Boccia – Route 9 – Pizzeria Kahles – Route 9 – Apartment
Jay Trapp – Woods Road – Carmelite Home for Aged and Infirmed
JULY 8, 2009
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on July 8, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Aldo Dusman, Thomas Jantzen and Garret O'Connor. Nancy Sperry was absent.
Also present was Robert Desmond, Joseph and Dennis Boccia, Tom Cummings, engineer for the Boccia’s, George Schmitt, engineer for the Town, William Kahle, Scott Kahle, Edward Kahle, Jay Trapp, engineer for The Carmelite Home and Cailin Brennan of Freeman-Howard.
MINUTES: Garret O'Connor asked for corrections on page 2, add ‘Dr. Teubl stated that the’ piping, etc. and on page 3, second paragraph, change ‘are to meet’ to ‘will assemble’. A motion was made by Clayton Andrus to accept the minutes with corrections, seconded by Garret O'Connor. All in favor. So carried.
LABOCCIA PIZZERIA: Nevis Road and Route 9 – The applicants Joseph Boccia and Dennis Boccia and their engineer Tom Cummings appeared before the board with their plans for a pizzeria in the former Nevis deli. They are not planning any changes to the existing building. They have reviewed the zoning ordinance and have the room for the appropriate number of parking spaces, however, they may request a waiver to have less. The building houses three apartments, which are vacant, 704 square feet for workspace/storage, 2200 square feet for takeout pizzeria, antique/flea market, seasonal on Saturdays. Placement of a dumpster, propane tank and picnic tables were shown on the map. They showed two spaces for each apartment, ten spaces for parking in the front of the building, four spaces could be fit on the north side of the building with a wider than normal parking space on the corner of the store for handicap parking. The front yard setback is not met but it is pre-existing, non-conforming. It was advised that the applicants should show their map to DOT to find out what has to be done to comply with ingress and egress. The applicants asked what prompts DOT being contacted, as they are continuing the same type of business as before. George Schmitt explained that if the use had been continuous you would not have to go to DOT, but because it has not been used, it is necessary now. They should also contact the County because Nevis Road (County Route 4) is involved also. The applicants stated that the site distance is good pulling out of the store as it is now. They are also proposing a three-foot overhang with lighting shining down in the front of store. Our engineer explained that if there were five or more water connections in the building they would have to go before the Columbia County Health department for public water supply. The applicants were advised to meet with DOT and Health department, submit their maps and comments to Chairman Saulpaugh and he will get them to our engineer to review before the next meeting.
KAHLES: Chairman Saulpaugh read a section from our June minutes pertaining to the Kahle’s proposal for a special use permit for construction of a multi-family residential unit on the same parcel with an existing unit. The local law for Planned Residential Dwellings was discussed. The Kahle’s are also considering a second well for the second apartment, which will give them a backup if they should lose a pump, etc.
CARMELITE HOME FOR THE AGED AND CONFIRMED: Jay Trapp, engineer for the Carmelites was present. Several members of the planning board viewed the site for a new office building. At the site review, the storm water pond was discussed and it was further discussed here. A detention pond can be up to eight feet deep; a bio-retention area is only about ten inches deep. There are plantings, which can be planted around a bio-retention pond, which will absorb the water and any contaminants. An existing culvert will be replaced where water from bio-retention pond will run through a swale. The septic system will be a fill system built into the hill. They are proposing 21 parking spaces. They are considering running electric from an existing pole on a bordering property, which is ninety-nine feet from proposed new building. The board suggested acquiring an easement for electric. A public hearing will be scheduled for Wednesday, August 12th at 7:30 P.M.
A motion was made to adjourn by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Aldo Dusman. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon