JUNE 20, 2011
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held there regular meeting on Monday, June 20, 2011 at 8:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Commissioner Mark Schiller,
Commissioner Charles Larsen, Commissioner Raymond Bauer and Commissioner Harry Harned. Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh was absent. Also present were Treasurer Denise Fiore, Chief Ronald Rifenburgh and Robert Desmond.
MINUTES: A motion was made to accept the minutes of the May meeting by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Total amount of May invoices paid $2,216.73
Proposed June invoices $3,246.00
Paid June invoices $2,985.01
Total $6,231.01
Reconciliation of Accounts
First Niagara Balances as of 5/31/11
Money Market Checking Balance $206,596.60
Checking Balance $ 299.59
Money Market & Checking Balance $206,896.19
Capital Reserve Fund $ 63,344.23
Reserve Fund Balance $ 26,993.29
MOTION: A motion was made to accept the Treasurers report by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
- Commercial Instrument and Alarm Systems – Inspection completed on 5/24/11 of alarm system at Station #1 and all is functional and operational.
- Letter from Sheriff David Harrison regarding information of consolidation of 911 and Sheriffs Department
- RBC Wealth Management accounts balance ending 5/31/11 for $251,257.42.
- Email from Assistance to Firefighters Grant program notifying that we did not receive funds for fiscal year 2010.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Larsen/Bauer
- Received bids for painting of floor at Station #1 from the following:
Darryl Millus
Sand, finish and apply two coats of Aqua Pon on 2400 square feet at $3.00 a square foot - $7200
Screen and apply two coats, 2400 square feet at $1.50 square foot - $3,600.00
Commissioner Larsen said that Darryl thinks we should not use epoxy on the floor, best to use the same paint and sanding does not have to be done.
Bucci Property Management and Painting
Option A: $24,879.00
Option B: $16,475.00
Option C: $ 9,547.00
After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to go with Darryl Millus bid for $3600.00, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
INSURANCE: Commissioners Larsen/Bauer
No report
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioner Bauer/Saulpaugh
- Commissioner Bauer asked if there was going to be a certified flow test on the pump. Ralph Torchia told him that this was an OSHA requirement but the Chief feels that we get the proper flow out of the nozzles. Commissioner Larsen asked about the hose turntable but it was returned because it doesn’t fit the 5-inch hose. Chief Rifenburgh had one built years ago so he may look into that.
- VRS Sales representative came to show a four door, 9-foot body Mini-pumper by Schwaab. The unit they showed was approximately $140,000.00 to $150,000.00.
Commissioner Harned asked when we were planning on purchasing this unit. The Chief said it would be about six months through the entire process until delivery. This would replace truck #602 and some equipment would come off M-60.
LOSAP: Commissioner Harned/Saulpaugh
No Report
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
No Report
- Chief Rifenburgh said that the Commissioners would have to purchase pagers, eight mobile units and portables when the switch is made to highband.
- A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer that a letter be written to the Clermont Town Board regarding the consolidation of 911 with the Sheriffs Department. Their concern is that this consolidation would not be beneficial to the Fire Service and will request that Supervisor Staats, if asked to vote, will vote to keep 911 separate from the Sheriffs Department.
- Prevailing Wage: Chairman Schiller researched prevailing wage but could not find where it would come into play for any projects that we would do, unless it is a capital project.
No report
There were five calls in May:
5/2/11 –AAPI – County Route 8 and Hill-N-Dale Road
5/5/11 – Alarm Activation County Route 6
5/6/11 – AAPI – Route 9 at Dutchess County Line – unfounded
5/23/11 – CO2 Detector Activation – Cedar Hill Road
5/25/11 – Structure Fire – Firehouse Road
Drill: OSHA training - 1 hour
Vehicle Extrication – 2 hours
Work Detail – 5//29/11 – Prepare Truck #601 and #603 for parade.
The Chief reported that he has found that the cutters will not cut posts in some cars. A new cutter was $6000.00 and there would be a trade in allowance for our old one. The multi-tool is also affected but we would leave it as is. They do have a one hose system to convert our tools to this system. The Chief is talking about updating a few sets of gear this year.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Harned to pay this month’s invoices.
Bob Desmond said that the town was very happy with Darryl Millus’ work.
On prevailing wages, he was told that there was an exemption for business’ that hire family members, but he was also told a family member has to be a partner.
Commissioner Larsen asked the Chief when he wants the floor done at Station #1. The Chief does not have a preference; Commissioner Larsen will call Darryl.
The Chief asked the Commissioners for approval to take Truck #603 to Ancram for the Fire Convention Parade in July. A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to approve the Chief taking the truck to Ancram. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Bauer at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon