and Treasurer
Denise Fiore.
The minutes of the January meeting were approved on a motion made by Commissioner
Larsen and seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Treasurer Fiore gave the treasurers report for January. Paid invoices for January were
more than reported, as a check for $125.00 was sent for Commissioner Bauers'
registration for training and petty cash of $50.00.
Total February invoices - $32125.42.
Money Market Checking Account Balance as of 1/31/08 - $214,352.30 including
2008 budget deposit and interest.
Checking Balance - $1042.19
Capital Reserve Fund - $45,059.73 (included in total above)
Motion to accept Treasurers report by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner
Larsen. All in favor. So carried.
Letter of acceptance and physical form sent to Jeffrey Vusich.
Letter to Milan Fire Department requesting Certificate of Insurance. Has not been
received yet.
Letters were written to Fingar Agency, Kleeber Agency and Linda Flanigan of Quilty,
Dwyer and Larkin requesting insurance quotes.
LOSAP: No report
LAWS AND POLICIES: The policies for Procurement, Physicals and the Loaning of
Equipment/Tools have been completed. The Code of Ethics is to be completed.
A motion was made to adopt the Code of Ethics by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by
Commissioner Seymour. All in favor. So carried.
LOSAP: The following discussion was held on the LOSAP program. The Secretary of
Fire Company does the percentages for the LOSAP program based on calls, training,
work details, meetings, etc. for percentage points. To ensure that credit is being given the Chief will submit a report every month for calls, drills, work details, training, meetings,
etc. to the Fire Commissioners for review. They will then figure the percentages to give
to the Fire Company. There needs to be call sheets at both stations for those making calls
to sign. Also discussed the possibility of purchasing a laptop to load the software
programs on for the monthly reporting to the state. This way no matter who does the
reporting it can be on a district owned computer. A letter will be sent to the software
supplier about programs being loaded onto a district computer. Commissioner Seymour
will check on a laptop.
TRUCK SERVICE –MES does not service fire equipment, Garrison did not get back to
Commissioner Seymour.
Commissioner Rifenburgh reported on VRS
Small truck services include brush trucks, etc, $250.00
Large Chassis pumpers -$400.00 does not include pump service.
Pump is $275 to service.
Transmissions are separate – depending on type -$325 – 400.
Commissioner Bauer reported on Ralphs Automotive
Allison recommends not changing transmission oils yearly.
New truck - recommends change at about 12000 miles.
Estimates to service engines, chassis, lube, fuel and oil filters on Truck #604
$661.64; Truck #603 $658.96; Truck #601 $571.10; M60 $237.67
Commissioner Seymour and Commissioner Bauer to review and make a recommendation
next month. Try to get Garrison to give a quote on servicing.
FIRE PROTECTION: Milan and Livingston We pay $13,500 per year to Livingston for
coverage. Our tax collector collects taxes and a check is forwarded directly to
Livingston. Asked Supervisor Staats to get a list of what houses are in the area that
Livingston covers. We should have a Certificate of Insurance for Livingston. Secretary
to write letter to Livingston for Certificate of Insurance. Next year the Fire budget will
include Livingston’s portion and we will pay from our budget.
INSURANCE: Commissioner Bauer met with Fingar Agency, Commissioner Larsen and
Commissioner Bauer met with Linda Flanagan of VFIS and with Peter Harvey of Kleeber
Agency. They insure through Selective and their quote was $11,032.00 including
accident and crime policy, $3281.45 for Fire Company. Company was paying over
$4000 for insurance, but can take $442.00 off because they will cancel liquor rider. The
final cost to the Fire District is $7750.00, $1000 less than last year. The VFIS quote was
basically the same with accident and sickness, $11356.87 for accident. Would cost the
district $9300.00. The Fingar Agency was unable to come up with a quote in time for
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to stay with Kleeber Agency. Seconded by
Commissioner Bauer. District will pay $7750.00. Make checks payable to Kleeber
Agency and they will transmit to Selective for $10590. Send bill to Clermont Fire
Company in the amount of $2839.45. All in favor. So carried.
Discussed increasing coverage on trucks. Currently $270,000.00 coverage on 2007 truck.
Will leave as they are. A letter will be written to Linda Flanagan thanking her for the
quote. Commissioner Larsen will send the damaged pager paperwork to insurance for
Our accountant, Mark Fitzgerald is working on end of year reports. The cost is $750.00.
Discussed changing our fuel oil supplier, which is Main Care to a separate account from
the Town. Also, may consider changing suppliers, as the Town is considering.
The Treasurer will submit form to Comptroller for year-end.
NEW BUSINESS: None to report.
Two calls: Alarm activation and automobile accident.
Driver List: Eleven members took EVOC class, four went through films, and there
were two members who were unable to attend all the classes that were approved by
Fire Commissioners. A total of seventeen completed. Harold Rockefeller did not
attend any class. Send a letter that he is not qualified to drive until he has taken
driver training.
Number of Calls:
2007 – 72
2006 – 68
2005 - 66
Received a letter from Scott Dow that he is unable to fulfill his status as a firefighter.
Would like social status until he can reenter to active duty status.
Send a letter to Thomas O’Connell that he has not met the requirements for probation
and no longer is considered an active member of the Clermont Fire District.
Locking cribbing for Truck #603 – 2 x 2 and 2 x 4. Has a price from Darley of
$983.00 for Kit A.
Stop and Slow signs (4) for Fire Police
Wooden Plug Kits – Commissioner Rifenburgh will get price from VRS. Darley’s
price is $204.95 plus freight.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to order
plug kit either at $204.95 plus freight from Darley or if lower from VRS, as well as, Stop
and slow signs. All in favor. So carried.
Bills to be paid: A difference in what MES was billing and what was quoted for
lockers was discussed. Chief will check with sales representative.
G-Tel – Canceling the phoneline 537-3685 and fax line 537-3686 at Station #2.
Pittsfield Communication – outside speaker was replaced, installation of lights and
radio on Bruce Potts truck was completed.
Lockers were received from MES and two pagers from Comm Tech.
A motion was made by Commissioner Seymour, seconded by Commissioner Larsen to
pay bills with the exception of MES, and if the Chief gets it straightened out, the bill can
be paid. All in favor. So carried.
Grants – Discussed writing grants for equipment.
Commissioner Larsen noted that we had discussed closing roads when there are wires
down. A call will be made to Bill Young of Fire District Affairs to check on the
legality of closing roads.
A motion was made to adjourn at 9:20 P.M. by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by
Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon