MAY 19, 2008
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, May 19, 2008
at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh, Commissioner
Raymond Bauer and Commissioner Seymour and Commissioner Harned. Commissioner
Larsen was absent.
Others present were Chief Laurence Saulpaugh and Assistant Chief Ronald Seymour.
Chairman Rifenburgh called the meeting to order with a salute to the flag. The minutes of
the April meeting were accepted on a motion made by Commissioner Seymour and
seconded by Commissioner Bauer.
Treasurers Report:
Treasurer Denise Fiore read the Treasurer’s report for April 2008.
Invoices paid for May total $2,834.36
Money Market Checking Balance $162,843.35
Checking Account Balance $ 408.13
Capital Reserve Fund $ 50,096.16
A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report by Commissioner Bauer, seconded
by Commissioner Seymour. All in favor. So carried.
Insurance Policies have been received.
Buildings and Grounds: Commissioners Seymour and Larsen
No report
Insurance: Commissioners Bauer and Larsen
No report
Fire Equipment: Commissioners Seymour and Bauer
All trucks have been serviced.
Truck #602 did not have oil change
LOSAP: Commissioner Harned
There was discussion on changes with the Length of Service Awards Program regarding
auditing by an independent accountant and fiscal year end.
Discussed the LOSAP plan points, investments, etc. Commissioner Harned will ask a
representative from Penflex and Dane Rauscher to down to a meeting.
No Report
Pager has been returned from Gary DeLaurentis. Chief will ask about charger.
Dennis Palazzo’s gear has been returned.
Commissioner Bauer reported on fire commissioner training – speaker spoke about
purchase orders, bank statements, liability coverage for contractors for work
performed in the district. It was very informative.
Computer at Station #2 – Do we want to declare it as surplus equipment? A motion
was made by Commissioner Harned to declare the computer at Station #2 surplus
equipment and donate it to the Fire Company, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All
in favor. So carried.
There were six calls for April:
1. Alarm activation – Cedar Hill Road
2. Stand by for Tivoli, Station #2
3. Structure Fire, 757 County Route 6
4. Brush Fire, 179 Mill Road
5. Alarm Activation, 695 Woods Road
6. Assist NDP set up LZ, 317 County Route 6
Total man-hours – 6 hours 42 minutes
The drill for the month was running pumps, using the deck guns.
Truck #604 is getting new switches for fill tank.
Forestry Grant has been sent. The grant is for $1000.00.
Brakes need to be done on Truck #M60.
A motion was made by Commissioner Harned to pay the bills in the amount of
$2880.07, seconded by Commissioner Seymour. All in favor. So carried.
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner
Bauer at 8:20 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary