Carmelite Sisters – Woods Road William Teubl – Nevis Road CLERMONT PLANNING BOARD AUGUST 12, 2009 The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. Those in attendance were Laurence Saulpaugh, Nancy Sperry, Clayton Andrus, Thomas Jantzen and Garret O'Connor. Aldo Dusman was absent. Others in attendance were Cailyn Brennan of Freeman-Howard, Jay Trapp, representing The Carmelite Sisters, Robert Desmond and George Schmitt of Morris Associates. MINUTES: Clayton Andrus requested a correction to the July minutes on page 2, number of parking spaces should be 21 instead of 218 and Garret O'Connor noted that the time of the meeting should be 7:30 P.M. not 7:00 P.M. A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Garret O'Connor to accept the minutes with corrections. All in favor. So carried. A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Garret O'Connor to open the public hearing on the request by The Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirmed to build an office building on the property on Woods Road. CARMELITE SISTERS: Jay Trapp of Crawford and Associates representing the Carmelite Sisters reported that there have been a few changes since the last meeting. The sidewalk configuration in front of the building was changed because there was no direct connection to the street and now there is. Originally, the electric was to be from a utility pole on the north side; however, they have an existing pole on site so there will be no easements required to bring it in. The electric will be buried from the pole to the building, which is a distance of about 200 to 250 feet. At the ZBA hearing, a representative from the State Historic Site asked the height of the utility pole would be and it is 35 feet. When asked if National Grid had been notified, Jay is sure there have been discussions with them, but doesn’t know if they have been on site. There were no others questions from the board or anyone present. A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus to close the public hearing and reopen the regular meeting. All in favor. So carried. In response to letter on site plan review from Morris Associates Jay Trapp reported: SEQRA review: A motion was made by Nancy Sperry and seconded by Tom Jantzen to declare negative declaration. All in favor. So carried. A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus to grant conditional final approval if all comments in August 12th letter from Morris Associates have been addressed and a positive response from SHPO is received. All in favor. So carried. TEUBL: The Chairman read from the July 22 ZBA minutes regarding William Teubl application for medical office in an existing building on Nevis Road. The Chairman’s concern about this application is that the road needs to be addressed because of the angle turning in and the driveway needs to be widened. A letter will be written to the Zoning Board asking for a finished plan with parking, grading from an engineer for entrance and length of it so that two cars can pass in the driveway. Our engineer suggested that the applicant not disturb more than one acre because there is a one-acre threshold before a full SWEPPS must be done. Suggested pull offs on the driveway to limit disturbance. At the ZBA meeting, a neighbor asked what would happen when or if the Doctor moved. The ZBA stated that if not continued in the same use within six months it reverts back to residential use or new owner must reapply. The Planning Board has asked for an opinion from our attorney about whether ZBA can allow another doctor to take over the practice from Dr. Teubl without coming into planning board. A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus that a letter will be written to Mr. Teubl and sent to the ZBA requesting that he engage an engineer on the parking and road width and have their engineer contact our engineer for clarification and send plans for our engineer’s review. All in favor. So carried. Discussed curbing on State Roads and County Roads. The regulations are the same throughout the state; however, they can go on a case by case basis. A motion was made to adjourn by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Garret O'Connor at 9:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mary Helen Shannon Secretary
Planning Board