MARCH 30, 2010
The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Tuesday, March 30, 2010. This meeting was rescheduled from the first Monday of April due to a conflict.
Those present were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilwoman Dianne O’Neal, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Nancy Moore and Councilman Richard Jones. Others present were Raymond Jurkowski, Town Engineer, Andrew Howard, Town Attorney and two town residents.
A motion was made by Councilwoman O’Neal to enter into executive session at 7:00 P.M. to discuss a matter of possible litigation. Councilman Jones seconded the motion. Supervisor Staats recused himself and did not enter into the session. As Deputy Supervisor Councilwoman O’Neal will run the executive session. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to come out of executive session at 7:22 P.M.
MINUTES: The board reviewed the meeting minutes and the following changes were made. Councilman Desmond asked for a change on page 25 (1) Correspondence to add ‘on the garage project’ after engineers and to add ‘garage’ before project in the second sentence. Councilwoman O’Neal asked to delete by Pine Plains and add ‘of’ on page 26 (2) Community House Ceiling Repairs. A motion was made to accept the minutes with corrections by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Jones. All in favor. So carried.
- Public notice for Pine Plains Central School District petitions for membership on BOE may be picked up at District Office or by calling 518-398-7181, ext. 401. Board of Education Election and School Budget vote will be Tuesday May 18, 2010.
- Pine Plains Budget Workshop will be held on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. at the Middle/High School.
- Read statement from Pine Plains School regarding recent court case Zeno vs. Pine Plains CSD.
- Public hearing notice from Milan Town Board to be held on 4/12/2010 at 7:00 P.M. amending the zoning map with respect to the A3A and HB zones in chapter 200 Zoning at the Milan Town Hall.
- Germantown 300th Anniversary Committee regarding plans for celebration of the Palatines settling in 1710. A tentative calendar will be posted in the Town Hall.
- Notice of training requirements for new Board of Assessment Review member Al Costello and retraining for John Halterman IV.
- Web Committee: No correspondence
- WATER TEST: Councilman Jones has scheduled a water test for the Community House and Town Hall for bacteria and a sodium chloride test at Community House to show we have not contaminated the water by the salt shed. Supervisor Staats suggested testing bacteria at Town Hall and other tests on main supply. An arsenic test should be done on the Community House, although it is naturally occurring, but will differentiate on type of arsenic. Councilman Jones also suggested a lead test on both buildings. The proposal is for seven tests at a cost of approximately $200.00. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond and seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to have the testing done as outlined not to exceed $250.00. If the estimate is more than $250.00, he should return next month with the amount of further tests. All in favor. So carried. Councilman Jones is also suggesting a collector in the front of the salt shed, but our engineer thought we were putting a berm around the apron. This will be discussed further.
- RECREATION FACILITIES: Councilman Jones would also like to move forward with our efforts to develop recreation facilities on the twenty acres. Suggested a public meeting in mid-April to open the discussion on what steps to take next to secure recreational facilities. Councilman Desmond has spoken with Kirk Moline of C.T. Male to discuss what can be done on certain parts of the property until we have the remediation. Councilman Jones did not agree with this because the former telephones property is not in the remediation area. Councilman Desmond would like to apply for funding once we know what we can use of the property and, as a backup, use the five-acre parcel on Route 6. There was further discussion regarding what portions of the property require remedial action due to contamination and how to accomplish that.
- NYSERDA GRANT: Councilwoman O’Neal introduced Dagmar Payne, Energy Committee Chair. Dagmar reported on two grants, which were approved out of the seven applications submitted. Her feeling is that we did not get the grants for the Community House because it is an auxiliary building. The town hall insulation was approved estimated at $3000.00 with a 10% cost share and the Highway Garage Windows with a cost share at 30% ($500.00). Not approved was solar for Town Hall, boiler, storms and insulation for the Community House. The Board thanked Dagmar for her work on these grants. Councilwoman O’Neal has been in touch with the case manager and the contracts will be sent to the Supervisor to be signed and this should take a few months.
- COMMUNITY HOUSE: Councilwoman O’Neal reported that the ceiling has been repaired in the Community House on the second floor. Carbon monoxide detectors have been installed in Community House and Town hall.
- SCENIC HUDSON: Councilman Desmond and Councilwoman O’Neal, on the Planning, Development Land Use Committee, have met with Cary Bates of Scenic Hudson. As Scenic Hudson holds several easements in Clermont, they are willing to undertake projects in the Town at no cost. They mapped all of their agricultural resources for the Town of Stuyvesant using geographic imaging. They discussed natural resources mapping, trails, access to the river, etc. These are things that may not exist now but may in the future. Ms. Bates would like to meet with the Town Board either on a separate night or an hour before the regular meeting.
Councilwoman O’Neal will check dates with Ms.Bates.
- ARCHIVE PROJECT: Louise Kalin has been working on digitally copying story boards of County Historian, Mary Howell, that relate to Clermont. The Columbia County Historical Society has been accumulating records on Clermont and it was interesting to find out that the contractor of the Community House was Philip J. Staats.
- REMEDIATION SITE: Councilman Desmond and Councilwoman O’Neal have met with Kurt Moline about the site and use for active recreation. They have talked about the western area, which is determined to be okay for recreational use, the eastern section needs remediation, the center area must be looked at and a comparison made against requirements and from values of testing. In the remedial plan and Record of Decision there is no gardening or agriculture allowed. There is still money available from DEC for those that have applied for funding. The original signed resolution and certificate of ownership, SEQRA and site map are done. A site management plan has to be signed off by town that we have accepted the proposed plan prepared by C.T. Male. The plan is to remediate for active recreation and use material we have and be reimbursed based on three bids and charge less than lowest bid, but it cannot be done prior to remediation. It was suggested by Ray Jurkowski, Town Engineer, to form a committee, as far as recreation, develop a master plan with potential locations of recreation. Councilman Jones would like to see a baseball field and possibly a pavilion on the five acre site. He would like to have the recreation committee meet in the coming months. Andy Howard has the certificate of ownership and is having a title abstract done and expects it back shortly.
Resolution #36-2010 to enter into the Environmental Restoration Program Remediation Phase with NYS DEC for which a Record of Decision has been issued which describes the required remedy, and that the Town Board has determined that it is the best course of action to enter into the ERP Remediation Phase with NYS DEC, and that the Supervisor is authorized to execute those documents necessary to enter into the program and be responsible for administering the project was approved on a motion by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. Councilwoman O’Neal recused herself. All in favor. So carried.
- FEE SCHEDULES: Councilman Desmond has met with the Planning Board, Zoning Board and Building Inspector regarding the fee schedules and compensation for the building inspector. Andy Howard has prepared two resolutions relating to the Fee schedule and Compensation for Building Inspector which memorializes current schedule of compensation for building inspector. Councilman Desmond explained how this has changed for compensating the building inspector for building inspections. A motion was made to hold a public hearing on the resolutions regarding the fee schedule and compensation for building inspector by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal on Monday, May 3, 2010 at 6:45 P.M.
- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN: Councilwoman Moore has been finalizing the Emergency Preparedness Plan by updating phone numbers, addresses, etc. She will ask Jim Potts to charge the emergency radios and check where the switch for generator is located in Community House. The final plan will be(Corrected to emailed) (Delete:mailed) to those listed to be reviewed.
- RESOLUTION #37-2010 authorizes the Supervisor to transfer funds from A1010.4 Town Board to A3510.4 Dog Control in the amount of $66.00. A motion was made by Councilwoman O’Neal, seconded by Councilman Desmond authorized the transfer by the Supervisor. All in favor. So carried.
- HIGHWAY GARAGE UPDATE: The Highway Superintendent has requested office furniture and equipment. The Supervisor stated that there are enough funds to pay this out of Capital Projects in the amount of approximately $500.00. There is some painting to be done, and estimates will be obtained.
- AUDIT UPDATE: Supervisor Staats met with Mr. Kay today and working on the initial draft, which should be done in about two weeks. He will then meet with the Supervisor.
- REASSESSMENT PROCESS: The Supervisor advised residents that the town, county or school does not receive any more taxes from this reassessment, the process is distributing the tax levy more evenly. The tax rate per $1000.00 of assessed value will be reduced. If you feel that there is a discrepancy see the assessor, bring in information and see if there are errors or adjustments, which can be made.
- TREE REMOVAL: The tree in front of the Community House has lost large branches recently and the tree should be removed. Our highway superintendent is comfortable with removing the tree. At some point we can replace the tree. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to have the Highway Department remove the tree. All in favor. So carried.
- PAVING ROLLER: Superintendent Potts would like to get prices for a used paving roller, to be shared with the Town of Livingston. The board authorized him to get prices.
- The Supervisor has transferred funds from the Money Market account and deposited into the Kinderhook National Bank at 1.09 percent for short term 8 month Certificate of Deposit.
- PINE HAVEN SUBCOMMITTEE: Will update on process at Pine Haven Home.
- DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES: The Social Services committee will meet soon.
- PUBLIC SAFETY: There are open burning restrictions in effect until mid-May.
- BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES: An architect has been approved for the design phase of Ockawamick School building.
- EASTER EGG HUNT: Will be held this Saturday from 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.
- Thanked highway crew in advance for removing limb and taking tree down.
A motion was made by Councilwoman O’Neil, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve for payment, General Abstract #4, vouchers 86-114 in the amount of $7,689.67. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore to approve for payment, Highway Abstract #4, vouchers #22-32 in the amount of $5,273.79. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to approve for payment, Capital Projects abstract #4, voucher #10 in the amount of $509.68. All in favor. So carried.
There was no public comment.
On a motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk