Ray Tousey – Route 9 Joshua Selman and Jessica Higgins - Shields Road
Dianne O’Neal – Route 9 Garret & Ann O’Connor – Pleasantvale & Commons Road
Dennis and Karen Loveland – Route 9G
MARCH 9, 2011
The Clermont Planning Board held its meeting on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Nancy Sperry, Clayton Andrus, Jennifer Phillips, Thomas Jantzen, Aldo Dusman and Brenda Case. Others present were George Schmitt, Town Engineer, Matthew Griesemer, Town Attorney, Robert Desmond, Ray Tousey, Garrett O’Connor and Dianne O’Neal.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. The minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion made by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
RAYMOND TOUSEY: 1743 Route 9 property located just north of Cooperland Farms. He is currently restoring this building as a rental property. He has someone interested who currently runs a daycare in Red Hook and would consider moving the daycare to the first floor of this building. He is seeking information on whether this would be allowed. The State has inspected the site and made recommendations, which he will implement. This is a permitted use in the Hamlet with site plan review. State DOT would have to be involved because of the location on U. S. Route 9. Aldo Dusman asked about fencing, and Ray Tousey responded that the state does have certain criteria and as landowner he has responsibilities. The daycare operator does also have certain criteria, which must be met. This would be permitted in the hamlet with site plan review. Parking would be an issue that the board would look at. If there are employees, there could be more requirements, such as water supply and needing a dumpster. It is possible that if the operator is living in the residence, this could be considered a home occupation. The board would need more information to consider any application. Aldo Dusman asked about curbing requirements. George explained that if considered residential none is required and if it is commercial they may or may not require it, it is on a case by case basis. Mr. Tousey took an application and will get back to the chairman with more information.
GARRET AND ANN O’CONNOR: Tax map ID# 192.-1-31.200 and 192.-1 – 31.112 – Pleasantvale and Commons Road, Boundary Line Change. Mr. O’Connor is seeking a lot line change on Pleasantvale Road and Commons Road. The property was subdivided in 2010 into two lots. He would be combining Parcel A – 18.005 and Parcel B – 5.138 into one parcel. An application was submitted and fees paid.
DIANNE O’NEAL – U.S. Route 9- Boundary Line Change. Ms. O’Neal is seeking a boundary line change to decrease the south boundary and increase the east boundary of a parcel of .842 acres next to the farm stand. This would put the entire northern entrance to the market on the larger parcel of 70 plus acres. Currently, some of the entrance is on the deed for the residence. In doing this, the road frontage of the smaller parcel would be reduced below the required 150 feet to 125 feet. She has gone to the Zoning Board of Appeals, as was suggested by this board last month, for an area variance of 25 feet. The ZBA hearing is March 30th. She will be back to the planning board on April 13th.
JOSHUA SELMAN AND JESSICA HIGGINS: 193 Shields Road - An application was received from the ZBA for a special use permit for an accessory apartment. There is an existing art studio in a separate building and they would like to convert it into a one-bedroom apartment with bathroom and kitchen. They will have to put in a septic and have it approved by the Health department.
DENNIS AND KAREN LOVELAND: 3847 Route 9G – The Lovelands have an application to the ZBA to covert a single-family residence into a two family residence. They submitted details of the apartments and parking area. There was discussion on site plan review. The Loveland’s were supposed to attend this meeting, but did not. An application for site plan review will be sent to them. (Given in person by secretary)
The Chairman read a letter from DEC regarding the William Cole property on Route 9G (formerly the LaMunyan Landfill) of February 2011. They do not want any activity on the landfill which involves the placement or removal of structures or the placement or removal of any materials on the landfill or any activity that significantly alters the site without approval by there department.
- Currently DEC is holding public hearings on revising the short EAF and Long form EAF.
- In regards to solar panels, we have been informed that in Greene County, it is necessary to notify the fire chiefs of the installation of solar panels. In the event of a fire, the power company shuts off the power at the pole, the system continues to feed power to the panel. There was discussion about possibly requiring placards near the main circuit.
A site plan review will be held on Tuesday, March 15th at 6:00 P.M. at Ray Touseys property.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:40 P.M. by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Jennifer Phillips.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon