MARCH 15, 2010
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, March 15, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Commissioner Rifenburgh, Commissioner Schiller, Commissioner Bauer, Commissioner Harned, Treasurer Denise Fiore, Robert Desmond, Chief Laurence Saulpaugh and 2nd Assistant Chief Bob McCarthy. Commissioner Larsen was out of town on business.
Chairman Rifenburgh opened the meeting with the salute to the flag.
A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report of the February meeting by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Harned. All in favor. So carried.
February invoices paid $17,050.61
Proposed March invoices $ 30,338.51
Paid March invoices $ 176.54
Total $ 30,515.05
Money Market Checking Balance $226,888.15
Checking Balance $ 1,714.17
Less outstanding checks $ 401.54
Checking Balance to date $ 1,312.63
Total $228,200.78
Capital Reserve Fund: $ 56,431.68
Reserve Fund Balance $ 20,000.00
A motion was made by Commissioner Harned to accept the Treasurers report, seconded by Commissioner Schiller. All in favor. So carried.
RESOLUTION #12-2010: A motion was made to create a reserve fund by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Schiller. A roll call vote was as follows: Harned – aye, Bauer – aye, Schiller – aye, Rifenburgh, aye. All in favor. So carried.
- Commissioner Harned submitted a letter from Iroquois Gas regarding non-donation to fundraisers. They do not make contributions to general fundraisers but try to help with equipment needs. They asked if there are any specific equipment needs that they can help with. The Chief will submit ideas for an equipment request.
- The State Comptroller has said that an audit is required to be submitted on the Service Awards Program. The treasurer will ask our accountant to audit 2009.
- RBC Wealth Management Account Statement for February – Portfolio value is $204,04.57
- Letter from Mid Hudson Medical Group – Hudson Valley Family Practice is joining with Mid Hudson Medical Group as of March 1, 2010.
- Seminar on Big City Strategies & Tactics to be held in Millbrook on April 7th at 7:00 P.M.
- Teleconference cancelled for March 10th on travel procedures and updates on consolidation.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Bauer and Larsen
- Bob McCarthy of Macs Electric submitted an estimate for lights for Station #1. This price includes two 400 watt flood lights on the north and south corners facing down on the parking lot with brackets and manual timer and replacing a light over the center bay on a wall mount for $1,350.00. Additionally, adding a light on the south end of parking light would be $910.00. The type of timer was discussed and should be of a longer duration than one hour. Mr. McCarthy is requesting a deposit of $750.00 with the remaining billed on a time and material basis. Commissioner Bauer asked about a price on changing the interior lights from fluorescent to regular lights, as what he did on the north side, and adding two lights in the center. Also putting a light over the desk area.
- The Chief has called Richard VanDeusen three times but there has been no response about removing the clothing bin. 2nd Assistant Chief Bob McCarthy will bag up all the clothes and leave out for our pick up. A letter will be written to the Volunteer Firefighters Association about removing clothing bin.
- Commissioner Harned will ask the phone company to take wire maintenance off the telephone bill for Station #1.
- The alarm company notified Commissioner Bauer that there was a backfeed on the alarm, which was determined to be the line coming into the building. They have not gotten back to Ray so it must be resolved.
- There was discussion about removing the emergency phones, which we are paying for from Station #1 and Station #2. Since most people have cell phones, these phones are not necessary. A motion was made by Commissioner Schiller to have the emergency phones and signs removed at Station #1 and Station #2, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried. Chairman Rifenburgh will remove sign at Station #1. Commissioner Harned will ask the phone company about removing them and if they want boxes, they will be dropped off.
INSURANCE: Commissioner Bauer and Commissioner Larsen
- Insurance has been renewed effective March 1, 2010. Commissioner Bauer will ask Commissioner Larsen about removing the generator from our policy as it is on the town’s policy.
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioner Bauer and Commissioner Schiller
- Valve is coming in tomorrow.
- Service on Trucks M60, 604 and 603 has not been done yet for oil changes, oil filters, fuel filters and grease chassis. Commissioner Bauer asked if Joe Palumbo could do this work. He will speak with him.
- Truck #604 is still leaking water. Commissioner Bauer will ask Joe to check and if he can’t do it, get Garrison or Ralph Torchia to do it.
- Commissioner Harned reported that the points have been posted at the firehouse but it hasn’t been the thirty days required.
- The Commissioners will meet on March 29, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. for policy review.
- Chairman Rifenburgh has a copy of the operating procedure guidelines from NYS Chiefs Association. He also has pamphlets "After the Fire" for victims of a housefire and what to do after a fire.
- LIGHTS FOR STATION #1: A motion to accept the estimate from Mac’s Electric for lights to be installed on front of building, timer on north and south for $1350.00 with a deposit of $750.00, remaining to be billed on time and material was made by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Harned. All in favor. So carried. The Treasurer can add a disbursement of $750.00 for the deposit to Mac’s Electric to this month’s abstract.
- FEMA GRANT: An invoice for payment on valve will go to Carol Lent to be submitted for grant.
- New round of grants will be out the end of this month.
- Siren at Station #2: Commissioner Larsen is not here tonight to report.
- Truck Service – see above Fire Equipment.
- Valve for #603: Need to order quick connect 6-inch female to 5-inch stortz. Motion to approve purchase by Commissioner Harned, not to exceed $300.00, seconded by Commissioner Schiller. All in favor. So carried.
- Milan Fire Protection: The amount due for 2010 is $2050.00. It will be necessary to renegotiate for next year.
- The auditor has compiled the annual report for the State Comptroller and a summary of cash balances, cash receipts and cash disbursements for the fiscal year 2009. He stated that the accounting records of the Treasurer were in good order and deposits and cash disbursements were made in a timely manner.
- A thank you note will be sent to Carol Lent thanking her for her time and energy in working on the grants for the District.
- Chairman Rifenburgh would like to purchase miscellaneous cleaning supplies for cleaning trucks and a hose reel for mounting to the wall. A motion was made to approve the purchase of cleaning supplies for both stations and hose reel by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Schiller. All in favor. So carried.
There were three calls for February:
- 2/1/10 – Mutual aid to Germantown – Palatine Park Road
- 2/13/10 – Chimney Fire – County Route 6
- 2/28/10 – Alarm Activation – Pleasantvale Road
There was a drill on bloodbourn pathogens held on 2/22/10 with nineteen firefighters attending. This is a mandatory OSHA requirement and four members did not attend. A letter will be sent reminding these members that they need to take this course. If they need assistance in taking the class, they are to notify the Chief and he will find out where the course will be offered. The members are Tyler Case, Adom Lawyer, Tom McCarthy and Harold Rockefeller. Tyler Case also needs to complete Scene Support in order to stay as an active member.
A motion was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to pay the bills. All in favor. So carried.
Bob Desmond suggested asking Iroquois Gas for something that might be used in connection with the pipeline in the event of an emergency.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:46 by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary