Trigo/Ricardo – County Route 6
Mel and Phyllis Heiko – Moore Road
Scott Winter – County Route 8
Dianne O’Neal – Route 9
Huckleberry Crossing – Turkey Hill Road
APRIL 9, 2008
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Nancy
Sperry, Clayton Andrus, Thomas Jantzen, Robert Queirolo, Aldo Dusman and Garret
Others present were Town Attorney Andrew Howard, Town Engineer Dan Wheeler,
Antonio Trigo, Jose Ricardo, Irving Minkowitz and Mel and Phyllis Heiko.
Chairman Saulpaugh called the meeting to order. Garret O’Connor noted two corrections
in the March 12 meeting. Page 1 – add Town Attorney Andrew Howard as present and
Page 2 – change the acreage for the Trigo/Ricardo parcel to 25.745. Garrett O’Connor
made the motion to approve the minutes with corrections, seconded by Nancy Sperry.
All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Garret O'Connor to close the regular meeting and open the public
hearing, seconded by Nancy Sperry. All in favor. So carried.
ANTONIO TRIGO/JOSE RICARDO SUBDIVISION: Subdivision of 25.745 acres on
County Route 6 into two parcels – Parcel A-15.244 and Parcel B-10.501. The applicants
have a County Highway permit for driveway, deed descriptions for Parcels A & B,
Health Dept approval for septic for single residence.
Nancy Sperry asked if certified return receipts were received and they have been with the
exception of one. Agricultural Data Statements were sent out to Cornelius Hegeman and
Triple M Land Corporation. There is a deed restriction of only three houses on entire
parcel. (Correction: Parcel A – One house, Parcel B – Two houses) There is nothing in
the deed description to indicate this restriction. Robert Queirolo asked Andy Howard if it
should be noted on map. Mr. Howard responded that it is not required to be but is
sometimes better when a search is being done because it is easier to see. Robert Queirolo
asked if we could have it noted on the map. The subdivision can be approved, surveyor
can note deed restrictions on map, and return them and Chairman can stamp maps. It was
also noted that the driveway on Parcel B was previously a farm road. There was no one
present to speak for or against this proposal.
A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Thomas Jantzen to close the public
hearing and return to the regular meeting.
Chairman Saulpaugh reviewed the SEQRA form. Nancy Sperry motioned to declare a
negative action, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carriedA motion was
made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Thomas Jantzen to accept this subdivision as presented with correction that the deed restriction be noted on the maps. Chairman can
then stamp maps. All in favor. So carried.
Mel and Phyllis Heiko have applied to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a special permit
to add a kitchen to an existing accessory building. The board did a site visit on March
22nd. Chairman Saulpaugh would like our Attorney to review the Heikos deed, as there
may be deed restrictions on this property. There have been other parcels of the former
Steeneck property with deed restrictions. Mr. Heiko has reviewed deeds of all the
subdivision plots, but Lot #2 and #3 are exempt. Andy Howard has researched some of
the deeds in that area and it was involved. Some lots do not have deed restrictions. Mr.
Heiko will get copies of his deed to Mr. Howard to review. The Heikos are going to ZBA
application night on the 10th.
1. HUCKLEBERRY CROSSING: Letter from M.A. Day engineering regarding final
engineering details for the preliminary subdivision plans. Soil investigation and
testing for the subsurface sewage disposal systems have been completed. A site visit
with the Health Dept. was conducted in October to verify the size and locations of the
proposed Systems. Once completed will be submitted to Town Engineer.
2. SCOTT WINTER – A site visit was made on March 22nd and members have no
objections to a special permit being issued for a 1600 square foot space apartment
over the barn. A letter will be written to the ZBA.
3. DIANNE O’NEAL – Chairman Saulpaugh reported that Ms.O’Neal has newengineered
plans for the farmstand. There will be a curb cut to the south for the
TRAINING: Clayton Andrus, Tom Jantzen, Garret O'Connor, Larry Saulpaugh and Aldo
Dusman are going to attend the training course at CGCC on April 29th.
Dan Wheeler reported that he is reviewing the Subdivision Regulations, Highway Specs
and Zoning Ordinance. He has gone before the Town board to report that there are many
differences and irregularities between the three. Bonding, cul-de-sacs lengths are just a
few. He will make recommendations from the Planning, Zoning, Building Inspector, and
Highway Superintendent to the Town Board. Robert asked if something to do with deed
restrictions would be something that could be in zoning. This could be a
A motion was made to adjourn by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Garret O'Connor at 8:15
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon