Jantzen Estate – Commons Road Red Wing Properties – Roe Jan Mine
JUNE 9, 2010
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Nancy Sperry, Clayton Andrus, Jennifer Phillips, Thomas Jantzen and Aldo Dusman. Brenda Case was absent. Also present were George Schmitt, Town Engineer, John and Nora Moran and Andy Howard, Town Attorney.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. The minutes were approved on a motion made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
JANTZEN ESTATE: Andy Howard spoke to Marie Welch, surveyor for the Jantzen Estate, in terms of getting a description of the abandoned roadbed for Superintendent Potts to sign off on.
She will work on descriptions from her survey points. Once this is done, Jim Potts will sign, and then present to the Town Board. Nancy Sperry asked if the Planning Board could issue a final approval, contingent on Marie Welch’s description? A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Jennifer Phillips to give final approval, contingent on Marie Welch’s description in order for Superintendent Potts to sign and for Town Board’s approval. All in favor. So carried.
Aldo Dusman noted that the property lines of the road are not shown on the maps. Andy Howard explained that there is no obligation to stake it. The property owner can have a survey if they want to see where the actual line is. John Moran will get three more maps from Marie. Andy Howard will get descriptions and have Jim sign and present to town board for July meeting.
Tom Jantzen asked if Andy found out whether or not Town Board has to approve it.
Andy said it does have to go before them for approval.
Nancy Sperry declared a negative declaration; Clayton Andrus seconded after review of SEQRA. All in favor. So carried.
RED WING PROPERTIES: Andy Howard spoke to Paul Doherty and explained that it is in his best interest to come before the Zoning Board and Planning Board for a special permit. They have applied to DEC for a permit toincrease the depth of the Roe Jan mining operation on Turkey Hill Road. Andy will be writing a follow up letter to Mr. Doherty.
Changes in the Fee schedule, which were adopted by the Town Board at the May meeting were reviewed.
George Schmitt reported that there would be a lot line adjustment by Germantown Telephone on the parcel on County Route 6 where their utility building is located. The Town would like to put a driveway from County Route 6 to access the proposed ballfield property but they need approximately thirty feet additional footage.
Bob Desmond, Town Board member, is working on zoning changes and developing a list of what should be looked at, as suggested by the ZBA, Planning Board and Building Inspector.
- Multi-family dwellings – number of apartments, square footage, height, and number of stories and lot space requirements.
- Home based business – how many vehicles, size of vehicles, lot size, screening.
- Commercial business – Class of highway, whether its state, county or town.
- Business Permits
- Ponds – should they require a special permit? If over one acre, a permit is needed from DEC.
- Trails and Bikeways – master plan, also including roads. Nature trails having various trees and plantings which are marked. Boy Scouts, college students, etc could do this.
- Agricultural – how many horses and other farm animals can you have on a minimum size lot.
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus to adjourn at 8: 25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon