JULY 9, 2008
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Nancy Sperry,
Clayton Andrus, Aldo Dusman and Garret O'Connor. Tom Jantzen and Robert Queirolo
were absent.
Also present were Joyce and Jim Shaw, Chuck Abrams, William Phillips, Bob Desmond,
Eric Darling of Dan Wheelers Office, Irving Minkowitz, Andrew Howard, Attorney for
the Town, Dianne O’ Neal and David Johnson.
The Chairman asked for a moment of silence in memory of Amandus Fuchs, Sr. who
passed away recently. Mandy had been a member of the Planning Board for over 20
At the July 7 Town Board meeting, Nancy Sperry, who has served as an alternate in
Mandy’s absence, was appointed to fill his unexpired term through December 31, 2012.
MINUTES: Nancy Sperry made A motion that the minutes of the June meeting be
approved, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus to close the regular
meeting and open the public hearing for the continuation of the William Phillips
subdivision. All in favor. So carried. Nancy Sperry recused herself from discussion on
this action.
WILLIAM PHILLIPS: – Three lot subdivision on County Route 6. Mr. Phillips was
asked to submit a shared driveway agreement for Lots 2 and 3, to note utility easements
on the map and remove the shed from the map, as the shed itself has been removed from
the property. These requests were fulfilled. The ZBA had requested that no further
subdivision is noted on the map and that has been done. Garret O'Connor asked about the
subdivision restriction on Lot #3, which states that board of health approval for a septic
system was requested by the ZBA and must be obtained. Lot #3 does have board of
health approval, and Mr. Howard says that a buyer should be looking for that approval
anyway and that Mr. Phillips could provide it to them. The Chairman agrees that all is in
Nancy Sperry made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Garret O'Connor.
All in favor. So carried.
The Chairman reviewed the SEQRA application. Nancy Sperry motioned to declare a
negative impact on SEQRA, Garret O'Connor seconded. All in favor. So carried.
Garret O'Connor motioned to approve the three-lot subdivision of William Phillips,
Nancy Sperry seconded. All in favor. So carried.
Nancy Sperry made a motion to close regular meeting and open public hearing on
Clermont Partners/Dianne O’Neal site plan approval for a farm market, retail store and
café. Motion seconded by Clayton Andrus.
CLERMONT PARTNERS – Route 9 Farm Market and Retail Store –
Dianne O’Neal explained what she is doing to an adjoining landowner, David Johnson,
who was present. She if applying for approval for a Café with seating for ten people,
retail farm market and wholesale distribution of farm products.
Question: Aldo Dusman asked how a tractor-trailer would be able to turn around? Mr.
Abrams responded that they don’t anticipate tractor-trailers delivering. They would
anticipate smaller box trucks,
Question: Where will employees park, would they park in the front. Dianne O’Neal
could limit employee parking to the rear. They have planned for more parking spaces
than required in the zoning ordinance so there is space.
Question: Has Dan Wheeler reviewed the most recent map for all changes resulting from
his letter. He has not seen a revised map; however, most of the changes were minimal.
A motion was made to close the public hearing by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton
SEQRA – Motion to declare a negative impact by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Aldo
Dusman. All in favor. So carried.
The board discussed lighting, which has not been shown on the map. A motion was
made by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Nancy Sperry to accept the plan as presented;
however a diagram of the lighting must be forwarded separately for the file. In addition,
two more copies are required. All in favor. So carried. A copy of the lighting plan will
go to John Fieser.
JOYCE AND JIM SHAW: Requesting a special permit for the corner store on Route 9
and Route 6. Proposing a store selling homemade goods, flower arrangements, holiday
items. Front and middle room would be used as a showcase for items. Storeroom and
bathroom in the rear. The main entrance is on Route 9. Parking is an issue because of
Route 9, because of vehicles backing out into Route 9 and blocking site distance if
pulling out of Route 6. After review of parking rules, he would need 200 square feet for
each space. Behind the building there is room for 6-7 slots. Sign to say no parking in
front of building, parking in the rear.
Bob Desmond asked if they wouldn’t still be backing out onto Route 6? There is enough
room to back out without backing onto Route 6. There will be no parking on Route 6
alongside of building. Larry suggested having the County come down and look at the
parking situation. If we are going to approve the site plan, then the recommendations
need to be noted on the plan.
Ross Fenn needs to sign the letter of authorization for the Shaws to act on his behalf. Mr.
Shaw returned with the authorization signed by Mr. Fenn. Mr. Howard suggested
parallel parking in the rear of the building, which would give them more room.
Site review was set for Saturday, July 12th at 9:00 A.M. Paid $150.00 for commercial
site plan review.
Nancy Sperry motioned to close the regular meeting and open public hearing on the
Town of Clermont’s boundary line change. Clayton Andrus seconded. All in favor. So
TOWN OF CLERMONT: Public hearing for boundary line changes on Route 9 and
County Route 6. The Town is requesting annexing 3.75 acres from a parcel of 20 acres
on Route 9 to an adjoining parcel on County Route 6 of 5.53 acres. Received return
receipts to adjoining landowners and deed descriptions for parcels.
Garret O’Connor motioned to close public hearing, seconded by Nancy Sperry. All in
favor. So carried.
After review of the SEQRA application, Nancy Sperry motioned to declare a negative
impact, seconded by Garret O'Connor. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to approve as presented by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Aldo
Dusman with stipulation that embossed maps are brought in by Councilman Jones. All in
favor. So carried.
HINKEIN APPLICATION: Ralph and Sally Hinkein have 7.43 acres to be subdivided
on Jug Road. They are represented by Patty Hinkein. The acreage is in the five-acre zone
and the three-acre zone. They are requesting a variance so that the parcel can be
subdivided. Planning board would like to have a survey so that actual acreage can be
considered. Some of the acreage, which comprises the 7.43 acres, could be under the
road. A letter will be written to the ZBA requesting that any variance should take into
account that it should not include acreage lying in the roadway.
Stephen Hammer – Webmaster
He stated that it is the opinion of web committee that forms can be done and put on
website for less. There was discussion and our attorney will come up with some forms
that the boards can review and we can type them.
Nancy Sperry motioned to close the meeting, seconded by Garret O'Connor at 9:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon