JULY 6, 2009
The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Monday July 6, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Supervisor Staats, Councilwoman O’Neal, Councilman Jones, Councilwoman Lent and Councilman Nolan. Also present was Michael DiAcetis of National Grid, Scott Shults of Taconic Farms, Andy Howard, Town Attorney, Ray Jurkowski, Town Engineer and sixteen residents.
Michael DiAcetis of National Grid explained the project which National Grid and Taconic Farms have been working on for several years, which will supply more power to the Germantown facility. New poles and transformers will be installed along the route from the Blue Stores substation along Bingham’s Mill Road, Mill Road, County Route 8, Hilltop Road and Dales Bridge Road to Taconic Farms on Hover Avenue starting this week. The work will be starting with tree cutting, pole setting and wire and transformer installation. Any power interruptions, when necessary, will be of short intervals. Supervisor Staats advised Mr. DiAcetis that a new topping was just applied to Mill Road and asked if there would be damage to the road. Mr. DiAcetis said they can take precautions when working on the road. He also can prepare a Q&A sheet and maps which can be put on the website, in order for residents to see what is taking place. Charles Larsen stated that his water line is buried along County Route 8 and he advised the person who was staking out the rights of way. Mr. DiAcetis will have someone contact Mr. Larsen regarding this.
- A motion was made by Councilman Nolan and seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to approve the minutes of the June 1, 2009 meeting. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made by Councilman Nolan and seconded by Councilman Jones to approve the minutes of the special meeting held on June 19, 2009. Councilwoman Lent and Councilwoman O’Neal were absent. So Carried.
- The Town Clerk read the June Clerk’s report. A check for the General fund in the amount of $774.73 and a check for the Trust and Agency fund in the amount of $300.00 were presented to the Supervisor. A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to accept the Town Clerk’s report. All in favor. So carried.
- Received a newsletter from the Office for the Aging, which is published quarterly.
- Morris Associate’s, engineering firm for the Town, is relocating its office in August to 64 Green Street, Hudson.
- There was nothing for the web site committee.
Zoning Review Committee: Councilwoman Lent reported that Local Law #6 on Planned Residential Development is being reviewed with Ray Jurkowski and Andy Howard. Mr. Howard reported that comments have been received from the County Planning on three of the local laws on zoning revisions. These comments will be incorporated into the local laws. A meeting will scheduled for Local Law #6 on Planning Residential Development with the zoning review committee, tentatively for July 17th at 7:00 P.M. Local Law #6 will have to be submitted to County Planning for their comments.
St. Luke’s Church: Councilwoman Lent also brought in a ceramic floral offering basket for St. Luke’s Church donated by Barbara Moore.
Recreation: Councilman Jones would like to see a town recreation committee formed. The town has 20 acres and funds designated for recreation use. He asked that the Town planning board chairman estimate how much is in fund and that a separate bank account for these funds be established. He also stated that there is a conversation in progress with the Saulpaugh’s about the continued use of the little league field on Route 9 but there is nothing firm. He would like to discuss this further next month. He would like to see a second ball field on the town’s property on County Route 6 and is asking for the participation of some of our residents to make this happen. He asked if Con Ed funds can be used for this purpose? The response was that Con Ed funds are designated for recreation and infrastructure uses.
Community House: Councilman Jones would like to have the engineer involved siting the propane tank locating it away from the Community House. He recommends that the tank not be up against building. Councilwoman Lent asked our engineer if by digging for the line or tank, an archaeological dig would have to be done. Ray Jurkowski suggested that the tank could go against the building with a short line taken right into the building above grade. The Supervisor and Councilman Jones will meet with the engineer. A vent less hood may also be required.
Community House: Lightening rod - Councilman Jones asked that the lightening rod be evaluated to see if it is grounded properly. Also, nickel plating the ends could make it more effective. DELETE: It could also be moved from the building to the tree in front and grounded properly. ADD: A second lightening arrestor could be mounted on one of the trees east of the building with proper grounding and at a modest cost.
Clermont Historic Site: Councilman Nolan reported that a new tour of Clermont Historic Site would be held on July 11th at 11:00 A.M. for the Town Board and History Committee.
Window Project: Councilwoman O’Neal reported that the request for the prevailing wage paperwork on window project from Amidon Builders has been turned over to our attorney. The Supervisor asked Andy Howard to send a letter to Mr. Amidon requesting the paperwork.
Weatherization: Councilwoman O’Neal receives emails everyday concerning requested funding for the weatherization of town buildings but there is no funding as of yet.
Data Collection: Cheryl Kaszluga has started the data collection. She is certified. A resolution has been passed to approve data collection for $20.00 per parcel. She is confident that she can complete the project in three months. The Assessor will approve payments made. This is an on site inspection, taking pictures, measuring decks, pools, etc. It is not necessary to notify in advance or enter the residence. If denied access, she can go back but if denied again she will not pursue entry.
Memorandum of Understanding with NYS Office of Real Property Services on maintaining properties at 100% for next three years which must be signed and sent to State with resolution.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to approve the MOU with NYS Office of Real Property Services subject to our attorney’s approval of the contract. All in favor. So carried.
Councilwoman Lent asked where the funds would come from to pay for data collection. There are funds in the Brownfields account A7110.42, which can be used.
MOTION: A motion was made to transfer $15,000.00 from Brownfields A7110.42 to Assessors A1355.4 by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
Highway Garage Update: A preliminary time schedule was submittted by Ray Jurkowski on the highway garage plan. A quote was obtained from Robert Zimmerman to prepare a site survey of the property at $950.00. A schematic design and bid could go out in August. Based on cost of construction, this falls under the WICKS criteria, so one contractor will handle general construction, electrical, etc. Councilman Jones is concerned about the location of the salt storage in the plan. He would like to see it located further away from the well, if possible. Councilman Nolan suggested that we have to determine where the funds are coming from. There was discussion about permissive referendums. Once a resolution is passed identifying funding, residents can petition for a permissive referendum. The proposed resolution establishes the project and identifies SEQRA but does not identify funding. Councilwoman Lent asked if the funding source triggers the type of referendum that is required. Andy Howard explained that depending on the funding source it would most likely trigger a permissive referendum. The Supervisor is proposing using funds that we have, not borrowing money. A review of the balance of accounts was made. The three accounts that the Supervisor suggests would be funds from Con Ed, General fund and Highway fund. Between these funds there is $594,798.00 which could be used of $938,835.00. He proposed three options for using the funds from existing balances.
A resolution prepared by Morris Associates for the Highway garage addition was read by the Clerk. Councilwoman Lent would like an amount included, Councilman Nolan suggested referencing the report ‘as detailed in Morris Associates letter of June l, not to exceed $235,000.00’. Dagmar Payne asked about SEQRA. Ray Jurkowski stated that since this is an accessory building it is not required under state law, even if re-sited. The Town can review the environmental effects of the salt shed and addition.
A motion was made to adopt Resolution #40-09 as amended by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. Supervisor Staats recommends Option #2 for funding source. Councilman Jones made a motion to accept Option #2 fund from Con Ed 202, $60,000; General 909, $150,000; Highway 909, $25,000.00 as presented by the Supervisor for funding source, Councilwoman O’Neal seconded. A separate budget line for these funds will be set up by resolution. Councilwoman Lent abstained because of reservations about the balance in the reserve account, not the funds that the money is being taken from. Motion carried four ayes, one nay.
Audit: Councilwoman Lent has spoken to the state and the auditors will be here at the end of the month. Supervisor Staats has also been in contact with them. The Supervisor asked Councilwoman Lent if she had any figures for the board to review from the reports she requested from the accountant. She does not have them at this time.
Copier service agreement: Supervisor Staats was given a quote of $1,061.23 for the maintenance fee for both copiers, which is a 40% reduction from original invoice. There are desktop copiers, which are available for $600.00 to $700.00. A motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal not to pay the maintenance fee on a yearly basis. All in favor. So carried.
Resolution #38-09 to transfer funds from Highway Garage Heating Oil A5132.41 to Garage Electric A5132.42 the amount of $1000.00 was discussed at the June special meeting. A motion was made to approve the transfer of funds by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
Tax Collector: Joan Buser has requested a laptop for use when collecting taxes. The Supervisor obtained a quote from the state bid for a Lenovo laptop for $630.38, increased memory upgrade for $84.70, four-year warrantee for $41.70, carrying case for $25.32 for a total $782.10. This would come from the Tax Collectors equipment 1330.2 $700.00 and the balance from 1330.4. A motion was made to proceed with the purchase of a Lenovo laptop and accessories for $782.10 by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
Brownfields: The Lead Agency cutoff date is July 12th. To date only three forms have been returned on the lead agency request.
Generators: The generators for the Town Hall and Fire Department have been received, and are stored in the highway garage. Ray Jurkowski will get in touch with James Potts and a Fire Company representative on installation. Councilwoman O’Neal would like to know then the electrician is coming.
Planning Board Vacancy: Due to the resignation of Robert Queirolo on May 13, 2009, there is a vacancy on the Planning Board. Anyone interested should contact the Town Clerk and the board will hold interviews.
Amidon Builders: Councilwoman Lent asked about the prevailing wage reports that she has requested for the window project on the Community House. Our attorney, Andy Howard has to look into this, he wants the town to be on the record as doing their due diligence. The contractor is required to keep the proper records for three years and he could be fined or banned from doing further bidding.
Local Laws: Andy Howard has updated the three local laws as per the comments from the County Planning Board. A public hearing is scheduled for August 3rd at 6:00 P.M. prior to the Town Board meeting on Local Law’s #3, #4 and #5.
Judy Neary asked if the location of the fuel tank for the garage is in the planning. Ray Jurkowski said that is an item that they will take a look at.
Homeless Shelter: Recently it was announced that the County was considering leasing the St. Charles Hotel in Hudson to be used for homeless individuals/families, as opposed to paying for motels and apartments. This decision was made without input from the City of Hudson or other agencies. This is off the table for now.
Ockawamick: The Supervisor is on the subcommittee to pick an architectural firm for renovations to the Ockawamick building. The committee is also looking at building a new building for DSS in Hudson.
Pine Haven Home: No action or updates
Building and Facility: There will be a tour of projects to be done and those that have been completed.
911: The Supervisor has requested notification by 911 when there is an event in town, such as major accident, storm damage, etc.
Village Green BBQ: Will be held on Saturday, August 8, 2009. Grounds open at 9:00 A.M.
ABSTRACTS: A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to approve General abstract #6, vouchers #163-#196 in the amount of $5,806.73. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to approve Highway abstract #7, vouchers #71-87 in the amount of $47,845.42. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to approve Trust & Agency abstract #6, vouchers #4 – #5 in the amount of $732.50. All in favor. So carried.
- Dagmar: Village Green Committee Easter Egg Money: There has been some question about an $800.00 amount which was given to the committee. There is no record of an $800.00 deposit. $2793.12 was deposited on 3/10/08 and $2000.00 from 2008 budget, $4793.12 balance. She has asked for historical records from past Easter Egg Hunt and a list of donators.
- Phyllis Heiko would like copies of the proposed Local Laws on zoning.
- Tammy Connolly reported that there will be a table at the barbecue to collect non-perishable food items for the Germantown Food Pantry. Because there is so much controversy about the gas stove, it might be better to invest in an electric stove.
- Bob Desmond: The recreation fees from the planning board should be a separate line item in the budget, and should not be used for seasonal recreation. He believes that this seems like a good plan for the highway garage with no tax increases. A note of appreciation should be sent to previous boards for putting the money aside for this and when the economy turns, we should build it back up. He thought that the previous engineer did not think building was worth fixing and he wondered what changed. Councilwoman O’Neal said this was fundamental to this proposal and the footings, walls, etc.were checked. He asked about the money spent to purchase the Ockawamick school and if there is the money to bring the Court House in compliance. The Supervisor stated this is something that should have been done and will have to be done.
- Judy Neary: She has followed up with ORPS and Senator Saland on the payment of school taxes in increments. They have corresponded with her and she faxed a copy to Tal Rappleyea, Ken Wilber and the chairman of the County committee. She will attend the next committee meeting.
A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk