The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Clayton Andrus, Nancy Sperry, Brenda Case, Jennifer Phillips, Aldo Dusman, Tom Jantzen and Scott Dow, alternate member. Due to the absence of Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus chaired the meeting. Also present were Matthew Griesemer, Town Attorney, George Schmitt, Town Engineer, Scott Delaurentis, Theresa Delaurentis, April and Michael Delaurentis and Robert Desmond, representing Town of Clermont and G-tel Communications.
Co-chairman Andrus opened the meeting.
Aldo Dusman requested to add to the minutes of August 11th in the second paragraph of the Hubrich subdivision the statement ‘since this lot has not been approved by the Board of Health’.
MOTION: A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Brenda Case to approve with correction as noted. All in favor. So carried.
SCOTT DELAURENTIS: Scott and Theresa Delaurentis would like to subdivide 29 acres into two parcels of 10.50 acres and 18.696 acres each with a residence. Aldo Dusman recused himself from this discussion. The property had 100 feet of road frontage on Trout Creek Road until a section was accepted by the town for a town road. There is approximately 75 feet of road frontage and he is proposing a common driveway to individual driveways for each residence. The applicants need 50 feet per lot, so they need to go to the ZBA for an area variance. The acreage isn’t an issue but the road frontage is an issue.
MOTION: A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Brenda Case that we have our engineer write a letter with his concerns about road frontage on the Scott Delaurentis property on Trout Creek Road. He will point out that it doesn’t meet the code and its precedent setting. All in favor. So carried.
G-TEL COMMUNICATIONS: The application was accepted at last months meeting for a lot line change by G-tel Communications property on County Route 6. G-tel would like to move their lot line approximately thirty feet to the east and annex this thirty feet to the Town of Clermont property. Robert Desmond, Town Councilman is representing G-tel with this action. A joint public hearing was held on August 25th with the Zoning Board of Appeals, which granted an area variance to G-tel because they are creating a substandard lot. The survey map was changed to show, by adding a dotted line, the five acre parcel from the Hettling property being added to the original tract given to the Town from G-tel. Clayton read the SEQRA and all questions were answered.
MOTION: A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Tom Jantzen to declare a negative declaration. All in favor. So carried.
MOTION: A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Tom Jantzen to accept the boundary line change. All in favor. So carried.
The board heard a letter from Andy Howard, our attorney, regarding Robert and Linda Lasher construction of a new building on a lot on Lasher Road which is in the Town of Red Hook. The letter confirmed to the Lasher’s attorney, that there are no approvals necessary in connection with this construction.
The board heard a letter from Ray Jurkowski regarding the potential dedication of the roadway and drainage on Regans Way to the Town of Clermont. There are a number of recommendations based on our engineer’s inspection and existing as-built. Aldo Dusman asked about the easements being on the original maps. The drainage easements did not appear on the first map but they did appear on the as-built. The easements need to be extended. There is an escrow account set up for the road to be completed based on the as-built.
A motion was made to adjourn by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Brenda Case at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon