Mary Jane Fuchs – Wright Road/County Route 6 John Moran – Commons Road
Dianne O’Neal – Route 9 Charles Lent – Cemetery Road
William Cole Property – Route 9G
FEBRUARY 9, 2011
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Nancy Sperry, Clayton Andrus, Aldo Dusman, Thomas Jantzen and Brenda Case. Jennifer Phillips was absent.
Others present were George Schmitt, Town Engineer, Robert Zimmerman, John Moran, Dianne O’Neal, Charles Lent, Chad Lent and Andy Howard, Town Attorney.
The minutes of the January meeting were reviewed and a motion made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus to accept the minutes. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Thomas Jantzen to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing of Mary Jane Fuchs, Wright Road and County Route 6.
MARY JANE FUCHS: Surveyor Robert Zimmerman, authorized to represent Mary Jane Fuchs, has brought in new survey maps for the three lot subdivision and boundary line change, with changes, as requested at last months meeting. Mrs. Fuchs is creating a minor subdivision of Lot 1 – 2.284 acres, Lot 2 – 2.287 acres and Lot 3 – 8.972 acres with access to Wright Road and in addition creating a boundary line change to add 1.908 acres and 2.547 acres to lands of Teresa Fuchs, Map #191.00-1-12.2. Mr. Zimmerman returned proof of certified mail receipts to adjoining landowners and the Agricultural Data statement was mailed by the secretary. The Highway Superintendent approved of the location of driveways; permits will be needed when sites are developed. The board requested the location of the existing house and barn and possible location of houses, which are now shown on maps. A description of lot line adjustment and description of three lots being subdivided were submitted. There is also a notation that the lots are not Board of Health approved and plans for design and location of well and septic system must be approved before building permits are approved. There was no one present speaking for or against this action. With no other discussion, a motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Thomas Jantzen to close the public hearing.
The Chairman reviewed the short EAF and Nancy Sperry made a motion, seconded by Clayton Andrus to declare a negative declaration on this action. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry to accept the subdivision and lot line change as presented seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
JOHN MORAN: Mr. Moran proposed a two-lot subdivision of a parcel on Commons Road in 2007. At that time there was an issue with the abandoned roadbed of the old Commons Road and ownership of that roadbed. Mr. Moran was able to get the consent of the landowners that adjoined this old roadbed, easements were obtained and the old roadbed was adjoined to those landowners to give them direct access to Commons Road. Now he would like to subdivide this property, which was two lots and then made one lot again in the past, into two lots again. He will have new maps showing the abandoned road added to the lots. These lots will be Lot 5 – 1.864 acres (Note: acreage will increase when old roadbed is added on new maps) and Lot 6 – 2.06 acres (Note: acreage will increase when old roadbed is added on new maps). There is an existing driveway for Lot 5 but he will need a driveway permit for Lot 6, which will need a culvert and acceptable slope. Mr. Moran will need to file a new application package and updated lot descriptions. The fees will have to be paid, even if paid in 2007, due to time lapse of application.
DIANNE O’NEAL: Mrs. O’Neal is applying for lot line change to add acreage from a 70 acre parcel to a parcel of .842 acres with house on the north of the farm stand. Also, deduct a portion of the existing house driveway and add to the farm stand. Currently the driveway to the farm stand is dissected by the property line of house. This will maintain the size of the existing driveway to the farm stand. The board concluded that this would reduce the road frontage for the house on Route 9, which needs to be 150 feet. They suggested requesting an area variance for road frontage at application night to the Zoning Board of Appeals. An application was submitted for the lot line adjustment and fees for the application and escrow was also received.
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus denying the application due to the lack of the proper road frontage and sent it to the Zoning Board of Appeals. All in favor. So carried.
CHARLES LENT: Mr.Lent presented this subdivision of two lots and boundary line change on Cemetery Road in November of 2009. A public hearing was held and continued until septic approval could be obtained. The 12 plus acre parcel is to be subdivided into two lots – Lot l – 6.293 acres with fifty foot access to Cemetery Road to be conveyed to Chad Lent and Lot #2 – 5.976 acres. The boundary line change is to annex a strip of land to the Cemetery Association 25 feet x 525 feet. Mr. Lent did receive Board of Health approval for Lot #1. At a previous meeting the board asked that the lots be numbered on the maps and that they should be black and white prints, in order, to be filed.
A motion was made to approve as presented by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Nancy Sperry. All in favor. So carried.
The chairman reviewed the short EAF and Nancy Sperry made a motion, seconded by Thomas Jantzen to declare a negative declaration on this action. All in favor. So carried.
Andy Howard discussed with the board the directive received from NYS Department of Environmental Conservation stating that any activity on the William Cole/Carl LaMunyan property/landfill on Route 9G involving the placement or removal of structures or the placement or removal of any materials on the landfill or any activity that significantly alters the site requires approval by their department. The DEC retains jurisdiction in compelling the responsible parties to remediate any adverse effects the landfill may have on the environment or nearby residents.
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Brenda Case to adjourn at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon