APRIL 19, 2010
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Rifenburgh, Commissioner Larsen, Commissioner Schiller, Commissioner Bauer, Commissioner Harned, Treasurer Denise Fiore, Chief Laurence Saulpaugh, Second Assistant Chief Bob McCarthy and Robert Desmond.
Chairman Rifenburgh opened the meeting with the salute to the flag. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Commissioner Schiller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Chairman Rifenburgh has asked the Commissioners if they feel it is necessary to receive copies of all the bank statements, if the Treasurer gives us a copy at the beginning of the meeting, which can then be reviewed by all the Commissioners and initialed. Chairman would like a copy of the abstract each month for the Commissioners.
March invoices paid $ 30,515.05
Proposed April invoices $ 2,817.43
Paid April invoices $ 886.80
Money Market Checking account $196,701.51
Checking Balance $ 1,552.62
Less outstanding checks $ 1,222.79
Checking Balance $ 329.83
Money Market and Checking Balance $197,031.34
Capital Reserve Fund $ 63,207.19
Reserve Fund Balance $ 20,005.67
Commissioner Larsen made a motion to convert the balance of $30,000 into the Capital Reserve account, seconded by Commissioner Schiller. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Schiller. All in favor. So carried.
Commissioner Larsen would like it shown on the account balance sheet that we are paying the lease to the Fire Company less expenses, which are being deducted. Treasurer Fiore will check with the accountant.
Chairman Rifenburgh reviewed the annual report and was pleased with it and the accountant has said that our treasurer is doing a good job.
- Milan Fire Department is holding their annual dinner and extended an invitation to the District.
- Account Statement from RBC Wealth Management for March - $207761.49
- Commercial Instruments and Alarm Systems, Inc. regarding service agreement for fire alarm system for 8 months $103.68, total for full year is $144.00.
- The Treasurer reported that First Niagara will merge to First Niagara Bank of N.A.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioner Larsen, Commissioner Bauer
- Lights have been installed at Station #1 outside, but lights inside still must be installed. Chairman Rifenburgh stated that there will be only one light with a timer on the front, but he asked Bob McCarthy to put a wall mount light about half way back on the southside.
- Siren at Station #2 needs to be mounted and a wire from the pole to the building and Bob McCarthy has not been given any authorization from the Directors of the Fire Company to do the work. The controls have to be installed inside. The district is paying for the engine starter and the controller. The Fire Company is paying the installation.
- Commissioner Bauer has moved the dumpster behind the building until we hear from the Volunteer Fireman’s Association.
- Bob McCarthy asked if the phones were going to be removed from Station #1 and Station #2 because they were ringing and when answered 911 was on the other end. Commissioner Harned will call G-tel about removing the phones.
INSURANCE: Commissioner Larsen, Commissioner Bauer
- Commissioner Larsen told the board that we could reject a portion of the insurance policy regarding terrorism in the amount of $218.00. After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to decline to exclude the terrorism insurance. The motion was passed by three ayes, Larsen, Bauer and Schiller, two nays, Harned and Rifenburgh.
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioner Bauer, Commissioner Schiller
- Commissioner Bauer reported that trucks #601, #604 and M60 have been serviced.
- Chairman Rifenburgh asked about the 4-inch hose that was going to be donated to Ashland Jewitt fire company. Commissioner Larsen did contact the Ashland Town Clerk for the number and placed a call, but has not heard back from anyone.
- Commissioner Schiller asked about fuel additive for the diesel gasoline. Chairman Rifenburgh always takes care of that.
- Commissioner Bauer asked about leak on truck #604. This will be discussed under old business.
LOSAP: Commissioner Harned, Commissioner Schiller
Commissioner Harned posted the points for firefighters at Station #2 for forty-five days and did not receive any questions. The paperwork was completed, signed and will be mailed to Penflex, Inc.
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
The Commissioners met to review and work on the policies and will hold another workshop to work on the policies on Thursday, May 6 at 7:00 P.M. at the Community House.
- Commissioner Bauer was concerned about a possible leak on Truck #604, and after discussion, it was agreed that it doesn’t appear to be leaking now and probably can be left alone.
- Commissioner Bauer will contact Ralph’s Auto about the packing of the shut off valve on Truck #601.
- Commissioner Harned seems to remember that anno rods were changed in one of the trucks. This will be checked when hose is removed.
- Commissioner Rifenburgh asked about response from letters that were sent to four firefighters about OSHA Training requirements. Fireman Tom McCarthy does his OSHA training through his job but needs to submit a copy of the certificate. We will wait another month and then telephone the others.
- Chairman Rifenburgh asked if we had received anything for the grant, but the Treasurer has not.
- Commissioner Larsen asked if we would be requesting a donation from Iroquois. There was discussion about requesting a donation for the gated valve and five-inch storch adapter last month. Commissioner Harned will send a letter and copies of the invoices totally approximately $950.00 from the Fire Company seeking a donation.
There were two calls for the month:
3/3/10 – Chimney Fire – County Route 8
3/27/10 – Brush Fire – Nevis Road
The drill for the month was at the Saulpaugh Cold Storage facility. A thank you note will be sent to Davey Jones, Manager at George Saulpaugh & Sons.
The Chief requested two safety belts and two extensions not to exceed $500.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Schiller for the Chief to purchase two safety belts and two extensions not to exceed $500.00. All in favor. So carried.
Commissioner Larsen asked if dates on air bags have been checked. Bob McCarthy will check the dates.
BILLS: A motion was made by Commissioner Schiller, seconded by Commissioner Harned to approve payment of the bills. All in favor. So carried.
COMMENTS: Chairman Rifenburgh asked if the secretary would ask the Chief’s clerk, Tracey Gallant if she would be interested in typing up the policies.
Second Assistant Chief Bob McCarthy asked if there was a new member voted into the company. There was an application submitted but it will go in front of the company next month and then the Fire District.
Bob Desmond commented that the Commissioners should keep up the good work.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Harned at 8:10 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary