APRIL 18, 2011
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 7:00 P. M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Mark Schiller, Commissioner Raymond Bauer, Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh, Commissioner Harry Harned, Robert Desmond and Chief Ronald Rifenburgh. Commissioner Charles Larsen and Treasurer Denise Fiore were absent.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to accept the minutes. All in favor. So carried.
Total invoices paid in March $28,049.57*
(includes the principal amount due ($21,362.50) and the interest due ($939.95) on the SIB for the fire truck.
Proposed April invoices $ 3,765.74
Paid April invoices $ 1,741.32
Total $ 5,507.06
Money Market Checking Balance $214,026.52
Checking Balance $ 1,266.97
Total $215,293.49
Capital Reserve Fund $63,322.88
Reserve Fund Balance $26,984.19
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
- RBC Management Maturity Report
- RBC Management Account Statement for March - $250,788.61
- Commercial Instruments & Alarm Systems – An annual inspection of the alarm system must be done every year. Control panel battery should be changed every four years, which is the standby battery in the event of power failure. Our system has been in for two years. Chairman Schiller asked Commissioner Bauer if he would contact them.
BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Commissioner Bauer/Commissioner Larsen
- STATION #1 FLOOR: Commissioner Bauer received a bid for the floor from James Bucci Contracting. Bids will be opened in May. Station #2 floor needs to have something applied because it is slippery when wet.
INSURANCE: Commissioner Larsen/Commissioner Bauer
- No report
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioner Bauer/Commissioner Saulpaugh
- All trucks except #602 have been serviced.
- The new pressure washer is working well. The Chief has asked Bob McCarthy to put new No.10 wire in from panel to plug for the pressure washer.
LOSAP: Commissioner Harned/Commissioner Schiller
- Chief Rifenburgh reported that there is another program that other department use, they take a lump sum and put it in an account for those who make their points each year. At age 65 they are given a lump sum rather than a monthly payment. This could be switched over easier than doing away with the program, which would take a referendum.
- Commissioner Harned reported the posting of points has been done so it will be ready to accept by the next meeting.
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
- Procurement Policy Changes: A motion was made to adopt new procurement and purchasing policy as mandated by Section 104-6 of GML.
Roll call vote:
Commissioner Harned – aye
Commissioner Bauer – aye
Commissioner Saulpaugh – aye
Commissioner Schiller – aye
Motion passed.
- Amendments to SOP’s on Point System were passed by Resolution #12 of 2011 at last months meeting and will be handed out to members.
- Commissioner Bauer asked if we could get a guideline when jobs are bid out such as putting out a bid sheet, specifications of the job, public notices, etc. Chairman Schiller will check with William Young, the Counsel for Fire District Affairs.
- Commissioner Saulpaugh asked about schools. Fire Police School starting in Copake and other schools are posted at firehouses.
- Commissioner Bauer asked if the Fire Police have signs that they can put out at the scene to let people be aware that they are approaching a scene. There are signs but it isn’t always possible at the scene to get them out.
CHIEFS REPORT: There were nine calls for March.
- 3/8/11 Pump out – Moore Road
- 3/9/11 Lift Assist with NDP
- 3/9/11 Lift Assist with NDP
- 3/11/11 Water Problem – Commons Road
- 3/11/11 Pump out – County Route 6
- 3/11/11 Pump out – Woods Road
- 3/12/11 Pump out – County Route 6
- 3/12/11 Pump out – County Route 6
- 3/25/11 Chimney Fire – Nevis Road
The Chief reported that the Firemen did a textbook operation at a recent structure fire. He would like to see the pumper from Station #2 get out more, because it could be helpful at a fire. This will be addressed with the membership.
There will be an officer’s meeting next month.
Motion to accept Chiefs report by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh.
A motion was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to pay the April invoices in the amount of $5,507.06.
Bob Desmond: It was in the newspaper recently that another town that just voted in the LOSAP program but they had it end at age 65 years. Chairman Schiller asked the Chief to get the information about this other LOSAP plan.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:05 P.M. by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary