History, Historic Buildings and Archives Committee Meeting
April 14 2008
Attending: Dianne O’Neal, Louise Kalin, Ray Tousey, Dagmar Payne, Ruth Hammer, Angela Goetz
Items Discussed
· Update on Piano work- Still searching for professional who can tune a square
grand. Stephen Greenstein, who is listed at PTG. Org, was suggested and will be
contacted by Stephen Hammer. Need to know if piano is salvageable and if it is
tuned- would it stay that way- total cost of repairs can be very high- need
· Community Clean up day again was discussed and the thinking is that we wait for
the window project to be complete- and if possible to have ready for barbeque and
if not wait until early September. Other items for R & M discussed were new
carpets, lock on the cabinet for artifacts, cleaning out front room of computers and
BBQ goods. Discussed getting a chimney sweep.
· Leona Saulpaugh has given the town several historic, local items including a
butcher block (now in town hall) and a dough box. Intention would be to place
these in the Community house once window work is complete and building
cleaned up.
· Dianne O’Neal(Committee chair) would like to have a study group look at all
furniture and make recommendations for repairs or disposal. There is an Oak
table and chairs in the attic of the town hall that may be put to use in the
community house.
· Archive boxes were discussed and they are in the north east room. It was noted
that most historic items are presently with town historian Ann Poleschner. The
Question was raised regarding ownership of items given to a town historian and
whether or not the intent is obvious and the items were meant for the town.
· Mary Howell (County historian) who attended our regular April board meeting
has items to be placed once there is a secure and appropriate area to do so.
· The possibility of posting HHBA committee news to garner support, involvement
and interest from the towns people through a newsletter or web posting was
· It was decided that the group create a project timeline and priority form to follow.
Next Meeting—Monday 5-12-08 at 7pm in the community house