APRIL 13, 2011
The Clermont Planning Board held their regular meeting on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Nancy Sperry, Aldo Dusman, Clayton Andrus, Jennifer Phillips, Brenda Case and Thomas Jantzen. Also present were George Schmitt, Town Engineer, Ray Tousey, Karen and Dennis Loveland and Robert Desmond.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. The minutes were approved with correction noted by Aldo Dusman on page 1, 4th paragraph, Lots A & B would be combined into one parcel. A motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Nancy Sperry to approve the minutes with correction. All in favor. So carried.
DENNIS AND KAREN LOVELAND: Route 9G – Tax ID#168.00-01-13 The Lovelands are seeking site plan approval to convert a one family residence into a two family residence on U.S. Route 9G. They have designated four parking spaces for the two apartments. Karen Loveland said they are decreasing the number of people who can live in the residence because it currently has five bedrooms and the apartments will be a two bedroom and a one bedroom. Jennifer Phillips asked if they have been working on the house. They have been doing some repairs because there was damage from the house being vacant. They are using the existing parking and pushing it back from the road. In the Zoning Board minutes they said they were going to change the driveway entrance, but it will be up to NYS DOT. There is an existing driveway but they want to blacktop and his contractor said they need to contact DOT. According to our engineer, a highway work permit is needed whenever you work on or near the highway. The board asked that the parking area be staked out for their scheduled site review, which will be Thursday, April 14th at 10:00 A.M. Aldo, Nancy and Clayton will attend. The applicants asked what work can be done such as structural work and if he can get a building permit. The board advised them to wait until the board has done the site plan review and makes their determination at next months meeting.
RAY TOUSEY: U.S. Route 9 – Tax ID#181.3-1-23 The board visited the site on March 15th of a proposed day care center in a residence on Route 9. Mr. Tousey has prepared a turn around area so that no one is backing out onto Route 9. Jennifer Phillips asked if there was enough room if a car was parked also. Mr. Tousey said there is enough room for another to turn around. There is a concrete slab also which a car could park on. Tom Jantzen asked if the state is requiring a fence, but Mr. Tousey has not been there when the state has been there. The tenant must follow New York States recommendations or no permit will be issued. There were concerns raised about people backing out onto Route 9, Nancy Sperry noted that the boards concern was the driveway and the Chairman doesn’t think there will be a problem with it. Nancy Sperry said that you cannot keep people from backing out into Route 9, but the board asked Mr. Tousey to put up a sign which says do not back out onto Route 9. He can do that. The design is there to allow someone to turn around. Tom Jantzen asked if two cars could pass each other in the driveway. Mr. Tousey has cut down hedges and believes there is room. A motion was made to approve as presented by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Brenda Case. All in favor. So carried.
DIANNE O’NEAL: Route 9 – Tax ID# 181.3-2-7 and 181.-1-31 –Ms. O’Neal was not present at the meeting but submitted maps and paperwork in absentia for boundary line change between house and farm stand on Route 9. She is seeking to straighten (Correction: change) the boundary line, however, it decreases the road frontage for the house by 25 feet. She is also adding acreage at the rear of the residential lot, which makes it more conforming. She received a 25-foot area variance from the ZBA for the road frontage, with the condition that on the residential lot there will be no further residential development increasing the use. A public hearing will be set for next month.
JOHN MORAN: A letter was received from James Potts, Highway Superintendent approving a driveway site for Lot #6, but it has to be cut down to acceptable slope and culvert. No permits have been issued for Lot #6 or for two driveways needed for house and access to bottom field.
HIGGINS-SELMAN: 193 Shields Road. The applicants have applied to the ZBA for a special permit for an accessory apartment in the barn. The ZBA approved the application with stipulations as follows: One building must be owner occupied, One bedroom apartment in accessory structure, Department of Health approval before issuing of permit, and no further expansion of the accessory structure.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:20 P.M. by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Jennifer Phillips.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon