TOWN BOARD MEETING AUGUST 4, 2008 The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Monday, August 4, 2008 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Supervisor Staats, Councilwoman Lent, Councilwoman O’Neal, Councilman Jones and Councilman Nolan. Others present were Henry Greenhouse, Assessor, Andy Howard, Town Attorney, Charles Larsen, Robert Desmond, Harry Harned, Alberta Staats, Beatrice Banks, Elizabeth Mahar, Angela Goetz, Judy Neary, Bram Moreinis, Stephen Hammer, Bruce Unson, Dagmar Payne, Dennis Palazzo, Anita Broast and George Davis.
The Supervisor called the meeting to order with a salute to the flag.
Supervisor Staats introduced Sole Assessor Henry Greenhouse to give an explanation of assessments and data collection. Mr. Greenhouse has been our Assessor since October 1, 2007 and has mailed out exemption renewal forms, entered new construction data, participated in grievance day, completed the 2008 assessment rolls and conducted an analysis of assessments. He is here to discuss assessment equity of the 976 parcels in the Town of Clermont, the smallest town in Columbia County, In his analysis, he has determined that we are in regressive assessment, equity does not exist and there must be a revaluation of each parcel to market value. This can be done by trained data collectors. This information would be entered for the year 2010 assessments. Councilwoman O’Neal asked for an explanation of data collection. There is a property record file for each parcel in the town, the data collectors would visit each parcel and verify the data on record as far as type of structure, size, improvements, such as porches, pools, sheds and garages. If you are at
100% equalization rate the value of the exemptions is also 100%. If the equalization rate is at 67% than your exemptions are at 67%. Taxes are not raised because assessments go up but because jurisdictions that have the power to tax determine the budgets. The tax levy is what makes your taxes go up. Councilwoman O’Neal: We have three school districts in Clermont, two are not in the same county, how do we have any control over assessments in those towns? Are we assessed unfairly high in relation to those other towns? Mr. Greenhouse explained that the state equalization rate will equalize the charges which is what it is designed to do. It is an attempt by the state to make sure that no one has an unfair advantage. By being at 67% equalization rate in Clermont, you are paying a higher tax rate to compensate. Councilman Nolan asked if data collection records the uses of the parcels? Mr. Greenhouse responded that this does not involve uses of the property, just the physical aspects. Mr. Greenhouse explained regressive assessment, which means that less expensive properties are assessed at a higher value than they should be in comparison to the more expensive properties. Elizabeth Mahar asked what determines that? Mr. Greenhouse responded that in a systematic analysis you look at assessments compared to sales and divide the assessed value by the selling price for all physical sales over a period of time and use the medium to determine the standard deviation Elizabeth Mahar stated that market prices were very high three years ago, and now the prices are coming down. Mr. Greenhouse responded that the market value has been coming down, and if prices are coming down, it will be reflected. Councilwoman Lent pointed out that when this reevaluation is done, you would be picking up the changes in the market. She pointed out that residents would still have the ability to grieve their assessments. Councilwoman O’Neal asked about Step 2. Mr. Greenhouse said that you must have good data. He will enter it into the database, and use the information to determine the market value of all properties in town. Angela Goetz asked if conservation easements are taken into consideration. If the property is classified as building land, a reduction may be made. If it is classified as agricultural land and has been used that way for years it won’t effect the value going forward. Robert Desmond stated that if you take the development rights away where there are more properties that have a conservation easement, the properties become more desirable. Charlie Larsen stated that any land that is in a conservation easement has an agricultural exemption, which reduces the value for tax purposes. Supervisor Staats said that Mr. Greenhouse would be imputting the data into the system and this would be a substantial savings. We could use one or two more interested persons for data collection. Councilman Nolan is looking for a way to evaluate the impact to the taxpayer if a bond is issued. Is it added into total tax levy? Mr. Greenhouse could not speak of that but if you are assessing at 100% of market value, the bonding agencies will look favorably at that and you get a lower interest rate. There is a state program which will sunset in 2011, that if you agreed to keep your assessed value at 100% for six years the state will pay $5.00 per parcel. He does not know if this will be continued. When Mr. Greenhouse was interviewed for this position, he asked for data collectors and said that he would do the data entry. If the town were to hire an outside agency to do the entire project it would cost $90,000. To do just the data collection would be $45,000. With two people to go to school, do the data collection at $10.00 per hour, the town should be able to do it for $20,000. If anyone is interested please get in touch with Supervisor Staats or the Town Clerk. Councilman Jones is in favor of doing this with two data collectors, because of the lack of equality in assessments. Supervisor Staats and the board members thanked Hank for coming in. MINUTES: JULY 7, 2008 REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Councilwoman O’Neal asked for a correction to the July 7th regular meeting minutes on Page 2 – to add ‘that Councilwoman O’Neal corrected Councilwoman Lent to understand that $400 per window and sash purchase did not apply to base bid. It applied to storm windows, which were part of alternate’. A motion was made to accept the July 7th minutes as corrected by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilman Jones. All in favor. So carried. JULY 15, 2008 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING: Supervisor Staats asked for a correction on page 4 to change $20,000 to $50,000. Councilwoman Lent asked for a correction on page 2 to change borrowed to ‘donated’. Also, ‘that certified testing company to test shale and verified by Dan Wheeler. Colarusso may know of someone who tests shale’. Also, on page 3 add ‘Councilwoman Lent asked for workers compensation and liability insurance’. A motion was made to accept the July 15th minutes as corrected by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried. JULY 22, 2008 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING: Supervisor Staats asked for a correction on page 1, last paragraph to add ‘is a safety issue on service roads in a reasonable timetable. Councilwoman O’Neal asked for a correction on page 3 to add ‘Councilwoman O’Neal wants to see what it would look like on the site”. A motion was made to accept the minutes of July 22 as amended by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilman Jones. Councilwoman Lent was not present at the July 22nd meeting so she did not vote aye or nay. So carried. The regular town board meeting for September will be held on Tuesday, September 2nd at 7:00 P.M. due to the Labor Day Holiday. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. The Town Clerks report was read and a check for the General Fund in the amount of $1,176.93 was presented to the Supervisor. A motion was made to accept the Clerks report for July by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried. 2. Letter from Columbia County Clerk Holly Tanner regarding Motor Vehicle revenues and how it is important for residents to do their motor vehicle transactions in Columbia County so that we retain the revenues created. 3. Supervisor Staats offered condolences to the family of Pamela Murano, who recently passed away. The Muranos attended previous town board meetings about the placement of the highway garage. Mr. Murano has told Supervisor Staats that he feels more confident and that it will not effect him. COMMITTEE REPORTS: WATER TESTS: Councilwoman Lent has had the Community House (Add: Basic) water test done by Smith labs on schedule with the barbecue. The tests came back showing no adverse qualities. HIGHWAY GARAGE: Councilwoman Lent has inquired about trusses for the highway garage, but the company has nothing locally. The company will contact her if anything does come up. INSURANCE: Councilwoman reported on the NYMIR re-evaluation of town buildings at last months meeting. She checked about reclassifying the highway garage to lower the insurance costs but NYMIR does not do that. To increase the value of the buildings including the Town Hall, St.Lukes, Community House and the Highway garage and excluding the garage on Church Avenue and leave the deductibles at $500.00, would be $853.00 for the year or you could increase the value of buildings and still stay at 90% and increase your deductibles. Since we are in the eighth month of the policy it would be prorated. We have had only one loss in the last ten years. There is money is the budget in the insurance account to pay for this increase. MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman Lent to accept the new appraisals of the value of the buildings and leave the deductibles as they are. All in favor. So carried. ENERGY AUDIT: Councilman Nolan has spoken to Patrice Courtney Strong of NYSERDA for an estimate on an energy audit. The cost would be $100.00 per building, total of $300.00 for energy audit to get into a program, which will fund various improvements in order to conserve energy, even sealing and insulating buildings. He asked for a resolution to approve getting into an agreement with NYSERDA to perform an energy audit. Councilwoman Lent asked if they would take into account that the Academy is a historic building. This will have to be discussed with them. Councilman Nolan also spoke about a presentation by Greentown USA about the net metering law and municipal users being able to sell back power into the grid. In Columbia County, the Solar Buying Group has formed a committee for individuals interested in solar panels thereby receiving a percentage off for the purchase and installation of solar panels. There are also tax incentives for doing so. MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilman Jones to authorize Supervisor Staats to sign an agreement with Patrice Courtney Strong for an energy audit. All in favor. So carried. HEAP: Councilman Nolan contacted the Board of Elections and obtained a list of registered voters over the age of 60 in Clermont in hopes that the list may be used to contact seniors regarding services available from Columbia County Office for Aging. Councilwoman O’Neal has been in contact with OFA and applications for the Home Energy Assistance Program will be available November 1st. If over 60 years old, call OFA to get your name on the list. If you received assistance last year, your application will be mailed to you automatically. There are also financial limitations. A link to the OFA site, applications and information is on our website. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE: The new hot water heater and new faucet have been installed in the Community House. Councilwoman O’Neal reported that LaTorre Construction has completed the work on the Academy. She has not verified if there is any leaking around the cupola after a heavy rain. A chimney sweep was called in to look at the chimney, flue and dampers. It was discovered that the furnace flue has never been swept and should be. Estimate from one sweep to clean chimney and flue $l09 and $99 respectively. There is a chimney on the north side that goes no where and there should be a plate on top of chimney to keep water from going in. The quote was $35.00 for a stainless steel plate for the north chimney. Councilman Jones pointed out that there is a lightning rod on the south chimney but not known if the lightening arestor is grounded or not. It should be. There is a damper and it is working in chimney but it is starting to rust because there is no cap, and water is running down. A custom stainless cap would be $175.00 and a copper cap would be $325.00. Councilwoman Lent asked if this would be part of the NYSERDA audit. COMMUNITY HOUSE WINDOWS: Amidon has just received the contract, so it has not been returned as of yet. Councilwoman Lent did not receive any of the recent emails until they were sent by the Town Clerk. She had concerns about the contract and decisions were made on the contract without her seeing the emails or giving any input. She noted that prevailing wage was not noted in the contract. When LaTorre did the work on the Academy there were prevailing wage forms, which were reviewed by Marilyn Kaplan. Andy Howard our attorney has contacted DOL for prevailing wage tables for this particular work. There is a specification in the contract that they pay prevailing wage. Councilwoman Lent asked who would do the final inspection. Mr. Howard stated that final payment would not be made until all work is done in accordance with the terms and inspection has been made. The building inspector or whomever the board wants could do the inspection. Councilwoman Lent pointed out that one of the problems with Amidon was that they did not use the bid form and what they sent was not signed, whereas, LaTorre Construction was the only one who filled out the bid form in its entirety. Andy Howard is waiting to get comments back from Amidon and report from Department of Labor. Councilwoman Lent asked if one million single and two million aggregate insurance is sufficient to cover lead abatement. Andy Howard believes it is and this is what was in the bid package, so it can’t be changed now. Councilman Nolan said inspection should be coordinated with the building inspector and signing off on the work should accompany the requisition. Councilwoman Lent asked what happens if the sashes are moved out for repair? Andy would specify in the agreement spelling out that he has the responsibility to perform according to the specs and that the glass must be assembled in such a way that the town can store it for future use. There is no prohibition to him doing work off site. HISTORY AND ARCHIVES –Cleaned out the Community House on Saturday and a presentation was made prior to the meeting on the chairs. Some will be sold unless there is a reason why they should not be. WEBSITE COMMITTEE: Stephen Hammer spoke about meeting with the Planning Board. He showed them forms from other towns and Andy Howard offered to generate forms for the Planning Board to review. Councilwoman Lent reported that some are still picking up the old website with old minutes and no new minutes. There are several things that might cause this, Bram and Stephen can look into it. Supervisor Staats thanked Bram for offering his druple site until Valstar is ready. Judith Neary would like to withdraw her name from the website committee because she doesn’t feel that she is giving anything to the committee or getting anything out of the committee. Angela Goetz stated that she was asked to store boxes in her barn from the Community House and she wants it on record that she does not want to be responsible if something happens to them. Councilwoman Lent asked why they are being stored on her property and not on Town property, when there is storage space in the basement of St. Luke’s. We should not be imposing on town residents. Ms. Goetz has a valid point in not wanting to be responsible. There are questions about insurance coverage if something did happen. This discussion was tabled until a later time. OLD BUSINESS: BENCH DONATION: Superintendent Potts looked into concrete pads for under the benches, which would cost $l30 per bench. His recommendation was to anchor them down to the ground with rebar pins. Councilman Jones also suggested stones underneath the benches and Councilman Nolan suggested fabric also to keep the grass from growing under them and the rebar would work well to anchor them down. Thanked Mrs. DeLaurentis for donating the benches. Supervisor Staats is also going to take care of getting the plaques for the benches. ACKERMAN SUBDIVISION: Andy Howard has had discussions with Mr. Ackerman’s counsel and he is looking to comply with our engineer’s requirements. It is imperative for them to reach an agreement so that he can sell lots. HIGHWAY GARAGE SITE: Report from Dan Wheelers office prepared by Jay Trapp on their evaluation of the three proposed sites for the highway garage. In summation, Jay feels that the site on the former Hettling land is the most feasible location for the garage. Supervisor Staats has some preliminary numbers and hard numbers will be prepared within the next few weeks, which will include yardage for moving shale. He agreed that Councilman Jones numbers are right in there but Jay has to do the numbers himself. It should be noted that costs for materials are increasing. We have a lot of easements and restrictions with DEC and we must meet with them to discuss these. Andy Howard has spoken with DEC’s counsel and they were positive about this sight. The project manager, Randy Hough, is the determinant figure in what happens here. The plan that C.T.Male will draw up for soils and the ultimate placement for the conservation easement, and once approved by Mr. Hough, the review by the counsel’s office should be fairly quick. We provide them with an ALTA survey and a certified abstract of title for their review. The plan must specify cleanup and protection measures, which would be incorporated into the highway garage and environmental standpoint with excavation and moving of shale. Randy Hough, Kirk Moline, Andy Howard and Supervisor Staats will meet together to discuss these aspects and make sure that they are meeting all requirements. Councilwoman O’Neal asked how we account for the time for C.T. Male, attorney or engineering expenses in the referendum? Councilwoman Lent asked about the recusal issue concerning Councilwoman O’Neal and the garage discussions. Her understanding on recusal is to remove oneself from all deliberations, not just a vote. If she recused herself at a prior meeting, she should not be discussing the issue on this side of the table. Andy Howard will look at this further. For the record, it doesn’t mean you are not allowed to speak, but the question is when and in what matter. It probably should be done during the public comment period. Councilman Nolan has been asking the question about budgeting for this project. There needs to be a working fund or a replenishment of line items in the budget that have been used for this project. He does not believe that this budget was put together with expenses relating to the development of this project being incorporated into this budget. Councilwoman Lent stated that there are funds in the Con Ed account which can be used to develop infrastructure and which does not affect the tax base. This would have to be done by resolution. Andy Howard stated that this is a multi-faceted issue in that the meeting with Kirk Moline could be characterized for reimbursement to the Brownsfields but also the garage is the ultimate beneficiary of the work. Councilwoman Lent put in a requisition for 90% of what was expended for 2007 and was received in December 2007. Councilwoman Lent will contact Randy Hough to find out if any of our attorney’s expenses would be covered in lieu of Kimberlea Shaw Rae’s expenses, which were reimbursed. Andy Howard explained that the town board has the discretion to hire the professionals necessary to develop the site, but that investigation or fees associated should not be included in a bond resolution. However, attorney fees in relation to a bond, closing and design of the building would be proper to place in consideration. Councilman Nolan stated that there are funds that have been expended relating to the garage that weren’t anticipated in the budget, they are additional expenses and related to a project for which we haven’t held a referendum. Can we say that engineering expenses are related to the Brownsfields because it is dealing with how the shale is recovered? We authorized $3500 for C. T. Male to do the application to get in the cue for funding, can this be included? Councilman Nolan would like a total accounting of the total cost of the project, whether actual dollars out of pocket today or out of pocket in the future. Andy Howard feels you can represent to the public what the total cost is of the project, but in relation to the bond, you are not going to recover it. Councilwoman Lent said this is a feasibility study. Supervisor Staats would like to have a meeting in two weeks, when we have the numbers from Dan Wheeler, we will make a fund line, go over the numbers and at that point we should have a public hearing. Councilman Nolan would like an expended to date on this project. Andy Howard explained that a town board can appoint professionals to investigate these issues, the payments can be paid out of your budget funds. Councilman Nolan would like it broken down more finely by project. Councilman Jones would pre-authorize expenditures for Dan Wheeler to do any work on this project and Councilman Nolan agreed. Attorney Howard can project attorney cost and Dan Wheelers office can project the engineering fees associated with the project. Councilman Jones suggested that we stop focusing on three sites because it costs money, and focus on the County Route 6 site as the proposed site for the highway garage. MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman Lent that the highway garage go on the County Route 6 site and any moneys that are expended be on the County Route 6 site. Councilman Nolan believes the motion is premature. Supervisor Staats explained that Dan could not be here tonight, but if we pick a location, he can give us the numbers. If he has to give us numbers on three sites, it will only cost more. Supervisor Staats and Councilman Nolan reviewed the projected costs from Dan Wheeler’s office for replacing the current garage on the present site. Councilman Nolan would like everyone to understand that we are going through the rationale of choosing the location. This location on Route 6 was also shown in the Behan Plan as a good location for a through road from Route 9. Councilman Jones pointed out that there is an intermittent drainage ditch which proceeds from County Route 6, west boundary of the telephone company property, turns west beside the Hettling property and then north towards Dianne O’Neal’s property. Councilman Nolan stated that the motion is triggering one site. Councilwoman Lent is comfortable with the Route 6 site and this does not affect the taxpayers from voting on a referendum. She does not believe we need to purchase another property or after drilling a new well for $13,000.00 to expand the present highway garage and put a salt shed so close to the new well. Supervisor Staats asked if there is any further discussion. Councilman Nolan asked if this motion merely is asking us to focus attention on the development costs and specifications for this site. Councilwoman Lent said that we might be able to get an estimate of engineering fees for a flat fee and Andy might be able to give us figure for legal fees so that we know what the feasibility study will be so that we can get to the referendum. Councilwoman Lent asked for Councilwoman O’Neal to recuse herself because she is an adjoining owner to the highway garage and the Brownsfield land. MOTION: A roll call vote was as follows: Jones, aye, Lent, aye, Nolan, aye – Councilwoman O’Neal recused herself from the vote. So carried. Councilman Nolan thinks it needs to be retroactive to some point, what was clearly billed by Wheeler for the highway garage. Councilwoman Lent doesn’t know about retroactive for the referendum but we could get an accurate amount of what has been spent last year and this year. Supervisor Staats would like to set a special meeting for Wednesday, August 20th at 7:00 P.M. to compile the numbers for the referendum. Supervisor Staats will be available on Saturday, August 23rd for anyone who wants to inspect any of the three sites between 12:00 and 3:00 P.M by appointment. Supervisor Staats has preliminary figures for bonding. A total cost of the project is projected at $800,000 for the garage. He talked to bond counselors for 7 year and 10 year bonds. Taking a $350,000 bond for a 10-year and $450,000 from the reserve it would increase taxes $25.00 per $1000.00 of assessed value. Harry Harned expressed concern about using that much of the reserve funds. Charles Lent will donate the use of the D8 excavator with ripper with an operator for the duration and time needed to rip shale and site work. The town will provide fuel. Bob Desmond asked if this would also be to stockpile shale for remediation? Yes it will. Councilwoman Lent also spoke to C. T. Male and Randy Hough about getting donated volunteer services towards remediation. EXEMPTION FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS: The County adopted a Voluntary Firefighters exemption in 2003 and it would have to be adopted by the Town in order to receive a 10% reduction on assessed value for taxes. It was never adopted. Our attorney will prepare a local law for next month. SALES TAX: Received a check for Sales Tax revenue in the amount of $65, 567.32 for the 2nd quarter, which is a decline from what was estimated. Mortgage tax and sales tax are declining at a fast rate and Supervisor Staats feels that we will be fall short on our budget. Budget transfers will be done next month to bring the attorney account into balance. SUPERVISORS REPORT: Ockawamick School, Claverack: There was a public hearing held last week on the purchase of the building. There was a lot of opposition from the public. It is not clear who will be transferring to that building. Election training schedule – Training for Clermont, Germantown and Livingston inspectors to be held Thursday August 14th at the Palatine Park Activities Building. ABSTRACTS: A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman Lent to approve Highway abstract #8, vouchers 89-97 in the amount of $4,198.95. All in favor. So carried. A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman Lent to approve Trust and Agency abstract #8, vouchers #48-56 in the amount of $959.25. All in favor. So carried. A motion was made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilwoman Lent to approve General abstract #8, vouchers #230 - #260 in the amount of $5,064.14. All in favor. So carried. PUBLIC COMMENT: Bob Desmond asked if we are going to take advantage of the offer from Mr. Lent? We cannot do anything until we have easements and restrictions laid out. Does that mean that you are not going to file the lot line adjustment? We will need an extension unless we get it done in the sixty days. There was also mention of restrictions on the property by DEC. DEC has the easements in place on the restriction of the use of the property, we have to follow their instructions and file the paperwork for their approval. Andy Howard explained that the town is proposing to take a portion of the Hettling property and adjoin to the former telephone property, and by doing so it does not change that the property has to be remediated. If we kept it as it is, we would have different easements on that parcel. By proposing to do the lot line adjustment, just that parcel would have a delineated easement on it specifying the type of use and what sort of activity will take place. It doesn’t change the requirements. Before we excavate soil, we need to know that we are following their requirements. Judy Neary asked if we have put in to get the money for the remediation. We are preparing the resolution for that. She also mentioned to Ms. Goetz that it is great that she is storing items for the town, but if there is a value on it, she would want some kind of insurance. Tara Sullivan, Executive Director of the Hudson Fulton Champlain Quadricentennial was in Germantown and they received a flag, stickers and pins to wear and booklets for everyone. Dagmar Payne asked if the same rules apply to donated services for prevailing wage for the operator and insurance. She appreciates the work towards looking at the site and not particularly opposed to the site as an adjoining landowner, but opposed to the presentation of the budget. Supervisor Staats reported that these numbers were done two weeks ago, not just today. She said it was reported that DEC monies could be moved to the Brownsfield costs on the line item, this is money that you wouldn’t spend if it weren’t for the highway garage. In fairness, all should be included because if we weren’t putting a highway garage we wouldn’t be spending additional funds. She doesn’t think it is a good idea to drain the reserve. She recommends using caution about draining funds because of the present economy. Councilwoman Lent asked for clarification on her point about separation of budget amounts. Dagmar wants it all put out there as far as dollars go. Supervisor Staats clarified that we would be using the shale on that property for use on remediation. Councilwoman O’Neal asked Kurt Moline about current budget status on our situation. The attorney from Department of Environmental Remediation and he said that the money is not there and will never be there. The total needed to bring all towns into remediation would be about 200 million dollars and he is not aware of any bond act in the process. Charlie Larsen reminded everyone that the Village Green BBQ will be Saturday, August 9th. Grounds open at 9:00 A.M. with tractor pulling events. Dinner seating is at 4:30 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. There will be a bake sale for the Community House. Harry Harned reiterated about the use of the reserve funds. These funds were set aside for emergency and budget shortfalls. He also heard that Governor Patterson signed a bill about Brownsfield funds but it is being held up so that more safeguards can be built in. The talks about the highway garage were started last year and we looked at the garage around budget time. We had a special meeting and voted to start this effort. Elizabeth Mahar said that seven hundred thousand dollars is not that much money and if you divide it between all the people its only about $400.00 per person. Supervisor Staats looks at this as a town necessity to build a garage. This was started last year and we are trying to figure out the best way to make it work. Alberta Staats asked what is the alternative if the referendum is voted down. The figures would have to be reworked and presented to the voters again. Councilwoman Lent thanked the Supervisor for sending emails that had to do with the Highway garage and Brownsfield, which did not include her name. A motion was made to adjourn by Councilwoman O’Neal, seconded by Councilman Jones at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mary Helen Shannon, RMC Town Clerk