JULY 7, 2008
The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Monday, July 7, 2008 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town
Hall. Those present were Supervisor Staats, Councilwoman O’Neal, Councilman Jones, Councilwoman
Lent, Councilman Nolan. There were seventeen present including Mary Jane Fuchs, daughters Christine,
Deborah, Mary, Bernadette, Judy and granddaughter Danielle, J.J. Hanson, representative from Governor
Paterson’s office and Town Attorney Andy Howard.
Supervisor Staats asked for a moment of silence in memory of Amandus Fuchs who passed away recently.
Supervisor Staats read a Proclamation to Mrs. Fuchs, and a flag was also presented from Congresswoman
Gillibrand’s office, which was flown over the Capitol. Mr. Hanson also read a proclamation from
Governor Paterson. A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman Lent that we
leave a page blank in the minutes in memory of Mandy Fuchs.
The meeting was opened by Supervisor Staats with a salute to the flag.
MINUTES: Councilman Nolan noted corrections to the June Minutes:
Page 2 – Highway Garage - change basic to prevailing wage.
Page 2 – Clermont Historic Site - Insert between working on and two ‘a restored dock at the river’
add getting funds for the dock.
Page 6 – NYSERDA Audit - add ‘for energy conservation’
Motion to accept the June Town Board minutes with corrections by Councilman Jones, seconded by
Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
Town Clerk’s report – Check for General Fund in the amount of $385.25; Check for Trust and Agency
in the amount of $645.00. A motion was made to accept the Clerk’s report by Councilman Jones,
seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
Letter from Senator Joseph L. Bruno acknowledging receipt of our letter in support of Senate Bill 4164
regarding Collateral sources in tort actions.
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation: Approved for grant for $1000.00 for purchase of and
emergency radio. The total estimate for the radios was $2000. Councilwoman Lent will check with
William Black, Director of Emergency Management on whether we need high band and low band as it
was reported that the County might be going to low band. Discussed where the radios will be housed.
Office for the Aging: Representative Jane Churchhill reported on recent meetings at the Office for the
Aging. The OFA has a new administrator, Kary Jablonka. Heating energy assistance and
transportation are the major concerns. Presently, the reimbursement to meals on wheels delivery
personnel is not covering the expense. Also, communicating to seniors, to let them know what services
are available is also an issue. The seniors must register with OFA in order to be eligible for HEAP or
other programs in they are over 60. The Sheriffs Department has a program to check on seniors but
they must also register with OFA. Councilwoman Lent advised that several of the local churches
provide hot meals and transportation to and from on Saturdays for those that need. She will contact
Ms.Churchhill regarding the schedule. Councilman Nolan suggested that we try to assist with getting
the message to seniors by getting a list and notifying them.
Website: If any committees or organizations have any information to be put on the website, notify
Mary Helen Shannon, Town Clerk.
INSURANCE: Building report summary for buildings from NYMIR came in at $1,768,000.00 – We need
to increase our coverage to $1,800,000.
Supervisor Staats questioned the coverage on our town garage and if we need as much. Councilwoman
Lent will check with Fingar insurance, but we presently have replacement value coverage. Councilwoman
O ‘ Neal suggested checking into utility coverage. Discussed changing deductibles and increasing
SPEED SIGN FOR COUNTY ROUTE 6: Councilman Jones reported that there is a 35 MPH speed limit
sign on County Route 6 if you are traveling west, but the sign if you are traveling east is more than a half
mile away. Request that the County Highway move the sign to approximately 100 feet west of the Prinz
house on County Route 6. Charles Larsen believes that the County puts up signs according to State
regulation. A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilman Jones to make the
request. All in favor. So carried.
HIGHWAY GARAGE: Members of the Town Board went to the opening of the Town of Livingston
Highway garage. Superintendent Potts has produced a sketch and the proposed size of the building is 105
feet x 65 feet. Councilman Nolan suggested using the garage for an emergency center in the case of
disaster. If it were to be used this way, we would need radios, storage for supplies and stairs to the second
level. Plans have been made for two shower rooms and men’s and women’s restrooms.
Charles Larsen questioned whether the highway garage would be a good place for a disaster center with the
possibility of trucks going in and out and needing repairs during a disaster. Councilwoman Lent has
concerns about diesel and hydraulic fluids. We have the Community House, Fire Station #2 and the
Carmelite Sisters to use during an emergency. Bob Desmond agrees with the idea of a command center and
use for storage.
George Davis asked if the insurance shouldn’t be put out to bid. Supervisor Staats responded that it was
put out to bid for 2008, anything we do now would be an amendment to the current policy.
There were several areas of discussion on the new highway garage:
Sending the plan to manufacturers of pre-engineered buildings to get a better understanding of the
price of the proposed building.
Hire a contractor to do the interior design and floor with drains, etc.
Bonding- discussed problems some municipalities and hospitals are having with bonding, essentially
because they were non-fixed rates. The Town would be looking for a fixed rate.
Whether or not to use the reserve balance of funds and how much to borrow.
Grant funding
Andy Howard will look into what the town can expect in rates for bond rates for the next meeting.
Supervisor Staats would like to hold a special meeting to discuss the garage financing on Tuesday, July 15
at 7:30 P.M. and a separate meeting to address the site plan aspect, location, driveway, etc. on Tuesday,
July 22 at 7:00 P.M.
The boundary line change is in the process and a public hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at
7:30 P.M.
Councilman Nolan asked if there has there been any response on the subdivision and highway regulations
from Dan Wheeler. To date there has not.
Councilwoman O’Neal stated that the information for Heap assistance for seniors will be posted on
Historical committee will be meeting on Tuesday and will intersect with the BBQ committee.
Buildings and Grounds: Councilwoman O’Neal has spoken to John LaTorre about those things that needed
to be completed on the Community House.
Councilwoman O’Neal did a comparison on three bids received for windows. Amidon Construction priced
out at $782 per window, eliminating the storm windows (Spencerworks) She and Supervisor Staats
researched his past projects, visiting a house he built on Route 199 with custom woodworking. He has
done work on Locust Grove in Poughkeepsie and Councilwoman O’Neal spoke with the administrator and
they are pleased with his work. Supervisor Staats and Councilwoman O’Neal recommend Amidon.
Councilwoman Lent came up with a different figure - $7300 for first floor, add $400 per window and sash
purchase. (Correction: Councilwoman O’Neal corrected Councilwoman Lent to understand that $400 per window and sash purchase did not apply to base bid. It applied to storm windows, which were part of
alternate. ) She asked if lead abatement was included in his bid. It is mentioned in the other bids but not in
Amidon’s. Supervisor Staats is confident that his work is good. Councilwoman O’Neal moved that the
board accept this bid with Amidon Contractors and Councilman Jones agrees. Councilwoman Lent is
concerned with the bid, the phone numbers are illegible, and there is no signature on the bid. Councilman
Nolan would like to proceed and authorize Andy Howard to draft a contract and work out the concerns.
Councilwoman O’Neal motioned to authorize Andy Howard to prepare a draft contract seconded by
Councilman Nolan.
Judy Neary asked about the historic glass panes in windows and if they will be retained when the sashes are
Resolution #51-08 – To correct the General Fund Account 1320.4 by charging voucher #188 to Brian
Fitzgerald in the amount of $916.66 and the total of the General fund abstract for June to $14,452.93.
Motion to approve by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
Resolution #52-08 – To remove the covenant and restrictions placed in the deed of the town property on
County Route 6, which limited the use of the parcel to recreation and open space.
Motion to approve by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilman Jones. A roll call vote was as follows:
Councilwoman O’Neal, aye; Councilman Jones, aye; Councilwoman Lent, aye, Councilman Nolan, aye;
Supervisor Staats, aye. All in favor. So carried.
Web Committee: Louise Kalin
Web Committee: Bram Moreinis, chairman
Environmental Management Council: Phil Leonard
Planning Board: Nancy Sperry, currently an alternate, to fill out the term of Amandus Fuchs until
Bench Donations: A letter will be written to Joan DeLaurentis thanking her for benches which have
been placed in front of St. Lukes Church.
Councilman Jones asked how will benches be secured and if they will be placed on a cement pad.
Supervisor Staats will talk to Superintendent Potts about installing cement pads.
Unified forms for website: Web committee is looking at updating the forms and putting them on the
Zoning Update: Councilman Jones asked if there is any time frame for amending the zoning
regulations. There may be some comments from the Planning Board and ZBA after reviewing the
subdivision and highway regulations. Bob Desmond asked if there is a list from the last zoning review
committee, which still have to be looked at.
Ackerman Development: Andy Howard has been in discussion with Mr. Ackerman’s attorney
discussing ways to complete engineering on project. Ray Jurkowski confirmed that it is technical
issues that he is waiting on. He suggests going into executive session on the issue.
DATA COLLECTION: Supervisor Staats reported that the countywide assessment will be several years
from now. He has invited Hank Greenhouse, our Assessor to come to the August meeting and explain
about assessments. Town needs 100% equalization rate. The County will compensate those towns who are
at 100%. Presently, there is one person interested in taking data collection next year The required training
will have to be completed.
DEC: We need to follow-up on funding for the remediation of the twenty-acre parcel (formerly the
Hettling property). The concerns were what will it cost to get the application compleed for funds from New
York State. If you don’t get in, then you will not have the funds to clean it up. Supervisor Staats will
contact Kurt Moline of C.T. Male and get an estimate.
KEEP FARMING – PHASE I – Judy Neary has produced a book for each of the three towns that were
involved in Keep Farming. Out of 29 members, seventeen were from Clermont. She also brought the maps
from the Soil and Water Conservation District which were made for the program. She would like to see
Clermont stay with Keep Farming. There was further discussion on the Glynwood Center. Supervisor
Staats and Councilman Nolan will back track with Germantown and Livingston to see if there has been any
further information about Phase II.
POWER LINE TO TACONIC: Supervisor Staats reported that Taconic Farms is requesting more power
from National Grid. Existing poles will be replaced because they must be higher. This will be a dedicated
line for Taconic Farms, who is paying for this. Some transformers will be updated at their costs. There
may be some power outages during this work.
WATER HEATER FOR COMMUNITY HOUSE: Tammy Conolly has made a request for the hot water
heater to be updated at the Community House. They need a larger capacity hot water heater and would like
it replaced before the barbecue. Councilman Nolan and Councilwoman O’Neal will get prices
1. HEATING OIL PRICES: K& H Fuel and Nash Fuel won’t have lock in rates until fall.
Heritage is $4.70 a gallon and will lock in, plus cap fee, total cost $5.09 gallon. The bid with the
County is 15% lower and Supervisor Staats recommends going with the County bid.
2. VOTING MACHINES: New voting machines are to be used for handicapped voters at each polling
place. State Certifications have to be done before they can be used so it is unknown if this will be done
in time.
3. DOGS OF HUDSON: Painted dogs have been placed along Warren Street in Hudson.
4. SUMMER HELP: There are positions at the County Highway department, applicants must be at least
eighteen years old, $10.00 per hour.
5. BBQ: Tickets are available from the Town Clerk or any volunteer for the August 9th BBQ. Need
A motion was made by Councilman Nolan to approve Highway Abstract #7, vouchers #72-#88 in the
amount of $9,674.07, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to approve General fund
abstract #7, vouchers #189 - #229 in the amount of $9,744.69. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve Trust and Agency
abstract #7, vouchers #41 - #47 in the amount of $921.50. All in favor. So carried.
Bob Desmond thanked the Supervisor for allowing timely comments during the meeting.
Charlie asked if placques are going to be put on the benches. Joan DeLaurentis has not been well, but
it is expected that there will be some kind of placque.
Ray Tousey asked if a few extra sashes could be put away so that when a window gets broken, we
don’t have to go through this. He also would like to see a three dimensional map of the proposed
highway garage.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made to enter into executive session to discuss possible litigation
made by Councilwoman O’Neal, seconded by Councilman Nolan at 9:50 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to come out of executive session at 10:30 P.M. by Councilman Nolan, seconded by
Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn at 10:30 P.M. by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal.
Respectfully submitted,
Town Clerk