NOVEMBER 2, 2009
The Clermont Town Board held a public hearing on Monday, November 02, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. prior to the Town Board meeting on the Preliminary Budget for 2010.
Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilwoman Dianne O’Neal, Councilman Nolan, Councilwoman Lent, Councilman Jones, Andy Howard, Town Attorney, Ray Jurkowski, Town Engineer and twelve residents.
Supervisor Staats explained some changes that he has made from the budget workshop, in the tax rate rate worksheet which resulted in $5,000.00 less in expenditures and a doubling of $22,000.00 in expenditures in the 1640.4 account. This resulted in a $17,000.00 which can still be applied to other accounts. Suggested adding $5000 to unexpended fund balance, reducing the Highway unexpended balance to $35,000.00. Add $5000 back to Highway Capital projects increasing to $25,000.00. Highway Machinery fund increased from $10,000 to $15,000. Add $2000 to personal services for 3% raises for two highway department employees. Councilman Jones and Councilwoman O’Neal agree with these changes.
Councilwoman Lent asked about other department raises that were requested. The judges requested an increase for personnel but they did not receive it. No elected officials are receiving increases. The Assessor is receiving an increase due to the increased workload with the reevaluation.
Councilman Jones proposes a motion that all recreation funds submitted to the town be transferred into a budget line item labeled recreation fund to be used for the construction of recreational facilities as determined by the town board.
The annual recreation donations to the Town of Germantown should be deposited into the Town of Clermont budget line item. In support of this motion, we have twenty acres of land, which could be used for a little league baseball field, hiking trail, picnic area, playground, pavilion, parking etc. He has conducted a survey of the number of children in the western area of town to determine how many children, less than 16 years of age, are in the 100 or so households. He determined there are few, in any, children using the Germantown facilities. He would like Clermont to build it’s own recreational facility.
Supervisor Staats is not comfortable about stripping away the money for the park before we have a park for the children. Councilman Jones thinks it is wrong to give the money to the Germantown Park Commission. Councilwoman Lent thinks the facility has been good to the Clermont residents and we should not stop funding it until we ask the residents of Clermont. Councilman Nolan agrees that there should be a transition period, if there are limited amount of children using the park, then we should be paying less than $6000.00.
Councilwoman Lent asked Councilman Jones about those that use the Red Hook Parks. There was discussion about use of park and whether or not it is a free for Clermont residents. We will get the public’s feeling after the hearing on the budget.
Supervisor Staats went over the reductions in the appropriations from 2006 to 2010 for an overall deduction of 2%. Councilwoman Lent asked about the Highway Garage account being separate and not appearing in these numbers. Supervisor Staats stated that the Highway Capital Account and the Brownsfields account is not in these figures.
Reviewed reserve funds allocated from 2005 to 2010 and in 2010 will be reduced by 38%.
Reviewed revenue funds from 2007 to 2009, which have declined over the last several years.
Reviewed bank accounts for all funds and learned that $463,407 is what we have for a working budget.
Councilman Nolan asked if the figures include what we are proposing to take out of the reserve fund. Also, is the recreation fund money that Councilman Jones is proposing to be a separate fund included in the general fund. Yes, they are still shown in the general fund total of $337,602.00. This will reduce what we have to spend also. Councilwoman Lent asked why we did not bond the highway garage instead using $228,000.00, when we may have to use $100,000.00 in the next few years for a truck. The interest rates are as low as .9%. Supervisor Staats did not want to inflict a bond payment on the taxpayers. Supervisor Staats said that we would have to have a referendum vote if the money comes from our general fund balance.
Supervisor Staats explained the salary decreases in our budget for the budget officer, town board members and that there is no raise for the highway superintendent in this budget.
Charlie Larsen: When the contract was signed it does not only include children, but all taxpayers who use the park, the lake, ballfields, pavilions, etc. There were other comments in support of the use of the Germantown Park.
Al Costello asked if there are additional revenues, which are not shown in the budget. Yes, thesales tax and mortgage tax are the main revenues generated.
Dagmar Payne: Commented on the use of the park in Germantown and suggested taking a survey next year on who uses the park. She also asked what the Con Ed funds can be used for. They can be used for recreation or infrastructure.
Charlie Larsen: The money received for recreation fees from subdivisions, etc and the Con Ed funds can only be used for infrastructure, not for maintenance of a park
Councilwoman Lent: We do get a refund from the state for the use of the park, so it is not a full $6000.00 that is being spent.
Judy Neary asked about insurance estimates for running a park and if the board will check into this.
Bob Desmond asked how much of $337,000.00 is the recreation fund. Back to 2002 has been researched and it is $11,875.00. Suggested moving into a special fund for 2010.
He also does not think anyone watches who is using the park in Red Hook, but he believes it was set up for anyone in the Red Hook School District. He suggested scaling back the donation to Germantown Park over the next few years as we develop a park, not cut off the donation completely.
Councilman Nolan stated that this is all subject to a contractural agreement, which would have to be negotiated. The cost of a park has to be evaluated, whether it is by bond or from our budget funds. Bob Desmond suggested looking at a long term plan because of costs and establish what the uses of the facilities will be. Councilwoman Lent noted that generally the kids are going to use the park, which is closest to their friends and their activities from school.
Dagmar Payne asked if the $6000 comes from the Con Ed funds. It is a budgeted line item. Why can’t it be taken out of the Con Ed funds? Councilwoman O’Neal stated that is to be used for recreation infrastructure. There was further discussion about use of the Red Hook Park.
Anita Broast would be disappointed if Councilman Jones votes against the budget for this reason.
Councilman Nolan stated that a committee should be formed to assess the recreation issue.
The public hearing was closed at 7:53 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk