NOVEMBER 1, 2010
PUBLIC HEARING - BUDGET: The Clermont Town Board held a public hearing on the 2011 Budget on Monday, November 1, 2010 at 6:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Supervisor Staats, Councilwoman O’Neal, Councilman Desmond, Councilman Jones and Councilwoman Moore. There was no one else present.
The public hearing on the 2011 Budget was opened by Supervisor Staats at 6:30 P.M.
The public notice was read by the Clerk
The only adjustment to the budget since the budget workshop was to the increase the revenues A2770 to reflect the $600.00 reimbursement we receive from the state for the park program. This was applied back to the fund balance and it reduced it to $71,500.00. This reflects a decrease in taxes by $325.00.
There were no other comments.
A motion was made to close the public hearing by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal at 6:40 P.M.
PUBLIC HEARING ON LOCAL LAW NO. 2 – 2010: Regulating the licensing of dogs. All Town Board members were present, as well as, Andy Howard, Town Attorney, and six residents. The public hearing was opened at 6:45 P.M. by the Supervisor. The notice was read by the Clerk. The Town Clerk and Desiree Webber, Dog Control Officer, who was not able to be here due to sickness, reviewed this local law. There were no comments from the public regarding this local law.
A motion was made to close the public hearing by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal at 6:50 P.M.
PUBLIC HEARING – EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN: All Town Board members were present, as well as, Andy Howard, Town Attorney and six residents. The Supervisor opened the public hearing at 6:55 P.M. The Clerk read the notice. Supervisor Staats thanked Councilwoman Moore and Councilwoman O’Neal for their work on updating the policy. Councilwoman Moore stated that the volunteer list will have to be updated each year. She said that there were no names for school volunteers and discussion followed. It was suggested to have a school representative and this could be the Town Board liaison to the School Districts.
Judy Blessinger-Neary asked if a list could be incorporated within the plan, for people with special needs. There is no provision for updating those with special needs because it would be ever changing. She is concerned that with no electricity people would know where to go or how to get help. Charlie Larsen thinks we have to depend on neighbors and can’t depend on the plan to cover everything. The power company usually knows who is on breathing apparatus and responds with generators to those in need.
Councilman Desmond does not think the Rose residence should be on the list, as it is not an exempt group home.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to close the public hearing, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal at 7:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk