The Clermont Town Board held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilwoman Dianne O’Neal, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Nancy Moore and Councilman Richard Jones. There were seven residents present.
Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with the salute to the flag. The Supervisor introduced P.J. Keeler, Columbia County EMS Coordinator, to speak about the Certificate of Need for the Ambulance Service for which the County is hoping to get support from the Towns. This program is the first in the state to be developed, which allows the moving of ambulances into another district once the home ambulance goes out on a call. In the past, it was necessary to wait until there was another call in the district, which could have delayed response. With this program they have seen improved response times by 40%. The NYS Department of Health gave the County a two-year temporary license, which now under reapplication will become a permanent license. Councilman Desmond asked what would prevent the County from establishing an ambulance service after time? Mr. Keeler explained that there is specific wording in the contract with the ambulance agencies that there will be no takeover of the ambulance service. Councilwoman Moore asked if this includes all County ambulance agencies? All agencies are included except for Chatham Rescue who could opt in at any time or others could opt out. Charlie Larsen asked what has changed because there was a mutual aid agreement for years where ambulances were moved from place to place? Mr. Keeler explained that it was against the law, because there had to be a reason to move an ambulance from district to district, and they were being moved as soon as another agency responded to a call. Charlie would be against a countywide ambulance service and hopes that the town would not support it, but would recommend support of the Certificate of Need. Councilman Desmond asked about the billing. Mr. Keeler explained that the agency bills the patient and a flat rate of $125.00 is returned back to the county for any calls they handled. The cost to the County last year was $180,000.00.
Supervisor Staats supports the program and entertained a motion to support the Certificate of Need. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman O’Neal to support the Certificate of Need for the County. Councilman Desmond also stated that this does not support a countywide ambulance service. All in favor. So carried.
Supervisor Staats introduced Fred Cartier, our videographer, who researched St. Luke’s Church for our Community Day BBQ. Mr. Cartier presented the board with a CD of a copy of the register of St. Luke’s dating back to 1935. He also made a CD of the architect Richard Upjohn’s designs, which were used to build churches, chapels, rectories and schoolhouses. He also found that in his book, Upjohn talked about exterior painting, which at the time would have been brown. The Board thanked him for his interest and work.
- A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve the minutes of the public hearing on August 1, 2011. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on August 1, 2011. All in favor. So carried.
The Town Clerk read the Town Clerk’s report for August and presented the Supervisor a check for the General fund in the amount of $253.01. A motion was made by Councilwoman O’Neal, seconded by Councilman Desmond to approve the Town Clerk’s report. All in favor. So carried.
There was no correspondence and no web committee report.
TOWN PROPERTY: Councilman Jones is putting together a letter from the Town Board to NYS DOT for a driveway permit without immediate construction, to get the permit established. He knows that the State is not in favor of having and entrance for a park on Route 9, but he is pointing out that we have many activities from the present town driveway and this would help for parking for those events. Supervisor Staats would like Councilman Jones to talk to Highway Superintendent Potts. Councilman Desmond pointed out that he should also mention to the state that we have no other entrance to this property and we have a 911 number.
GRANTS: Councilwoman O’Neal has looked into Iroquois grant programs for playground equipment. In the past, they have given funds for historic properties and park pavilions so she does not know if we would be successful in asking for playground equipment. Councilman Desmond said we are looking for a swing set, slides and half court basketball. Councilwoman O’Neal will follow up.
TAXES: Councilman Desmond said that in the Red Hook School District, the tax levy went up 5.3%, but the amount probably went down. Our assessments were lowered but our equalization remained at 100%. The Assessor said the trend appears to be going down. The rate for Germantown school is considerably lower than Red Hook school.
ZONING: The zoning changes were approved at last months meeting and copies will be distributed to members of the zoning and planning boards. The zoning map has not been updated but that is being worked on. There is a large amount of land that should be in the Residential/Agriculture zone and not in the Nevis Hamlet. Would like to redesign the hamlet area and reduce the area involved. Will have a proposed map in the next few months.
MILL ROAD BRIDGE: The County did approve an engineer to look at the Mill Road bridge for an estimate and work scope. It does not mean the bridge will be fixed but they are getting an estimate.
COUNTY BUDGET: The budgets coming in from the departments and there are no realized savings in the department budgets. It is difficult to find the areas to cut, but it will be programs and possibly layoffs. The Supervisor is pushing for a 0% increase in the budget.
ST. LUKE’S CHURCH: Request for Proposals for Church roof were given to three contractors. In the proposal, requested a 30-year shingle, but may increase to a lifetime shingle. The bids received were as follows:
- Residential Renovations, Red Hook: $19,690.00
- Jennings Contracting, Germantown: $12,500.00
- William Cole B&T Contracting, Red Hook: $17,100.00
Supervisor Staats will ask our attorney Andy Howard to check these bids and if all is in order award the bid to Jennings Contracting, the low bidder. A motion was made by Councilwoman O’Neal, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve awarding the bid to Jennings Contracting for $12,500.00 subject to our attorney’s review. All in favor. So carried. Councilman Desmond asked if we decide that we want a fifty year shingle, can it be upgraded. The Supervisor said that it could be. Supervisor Staats abstained from the vote. The money was budgeted for painting the church in the amount of $10,000.00 but there is enough in the building account to cover the excess.
MUNICIPAL STATE AID: Received a check for $12, 307.77 for Tobacco settlement. There is discussion in the County about only sending 50% to the towns.
FEMA - Hurricane Irene on August 24, 2011: Clermont was very fortunate, there were power outages but none for longer than two days. The County had very minor damage and will be eligible for reimbursement from FEMA. The fire department can also file.
Councilwoman O’Neal said that there is an emergency meeting for all farmers in Goshen on Thursday evening
BUDGET WORKSHOP: The Board scheduled a special meeting for Monday, September 19th at 6:00 P.M. to work on the 2012 budget and conduct any business that comes before the board.
DONATIONS FOR TOWN PARK: The Bank of Greene County and Fingar Insurance each donated $1000.00 for the ball park and their support is greatly appreciated.
STORM UPDATE: Greene County was hit very hard by the Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee and the County Highway has sent trucks over to help out. Our highway department has done a tremendous amount of work. Councilman Desmond did mention that the Supervisor was here at the town hall from 9:00 to 1:00 P.M. if there had been any emergencies.
COUNTY MANAGER: Whether or not to create a County Manager position was brought to a vote by the Supervisors and was voted down. Could not see spending over $100,000.00 for this position.
WALMART: Extended the option to purchase Wal-Mart for another 60 days. The discussions are still going on about using the current building. The Supervisor would rather keep DSS where it is but if there were no other option, Wal-Mart would be suitable.
VILLAGE GREEN BBQ: The BBQ was a successful event this year. Thanked all those that helped out.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Moore, seconded by Councilman Desmond to pay General Abstract #9, vouchers #239-268 in the amount of $4,815.78. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Moore, seconded by Councilman Desmond to pay Highway abstract #9, vouchers #95-107 in the amount of $49,342.90. All in favor. So carried.
Chris Nolan: On the map for the Hamlet, would like to a larger map than 8 ½ x 11 and an overlay of aerial photographs can be used to get the entire town for ease of use. He would like to see the St. Luke’s/Upjohn info on the website. He asked if, in doing the roof of the church, thought could be put into the future possibility of solar panels, such as mounting brackets.
Desiree Webber, Animal Control Officer: Discussed providing and winterizing doghouses during the winter months. She showed the various sizes for medium and smaller dogs, which allows the animal to keep it warm with their body heat. Also straw or cedar chips should be used inside and the doghouse should not be on the ground where there are flooding concerns. She would like to see an ordinance to require adequate shelter for dogs. Also discussed emergencies and evacuations of animals.
Ray Quintero: Asked if the issue of bringing in large amounts of dirt into town was being addressed in the zoning changes. Supervisor Staats said that this would be brought up next year in the new budget. Councilman Desmond explained that recent updates of zoning involved incorporating existing laws and revising the table of contents. Mr. Quintero also said that William Cole has been cutting back vegetation on the Route 9G site and wonders if this is contrary to DEC’s letter regarding altering the site. Supervisor Staats will check to see if Mr. Cole can maintain his property by cutting back vegetation.
ICLEI: Supervisor Staats did notify ICLEI and we have been removed from the website.
Charles Larsen thanked everyone for their help at the BBQ. The Clermont Fire Department Steak BBQ is on Saturday, September 10th.
A motion was made to close the meeting at 8: 50 P.M. by Councilman Desmond, seconded Councilwoman O’Neal.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk