Clermont Zoning Board of Appeals
Germantown, New York 12526
October 26, 2011
ZBA Public Hearing
Members in attendance: Charles Larsen, Bruce Unson, Peter Cichetti
The hearing is called to order by Charlie at 7:34 pm.
RE: Tyson Kreig, applicant for Special Use Permit at 1223 County Rte 6, Clermont to convert a one family home back to a two family house.
Tyson hands in the return receipts from the neighbors. Tyson presents a new site for parking at this location. He will rent the apartments. One apartment is upstairs and the second is down stairs.
Charlie tells Tyson that he will need a variance. He will need a ten foot setback for parking. We will add that a five foot variance will be added to the application for consideration of the board. The Public Hearing will need to be extended to next month once the Planning Board has a chance to review the new site plan review. The planning board meeting is November 9th. November 23rd is the next ZBA meeting at 7:30 pm.
Charlie requested that there is a water test done before the board makes a decision.
Peter asks if Tyson has any maps of the septic. He does not.
Bruce makes a motion to extend the hearing to extend the public hearing. Pete makes a motion, Bruce seconds it. All are in favor and the motion is carried.
Regular Meeting
Charlie opens the meeting at 7:45. Charlie asks for a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Bruce makes a motion, Pete seconds the motion. All are in favor and the motion is carried.
Nan Leonard presents an application to build a wood shed on their property on County Rte 6. They want to put the wood shed on the property that does not meet the setbacks.
It will be a 12’ by 15‘ open front wood shed. It will be a six foot variance required. The board reviews the application
Charlie asks for a motion to accept the application and hold a public hearing on November 23rd at 7:45. Nan presents the board with a check for $75 for the application fee. The board will need receipts from the neighbors notified.
Charlie has a letter from the Clermont Planning Board. Charlie reads the letter to the ZBA members.
Last month the ZBA got a letter from the Health Department regarding Eric Rothstein’s septic system. Eric tried since April 1st until August to get a response from the health department. He comes tonight with material for the board to review. He has data that the Mondello group had not provided all the information he provided to her for the board.
The Department of Health says this is not within their jurisdiction. They state that the septic is acceptable size. The ZBA letter from April 1 states that we needed approval from the Health Dept. He is asking that he presents a stamped engineer report for the file in place of the Board of Health. The board reviews the report. He is going to drop the water level between the two buildings by creating a curtain drain. The board is being asked to accept the engineer report in place of the BOH letter since they state that this is not within their jurisdiction.
Pete asks where the water will be diverted to the west of his property. There is a drainage ditch there already in the direction of the creek.
Charlie asks for a motion. Hank makes a motion that the engineering report and John’s inspection to be done prior to a CO being issued. The curtain drained must be installed before the CO can be issued. Peter seconds the motion. All are in favor and the motion is carried.
Mr. Rothstein and John Feiser will receive a letter from the ZBA secretary with this stipulation.
Bob Desmond shows the board a copy of the new zoning map.
Charlie asks for a motion to have Tami send a letter to Mary Helen Shannon approving the new map outlining the Hamlet. Bruce makes the motion, Hank seconds it. All are in favor and the motion is carried.
Charlie asks if there is any other business. There is none.
Charlie asks for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bruce makes a motion and Hank seconds it. All are in favor and the meeting is adjourned at 8:21 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamera Connolly, secretary.