Clermont Zoning Board of Appeals
Germantown, New York 12526
December 22, 2010
Public Hearing
Members attending: ZBA: Charles Larsen, chairman, Tamera Connolly, secretary, Bruce Unson, Chris Nolan and Peter Cichetti
Charlie called the public hearing to order at 7:30 pm. All green cards and receipts are handed in. Notifications were made.
Applicant: Gregory Fingar
Application to install three pole mounted solar panels.
There was a site visit and none of the members have any issues with regard to this application.
Charlie asks for any questions or statements on this application. Bruce asks what the height is. The response is 11 feet. Is there any plan for landscaping? There area trees there already that are about 30 feet currently. There has been no feedback from any of the public that was notified. Bob Desmond asks if there is visibility from the road. There is none. Pete asks how many panels. Greg answers that there are eight panels per pole for a total of 24 and 6.6 kilowats. There will not be any battery storage. The storage is in the grids.
Charlies asks for any other input? There is none. Charlie asks for a motion to close the public hearing. Chris makes the motion and Pete seconds it. All are in favor and the hearing is closed at 7:40 pm.
Charlie opens the regular meeting at 7:41 pm. Charlie asks for a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Chris makes a motion to accept the minutes and Peter seconds it. All are in favor and the motion is carried and the minutes are accepted.
Pete and Chris would like to see the new ordinance see this process be streamlined.
Chris- mentions that he wants to be sure that the site visit was not mandated and was just something that was done since this process is new and not to be misunderstood as a mandated process for future applications but an option the board has.
Charlie with the board completes the environmental assessment form. Charlie asks for a motion to accept the assessment form as completed. Peter makes a motion to accept and Chris seconds the motion. All are in favor and the motion is carried.
There is a requirement for an electrical inspection and a permit from John Feiser.
Charlie asks for any other questions. Chris makes a motion to grant the permit. Pete seconds it. Bruce is opposed. Pete and Chris are in favor. The motion is carried. The letter will be sent out to John and the applicant to attain the permit.
Ray Tousey called Charlie last month. He wants to changes his signs a bit. He wants a big sign on the end of the building. He is currently over signed and Charlie voiced it to him. He also does the sandwich boards. They are temporary and legal.
Bruce asks if we would need to address the county or state if Ray wants to change the signs. Charlie says that most likely the state and county would be contacted. Currently there is no application so we will have to see if he applies for a variance.
There is no other business.
Charlie asks for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Pete made a motion to adjourn and Chris seconds the motion. All are in favor and the meeting is adjourned at 8:01 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamera Connolly, secretary