MAY 2, 2011
The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilwoman Dianne O’Neal, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilman Richard Jones and Councilwoman Nancy Moore. There were eight other residents present.
In the absence of the Town Clerk, Councilwoman Nancy Moore took the motions of this meeting. The content of the meeting was taken from the video taping of the meeting.
The minutes of the April meeting were approved on a motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
- Town Clerk’s Report for May: A check in the amount of $441.85 for the General Fund was presented to the Supervisor. A motion was made by Councilwoman O’Neal, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve the Town Clerk’s report.
- Columbia County Solid Waste Station will be accepting appliances and metal during the months of April and May.
- The Dog Control Officer proposed a non-ownership surrender form at last months meeting. The Supervisor did ask our attorney for his opinion on the form and it is sufficient. A motion was made to accept this form by Councilwoman O’Neal, seconded by Councilman Desmond.
- The Supervisor did not hear from Desiree Webber on the lease with Round Top Animal Hospital. Tabled until next month.
- Website: The Supervisor reported that the Town Clerk and Webmaster are working on getting the ZBA minutes on the website. There have been computer communication difficulties.
- TOWN PROPERTY: Councilman Jones has spoken with Superintendent Potts regarding the driveway from Route 9 across the contaminated soil to the uncontaminated soil. There is approximately 12 acres, which can be used in the rear, if we had access to it. He is estimating a cost of about $8000.00 to remove the shale from the back to be used for the driveway. Councilman Jones and Superintendent Potts will meet with the State DOT.
- COMMUNITY HOUSE: Councilwoman O’Neal reported that the stove has been installed in the Community House and was used for the Easter Egg Hunt. The stove will be paid for with $1,000.00 allocated from the building account and the balance from the Celebrations account. Councilwoman O’Neal pointed out that one of the trees planted last year does not look like it survived the winter. Will give it a little more time, but will seek a replacement if it doesn’t make it.
- PARK COMMITTEE: Councilman Jones asked if a committee could be formed to develop the park, once we have resolved all issues on the town property.
- REMEDIATION OF TOWN PROPERTY: Councilman Desmond has spoken to our attorney regarding easements for the town property. DEC has received them, once easements are approved; we can apply for funding. The easement lists conditions before the contaminated area can be used. The rear portion can be used, but we must let DEC know what it is being used for.
- LITTLE LEAGUE FIELD: Councilman Desmond has heard good comments on the new ball field. There will have to be something done on the parking. Supervisor Staats said that the parking will have to be addressed. He has spoken to our engineer about drawing plans for parking to allow for more cars. Councilman Desmond also reported that there are fourteen sponsors signs on the fencing. Whatever the Little League receives from the sale of the signs goes back into the field.
- ZONING UPDATE: Councilman Desmond and the Chairman of the ZBA Charles Larsen are reviewing the consolidation of the recent local laws into the zoning ordinance. There are some administrative details, which need to be corrected.
- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN: Councilwoman Moore is still reading on FEMA rules and regulations. She also reported that the Easter Egg Hunt was a success, even though it was held over for one week. The stove and the floor are nice. They are looking for a small table to put alongside the stove to work from.
- PLEASANTVALE ROAD BRIDGE: The bridgework should start this week and open soon, unless there is a setback.
- BUCKWHEAT BRIDGE: Signs have been posted on the bridge that there is no swimming allowed. A copy of the Local Law was given to the Sheriffs Department who can enforce it.
- DOG CONTROL: The Supervisor has spoken to other town supervisors about a resolution for veterinary fees for an injured animal that the animal control officer takes into the vet’s office. None that he spoke to have this in place in their town. Councilman Desmond did have concerns about how much should be set aside for this, and if the public would have any concerns, but he had no calls from the public on this issue.
- MOWER PURCHASE: The Highway department did purchase a zero turn mower for $4,460.00, which was less than was allocated in the budget.
- CENSUS REPORT: Copies of the new census report were handed out to the Board. Clermont has the second highest gain in the County. There are now seven towns with less population than Clermont. We have more population than Germantown. The census sets the base for our sales tax reimbursements, which has now increased 13.8%. This will help us in our budgeting in the coming years.
- BLEACHERS FOR BALLPARK: The Supervisor is suggesting a second set of bleachers for the ballfield. He would like to purchase a set of bleachers out of the allocated monies in the budget. A motion was made to authorize the Supervisor to spend up to $1800.00 for bleachers by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Desmond.
- FEMA REIMBURSEMENT: The storm of December 27 and 28th of 2010 will be reimbursed from FEMA. Superintendent Potts estimates it to be about $10,000.00 which will be reimbursed.
- NYS PLANNING FEDERATION: The Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals seminar is going to be held in Albany and they are offering overnight lodging. The Supervisor does not think we should authorize overnight stays as close as Albany for a seminar. Councilman Desmond made a motion to notify the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals that we encourage members to attend the seminar, encourage car-pooling, and will reimburse mileage, seconded by Councilman Jones. All in favor. So carried.
- ASSESSMENT: Letters have gone out from the Assessor, and most people’s values have gone down. Councilman Desmond believes it was about 7% decrease. The Assessors hours are in the letter that was sent out.
- PINE HAVEN HOME: Still on schedule for new nursing home, with a Certificate of Need being filed and approved this year and going out to bid next year. The architects have developed a state of the art facility. This new home will be next to the current home.
- COURTHOUSE: This should be going out to bid this summer and should start construction by the fall. This has been mandated by the State.
- OCKAWAMICK BUILDING: The committee has decided that if the Wal-Mart purchase goes through, the Ockawamick building will be put up for sale. They are looking at an opening date in 2012. There will be a consolidation of offices from three other buildings, 610 State Street (Probation), 401 State Street (Administrative) and 25 Railroad Avenue (DSS). Some from 325 Columbia Street will also be moving and some offices from 401 State Street will move into that building. The Supervisor would like to know how this is going to affect the County budget but has not yet seen any figures.
- COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR POSITION: The Supervisor does not see that we have a need for this $150,000.00 position in the County.
- EASTER EGG HUNT: There was a good turnout for the Easter Egg Hunt even though it was delayed. Thanked everyone who helped and attended.
- BALL FIELD: There will be a formal recognition of all who have helped this become a reality with a minimal cost to taxpayers, some of whom are Visage Construction who did the work many years ago on the field, G-tel Communication for the land, George Saulpaugh & Sons for the use of their field for all these years and the Highway department for all the work they have done. We have also had a donation from Morris Associates for an electronic scoreboard, Staats Contracting for new dugouts, Williams Lumber donated roofing material for dugouts, Harold Rockefeller for time donated, Little League for their time, homerun fence, new aluminum benches for dugout and garbage cans. Many others have mentioned donations.
- STEAK BARBECUE: The steak barbecue will be held on Saturday, June 11th at the Route 9G firehouse. Tickets are available from any fireman and the Supervisor.
- A motion was made to approve Capital Abstract #3, voucher #4 in the amount of $278.40 by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made to approve Highway abstract #5, vouchers #49-61 in the amount of $10,096.93 by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Jones. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made to approve General abstract #5, vouchers #101-133 in the amount of $7,847.60 by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Jones. All in favor. So carried.
- Judy Blessinger-Neary: Asked if a fund could be set up for donations for an injured animal, possibly something set up on the website. The Supervisor will look into setting up a separate account.
- Catherine Kahle: Questions regarding subscription to ICLEI and their affiliation with the United Nations organizations with the goal of agenda 21 which was explained on the handout which she gave town board members. Councilman Desmond explained that we joined ICLEI for purposes of grants funding. Supervisor Staats stated that we did not rejoin with ICLEI.
- Ray Quintero: Asked if the town has looked into an ordinance about dirt coming into town. There is a law regarding dirt being taken out, but nothing for dirt to come in. Councilman Desmond said that this is one thing on the list of things to look at in the zoning update. On notification of adjoining landowners by applicants of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals, he would like there to be a law that everyone should be notified, who determines the property owners and what is in the letter of notification. Councilman Desmond stated that state law and town zoning law do not require notification, but as a courtesy the Planning Board and Zoning Board require it.
- Judy Blessinger-Neary: Asked if ICLEI could be formally notified to take the Town of Clermont’s name off the subscription list. We did receive a renewal, which we did not pay, but a letter can be sent. Councilwoman O’Neal said that although we were members ICLEI never interfered with our work done here, they only sent emails.
- Charlie Larsen: In speaking for the Zoning Board and Planning Board, the applicant is to meet with the Building Inspector and then the Assessor to confirm the adjoining landowners. There is a sample letter, which is given to the applicant. He also thanked Staats Construction for the work done on the dugouts and the Highway department for the work they have done. He has talked to officials from the Little League and they say it is the best one in Southern Columbia and we will be the first to have an electronic scoreboard.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:05 P.M. by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman Moore.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk