FEBRUARY 15, 2010
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, February 15, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Commissioner Rifenburgh, Commissioner Larsen, Commissioner Bauer, Commissioner Schiller and Commissioner Harned. Others present were Treasurer Denise Fiore and Chief Laurence Saulpaugh.
Chairman Rifenburgh opened the meeting with the salute to the flag.
MINUTES: Commissioner Larsen noted a correction to the minutes of the January minutes on page 2 – Insurance - to change the $5.00 fee ‘from the year’ to ‘the month of January’. Motion made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Larsen. All in favor. So carried.
The Treasurer gave the following report for January:
Total invoices paid in January $2,875.19 *
*Of this $240.00 charged to 2009
Proposed February invoices $17,031.08
Paid February invoices $ 699.96
First Niagara Balances as of 1/29/10
Money Market $44,154.12*
Checking Balance $41,794.45
Less outstanding checks $ 954.96
Checking balance to date $40,839.49
Total Money Market and Checking $84,993.61**
*On 1/29/10 $40,000.00 of the grant money was deposited directly into checking account from Treasury Dept. On 2/2/10 this money was transferred into the money market account.
** On 2/1/10 the money for the CFD budget from the Town in the amount of $159,675.00 was deposited into the money market account.
Amount to date without interest in each account is:
Checking $ 839.49
M/M Checking $243,829.12
Capital Reserve Fund: To be discussed
CAPITAL RESERVE FUND: A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Schiller to repay the Capital Reserve $10000.00 from the $40,000.00 grant money received, and $10,000.00 for carryover into the General fund. The Treasurer to find out what account we can set up for balance of grant money. All in favor. So carried.
- RBC Wealth Management Account Statement January 2010 - $204,052.97
- Columbia County Sheriff – Alarm registration for Station #1 – Route 9
- Physio Control – Notification that use of other manufacturers therapy electrodes should not be used with the defibrillators from Physio Control.
- Letter from David Rogers requesting recommendation to other districts who do not use his services.
- Penflex – Final Plan Document and trust document to be signed and returned. All corrections have been made as requested.
- Received summary of program provisions to be circulated to members and posted at firehouses.
- Information about Association of Fire Districts annual meeting to be held in Saratoga Springs April 15-18th.
- Procurement Policy – Chairman Rifenburgh noted that the limit for competitive bidding of all contracts for public works projects has been increased by law to $35,000.00. The threshold on all public purchase contracts remains at $10,000.00. Our procurement policy should be updated.
- Free colon-rectal cancer screening at Vassar Brothers Medical Center on March 6th, Oral Cancer screening on April 24th and Skin cancer screening on May 1st.
- Letter in Association of Fire Districts newsletter regarding the importance of registering to vote in all elections, Federal, State and Local. There is legislation to consolidate and dissolve local fire companies by referendum vote in the works. It is important to notify your elected representatives that you are registered to vote and that state and local officials conduct the necessary studies and research to determine the best financial and operational structure to support volunteer fire protections and EMS in our community.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Bauer and Larsen
- Commissioner Larsen has not heard from Leonard Wireless on the siren.
- Discussed lighting outside Station #1 and asked Commissioner Bauer to look into outside lighting. Commissioner Larsen stated that two 500-watt lights gives off a lot of light. Suggested putting up lights on each corner of the building or on a pole in the parking lot. Commissioner Larsen will check also.
INSURANCE: Commissioners Bauer and Larsen
- Received an invoice from Kleeber for $9219.00 for Fire Company and Fire District. The invoice from McNeil for $884.00 goes to the Fire Company for Accident and Sickness policy for Auxiliary. Several years ago we were paying over $12,000.00 for insurance, so we have been saving the taxpayers money.
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioners Bauer and Schiller
- Received an invoice from Ralph’s Automotive for over $3718.00. $326.00 for service truck $601, $235.00 for gauge for van, $3156.00 for packing pump. The cost of the packing of pump is over the estimate, which was given. Chairman Rifenburgh will call Ralph about this.
- Commissioner Larsen will contact Ashland Fire Company, whose fire department was destroyed by fire in January, to see if they can use the surplus four-inch hose.
LOSAP: Commissioners Harned and Schiller
- Commissioner Harned handed out summary sheets on calls, drills and work details by the members. He used the updated policies when doing the summary. The following changes will be made:
- Add 15 points for Bob McCarthy for Captain position.
- Correct position points for Ron Seymour to 20 points for 1st Assistant Chief.
- Reduce position points for Jake Marks to seven because he did not hold the position for the full year.
Commissioners must sign that they agree with these points. Commissioner Harned will post the listing at the Firehouse for 30 days, and then it comes back next month to the Commissioners.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to accept the list as corrected, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
It was suggested that a change be made to the LOSAP program that if you attend up to five drills, you receive one point for each drill. A motion was made by Commissioner Schiller, seconded by Commissioner Larsen to adopt this change. All in favor. So carried.
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
There will be a workshop on Monday, March 29th at 7:00 P.M. for the Policy review.
- Clothing Dumpster: Chief Saulpaugh has talked to Jim VanDeusen and it is to be removed.
- Columbia County 911 has been notified of change of officers.
- There is class in Copake tomorrow and Clifton Park is next week for firefighters.
- Class on Backdraft and Flashover in East Greenbush was attended by six firefighters.
- Commissioner Larsen asked if the 2nd Assistant Chief has a radio in his vehicle. It has been installed.
- Chairman Rifenburgh will hook up pressure washer at Station #2 this weekend.
- Commissioner Schiller noted that truck #603 needs a check valve on large diameter hose intake. A butterfly valve gives you control of the intake. Chief will check prices from MES and Garrison on a 6x6x5-inch butterfly stainless steel or brass. The price from Darley is $970.95. A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Harned to order valve. All in favor. So carried.
- Chairman Rifenburgh brought up that Station #1 has no filing cabinets and a poor desk. There are no shelves either. Bob McCarthy asked if he could build a countertop and shelves. He estimated $750.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer to approve for no more than $750.00, seconded by Commissioner Schiller. All in favor. So carried. Commissioner Larsen and Commissioner Harned may have file cabinets, which can be used.
- A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to ask Bob McCarthy to install inside lights on south side of building. All in favor. So carried.
Chairman Rifenburgh spoke to Carol Lent about the grant. We have received $40,000.00 and have to spend just over $3000.00 to get the remaining $9000.00 from the grant. We have spent $2647.00 on six sets of fire police equipment, two new chiefs’ jackets and one helmet to date. Another $1000.00 was spent on personal protective equipment and these invoices will be given to Carol to send in.
There were five calls for January and drill as follows:
1/2/10 – Alarm activation Pleasantvale Road
1/10/10 – MVA – Church Avenue/Cemetery Road
1/25/10 – Wire down South Road/Lasher Avenue
1/28/10 – MVA Route 9/Germantown Coop
1/30/10 – MVA – Route 9/Cedar Hill Road
Drill at Station #1 – M60 – run equipment/check inventory
The Chief reported the following:
- Vent saw would not start. Kiel’s checked it and put a new carburetor in and should be run at least twice a month.
- Two pagers are being repaired.
- Truck #604 and M60 radios were checked by Motorola.
- Devereaux called and the Chief did a walk through of two houses in our district to fulfill their state regulations that the Fire Chief must inspect them.
- Requested a sump pump and replacement air bags. Suggested going to the annual fire department expo in Middletown to see what there is in airbags. Also, the Chiefs show at Turningstone in June would have them.
- The Chairman asked Chief Saulpaugh if he would hold officers meetings, should be four per year.
- After payment of loan, the balance remaining from $35,000.00 in budget will go into the Capital Reserve.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Schiller to pay bills. All in favor. So carried.
Truck #603 and #604 is scheduled for service of oil change and filters.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary