JULY 21, 2008
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, July
21, 2008 at 7:00 P.M.
Those present were Commissioner Rifenburgh, Commissioner Larsen, Commissioner
Bauer and Commissioner Seymour. Commissioner Harned was absent. Also present
were Chief Laurence Saulpaugh, Assistant Chief Ronald Seymour and Treasurer Denise
Chairman Rifenburgh called the meeting to order with a salute to the flag.
Larsen to correct the June minutes -June Invoices paid amount to $4930.30, seconded by
Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Treasurers Report:
July 2008 invoices $5,907.96
Paid July invoices $2124.02
Total $8031.98
Money Market Checking $155,111.74
Checking Balance $ 451.03
Total Money Market & Checking $155,562.77
Capital Reserve Fund including interest through 6/30/08 $50,180.95
A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report by Commissioner Seymour, seconded
by Commissioner Larsen. All in favor. So carried.
Letter from NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Division of Forest Protection and
Fire management that the application for a Federal Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant was
not awarded to the fire company this year.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Larsen and Seymour
Lowe's has outdoor storage shed for $6200. The size is 12 x 24 with 7x 9 overhead door,
siding and windows. If we are going to buy a new shed, we should put in the cement pad
while the weather is good.
INSURANCE: Commissioners Bauer and Larsen
No report
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioners Seymour and Bauer
Commissioner Seymour will purchase the copier this month for Station #1
Brakes were fixed on M60. Tank gauge is fixed on Truck #604.
LOSAP: Commissioner Harned
Next month we will have representatives for Penflex.
No report
Commissioner Larsen has not talked to Joan Buser, Tax Collector, about the
Livingston fire taxes and how they are calculated for the area that Livingston fire
covers in Clermont.
A letter will be sent to the Livingston Fire Commissioners for the insurance
Budget workshops will be scheduled. Chairman Rifenburgh noted that in this year’s
budget we have to start earmarking funds for new pagers and radios. For one year the
County 911 will dispatch under high and low band simultaneously before switching
over to all high band.
Discussed emergency preparedness plan and radios for the town.
May 2008
1. Car Pedestrian, Commons Road
2. Alarm Activation, Buckwheat Bridge Rd.
3. AAPI, Route 9 and Lasher Road
4. MVA, Route 9
5. AAPD, County Route 6 and Woods Road
6. Alarm Activation, Buckwheat Bridge Road
7. Heat Detector Activation, Woods Road
8. Small Oil Spill, County Route 6 and Woods Road
9. Brush Fire, Incorrect Dispatch, Livingston
No drill, parade on Memorial Day.
June 2008
1. Barn Fire, Old Saw Mill Road
2. Good Intent Call, Buckwheat Bridge Road
Drill at Station #1 – Ran pumps and trained on airbags.
Checked inventory sheets for airbags on M60, which states three, but only two are on
truck. Inventory needs to be kept up to date on equipment, radios, pagers, etc. There is inventory for #601, 604 and M60. We have none for #602 and #603. Chairman
would like everything inventoried on all trucks also turnout gear, pagers, etc.
Commissioner Seymour will work with the Lieutenants to take the inventory and the
secretary will type it up.
Test hose on trucks by the end of the year.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Seymour
for Truck #603 to go out for the Fireman’s Convention parade in Chatham. All in
favor. So carried.
Delete payment to Red Hook electric for $39.94, delete payment to NAPA for $79.50,
and add Ron Seymour for $23.23 for shipping pagers. Add payment for Brenda Seymour
$170.00 for reporting, add payment for Williams Lumber for $30.67 for saw blades and
surge strip. Total proposed invoices for July $5,907.96. Total July to be paid $8031.98.
A motion was made to pay the July abstract by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by
Commissioner Larsen. All in favor. So carried.
Reviewed requirement for Line Officers from another entity. Commissioners are to come
back next month with some general requirements for Chief, Assistant Chief, Captain and
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner
Bauer at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary