John and Nora Moran - CommonsRoad
MARCH 10, 2010
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Nancy Sperry, Clayton Andrus, Tom Jantzen, Jennifer Phillips and Aldo Dusman. Brenda Case was absent. Others present were George Schmitt, Andy Howard, John and Nora Moran and Robert Desmond.
A motion was made to accept the minutes of last months meeting by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
JOHN AND NORA MORAN: Commons Road – Planning Board member Tom Jantzen recused himself from this action. The property on the eastern side of Commons Road was a section of the old road since the 60’s. When the road was realigned, the old section was never legally abandoned and never deeded over to a property owner. This came to light when Mr. Jantzen was subdividing property on the west-side of the road. Presently residents are using the old section to access Commons Road from their driveways. With the approval of the Jantzen’s, Mr. Moran would like to approach the landowners to see if they would like to take ownership of the one to one and one-half acres of land giving them direct access to Commons Road. If they were not interested, he would take ownership, as he has several parcels, which abut with this section. In that case, easements would be granted to the other lot owners, giving them access to the main road. A letter of consent from each property owner is required saying whether they are interested or not. Marie Welch suggested a quit claim deed for the property owners. Mr. Moran should have his surveyor, Marie Welch, prepare a letter for the lot owners for next months meeting. Our attorney agreed that this should be done and easements should be granted to any landowner that does not want to participate. A public hearing will be set up for next month. Mr. Moran to send out notices and any involved landowners may want to come to the next meeting.
Councilman Robert Desmond has been meeting with town attorney Andy Howard, Planning Board, ZBA members and the building inspector on revising the fee schedules.
The proposed changes are as follows:
- The fees for Building/Use permits on page l of the schedule have not changed, but the method of the building inspectors charging for the inspections has. The building fee will be a two-part fee: Base fee and Inspection fees of $25.00 (residential) or $50.00 (commercial) based on what inspections of construction have to be done. As the building inspector does the inspections, he will voucher the town base on the fees for those inspections.
- Application Fees – Planning Board:
Minor Subdivision – increased to $125.00 per additional lot.
Major Subdivision – increased to $200.00 per additional lot.
Lot Line/Boundary Line Adjustment - $100.00
Site Plan Reviews: Residential - $75.00, Commercial $200.00
- Application Fees – Zoning Board
Interpretation or Variance Application - $75.00
Special Use Permit Application - $l00.00
- Escrow for Engineering/Attorney Review – Standard $500.00
- Recreation Fees:
Minor Subdivision - $400.00 per additional lot
Major Subdivision - $400.00 per additional lot
Planned Residential Development - $400.00 per unit
Multi-Family Duplex or Accessory Apartment - $400.00 per unit
Jennifer Phillips asked if we had comparisons with other towns in the area. Bob did get Germantown, Red Hook and Livingston fees. Some municipalities will use estimated cost or square footage to determine building permit fees; ours are a flat fee.
This will be brought up at the next town board meeting and a public hearing scheduled for the month after. Tom Jantzen suggested that farm accessory buildings should fall under residential permits. Bob said they could look into this.
The Dutchess County Planning Federation has scheduled a course on Zoning Board Basics on Thursday, March 18th from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in Millbrook. The cost is $5.00, which is reimbursable, and two credit hours towards mandatory requirements.
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Tom Jantzen to adjourn at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon