Clermont Zoning Board of Appeals
Germantown, New York 12526
March 30, 2011
ZBA Public Hearing
Members in attendance: Charles Larsen, Chairman, Bruce Unson, Peter Cichetti, Chris Nolan and Hank Himelright.
The hearing is called to order by Charlie at 7:30 pm.
Applicant: Dennis and Karen Loveland for a special permit. Return receipts of neighbors are submitted. Ripley is in attendance and is curious why a permit is needed. The reason is that the property is going from single family to two family residences. The Loveland’s are to attend the next planning board meeting and they will review the parking. The Planning Board will review and then send a recommendation. They will do a site review.
Charlie asks if there are any questions. Pete asks about ingress and egress. Dennis Loveland says this has been addressed. They made the area wider with stone to make the turn easier. This property is located at 3847 Route 9G.
The Seqra form is completed by Charlie and the board members. The number of bedrooms is being decreased by two.
Charlie asks for a motion to accept the Seqra form. Chris makes the motion, Peter seconds it and all are in favor and the Seqra form is accepted.
The Columbia County Planning Board responses are here and reviewed.
There are no other questions. Charlie asks for a motion to close the hearing. Hank makes a motion, Bruce seconds the motion. All are in favor and the motion is carried.
Public hearing called to order by Charlie at 7:45 pm
Applicant is Dianne O’Neil - Clermont Partners LLC for an Area Variance
Dianne presents the return receipts of neighbors. This application is to change the property line. This property is located at 1820/1830 Route 9.
Charlie asks if there are any questions. There are none. The Columbia County Planning Board responses are here and reviewed.
Seqra form is completed by Charlie with the assistance of the board.
Charlie asks for a motion to second the Seqra form of no negative impact.. Hank makes the motion, Chris seconds it. All are in favor and the Seqra form is accepted.
Motion to adjourn the hearing was made by Bruce and second by Hank. All are in favor and the hearing is adjourned at 7:56 pm.
Public hearing for Applicant is Mondello for Selman/ Higgins
Applicant: Selman /Higgins for future buyer Eric Rothstein
Charlie calls the public hearing to order at 8:00 PM
This hearing is regarding the application for a special use permit.
The return receipts are turned in. The application is to add a bathroom and small kitchen to an existing studio building.
The board reviews the applicant’s maps and application. This property is located at 193 Shields Road.
Charlie asks if there are any questions regarding this application. There are no questions.
Charlie and the board complete the Seqra form. Charlie asks for a motion to accept the form. Chris makes the motion to accept, Bruce seconds the motion. All are in favor and the Seqra form is accepted.
Charlie asks for a motion to close the public hearing. Chris makes the motion, Peter seconds it and all are in favor and the motion is carried.
The hearing is closed at 8:11 pm.
Regular Meeting of the ZBA
Charlie calls to order the regular meeting to order at 8:11 PM.
Charlie asks for a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as submitted. Bruce makes a motion to accept with a correction to the spelling of the name Shields. Hank seconds the motion. All are in favor and the minutes are accepted.
Charlie asks for tax role numbers to now be included on all future applications.
The board reviews the Loveland applicant. The board discusses the landscaping that will take place of this area. Charlie asks for a motion to approve the conversion based on site plan review. Motion is made by Pete and second by Hank. Vote: Peter -yes, Chris -yes, Hank- yes, Bruce-yes, Charlie- yes- all are in favor and the motion is carried.
Applicant will be notified by this board of their decision after hearing from the Clermont Planning Board decision regarding parking.
The board reviews the application of Clermont Partners LLC. Charlie asks if there are any questions or concerns. Charlie suggests that there be a stipulation that there be no further residential development on this parcel increasing the use on 1830 Route 9. Peter reviews the map provided. The board agrees that adding no further residential use to the area variance.
Charlie asks if there are any further questions or concerns with this application.
Charlie asks for a motion. Peter makes a motion to approve the area variance with the addition of no further residential development. Charlie asks for a vote: Peter- yes, Bruce- yes, Chris- yes, Hank- no, Charlie –yes, four in favor, and the permit is granted with this restriction.
The town planning board will be notified of this decision as well as applicant Diane O’Neil.
The board reviews the application of Selman/Higgins. The board discusses that there needs to be board of health approval. This is for a single bedroom accessory apartment. There is currently no septic. That will have to have approval from the Board of Health. One of the buildings must be owner occupied.
Charlie asks for a motion. Chris makes the motions with the below stipulations, Hank votes yes, Bruce –yes, Chris- yes, Peter- yes, Charlie- yes. All are in favor so the permit is granted with the following conditions.
1. One building must be owner occupied
2. One bedroom apt in accessory structure
3. Dept of health approval before issue of permit
4. No further residential expansion of the accessory structure
The applicant will be notified of the decision.
Old Business: The is none
New Business: The Town board has requested that the ZBA minutes be submitted and posted on the Town Webstie once they have been approved.
Any other business: There is none.
Charlie asks for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Hank make a motion to adjourn, Peter seconds the motion. All are in favor and the motion is carried. The meeting is adjourned at 8:47 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamera Connolly, secretary