JUNE 16, 2008
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, June 16, 2008
at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh,
Commissioner Charles Larsen, Commissioner Brandon Seymour and Commissioner
Raymond Bauer. Commissioner Harry Harned was absent. Others present were
Assistant Chief Ronald Seymour and Treasurer Denise Fiore.
Chairman Rifenburgh called the meeting to order with a salute to the flag.
The minutes
of the May meeting were accepted on a motion made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded
by Commissioner Seymour.
June Invoices proposed and paid: $ 5,930.30 (Corrected to $4,930.30)
Money Market Checking Balance: $159976.68
Check Balance: $ 435.28
Total Checking: $160,411.96
Capital Reserve Fund: $50,137.73
Commissioner Larsen made the motion to accept the Treasurers report, seconded by
Commissioner Seymour. All in favor. So carried.
Commissioner Harned dropped off the Penflex forms, which have to be signed by the
Commissioners. Commissioner Seymour noted that Firefighter Bob McCarthy’s
name is not on the list of calls for 2007. There was discussion on how the points are
accumulated and the record keeping. Can the drills, training, work parties and special
events attended by the members be entered on the computer so that we have the
information in one place and then it can be given to President Harned for the LOSAP
program. The list for 2007 will be held until it can be verified.
Chairman Rifenburgh made a recommendation that we purchase a copy machine for
Station #1. Commissioner Larsen made the motion, Commissioner Bauer seconded
to purchase a copier and paper at Staples for Station #1.
Commissioner Bauer’s Training Certificate was received and a copy placed in file.
Received an application for Ryan Meagher, 555 Lasher Road, Clermont, which was
approved by Fire Company. Commissioner Larsen made a motion to accept Ryan
Meagher as a member, Commissioner Seymour seconded. All in favor. So carried.
A letter will be sent to Ryan Meagher advising him.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioner Larsen and Commissioner Seymour
Discussed outdoor storage shed for Station #1. Commissioner Seymour will get
quotes from vendors for sheds, 10 x 20 with overhead door.
Roof leak at Station #1 is not that bad. Commissioner Larsen will talk to John Dunn.
INSURANCE: Commissioner Larsen and Commissioner Bauer
No Report
Assistant Chief Seymour reported that Truck #602 was serviced and is back in service.
The brakes on M60 will be done this week and Truck #604 got a new tank gauge.
LOSAP: Commissioner Harned
No report
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
Bring any suggestions for policies for next month. Commissioner Larsen asked if there is
a sample policy and procedures from another company that we can use as a template.
Discussed the need to have qualifications for officers.
Commissioner Larsen asked if we received the insurance liability certificates from Milan
and Livingston. Milan’s has been received.
Commissioner Larsen will check with the Town Tax Collector about how the Livingston
portion is being calculated and billed to the residents.
Brenda Seymour should submit for quarterly payment for doing the monthly fire reports.
No report
EQUIPMENT: Assistant Chief Seymour
Replace two lenses on back of new truck.
Replace two of the large lights with four small stream lights with rechargeable
batteries for interior firefighters and place them on M60 near air packs.
Commissioner Larsen made a motion to purchase four rechargeable lights as decided by
the Officers, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Commissioner Larsen made a motion to pay the bills, adding payment to the Treasurer
and Secretary, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner
Larsen at 8:00 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon