FEBRUARY 6, 2012
The Clermont Town Board held their regular meeting on Monday, February 6, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Edward Kahle, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Nancy Moore and Councilman Hempel. Also present were Andy Howard, Town Attorney, John Mason, Register Star and eleven residents.
Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with a salute to the flag. He introduced new board members to our town attorney.
POLICY REVIEW: At the January 14th special meeting to review the policies, there were some suggested changes. The Code of Ethics states that the board should consist of three members appointed by Town Board. The policy states that one of these people should be an elected, appointed or employee of the town. The board will appoint a fourth person to the board to be in compliance with the ethics policy.
RESOLUTION NO.38-2012 – Fee Schedule: At the policy review some changes were discussed for the fee schedule. The Accessory apartment fee was $400.00 per unit and has been changed to a flat $400.00 fee, conversion of single family to two family is $400.00, conversion from single family to multi family was changed to $400.00/additional units, two family, multi family or townhouse/condominium is $400.00 per unit. Also, this resolution clarifies who is going to collect zoning and planning fees. The Planning Board will collect for subdivision and the Zoning Board for special permits. A motion was made to approve Resolution No.38-12 by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to approve December 28, 2011 year- end minutes, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. There were three ayes by those present for the December 28, 2011 meeting. So carried.
- Councilman Kahle has some reservations about our appointed bookkeeper also being the accountant and auditing his own work. In the new board member training school, they did state that all towns should have separate bookkeeper and accountant positions to check and balance their work He would like to make a motion to amend Resolution #26-12 to keep our current bookkeeper on month to month and solicit invitations to obtain bids for a bookkeeper and accountant. This will be discussed further later in the meeting. A motion was made to approve the January 2, 2012 organizational minutes by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 2, 2012 by Councilwoman Moore, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made by Councilman Hempel to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2012 minutes of the review of the books of the Town Clerk, Supervisor, Tax Collector and Town Justices and policies, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
- Town Clerks Report: A check for the General Fund was submitted in the amount of $1,648.14 and a check for Trust and Agency for $400.00. A motion was made to approve the Clerk’s report by Councilwoman Moore, seconded by Councilman Hempel. All in favor. So carried.
- Department of Health Rabies Clinics is posted and will be posted on the website.
- Village Green Committee Election Day Dinner for 2011 – Served 71 dinners, profit of $383.61 and food pantry collection of $8.00.
- Web Committee: No report
- GRANTS: Councilman Kahle suggested applying for a FY2011 Safer grant for fire department. Councilman Desmond recommended that he speak with the Fire Commissioners at their meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month. The Commissioners might want to apply for the grant if Councilman Kahle would help. Charlie Larsen did report that we had someone write a grant but we were denied.
- Councilman Desmond got a nameplate for cabinet built by Tom Jantzen for the maps. The fee schedule has been discussed. In return for the tree crews parking their trucks in our lot, they have helped the highway crew take down some trees, which has saved us money. The highway department and Historian Dianne O’Neal have cleaned out a storage area upstairs in town hall which is being used as a history room. On this month’s highway abstract, there were quite a bit of parts purchased and the highway crew did the work itself, saving in labor costs.
- Councilman Hempel: no report.
- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN: Councilwoman Moore has updated the plan with as much info as she has. She will get it to our webmaster to post on the website. There will also one posted at each firehouse.
- Supervisor Staats reported that we received a check for 4th quarter sales tax for $75,588.20. The census increase resulted in $295,000.00 coming in this year, $45,000.00 over the budgeted amount of $240,000.00.
- Supervisor handed out the budget report for January with a list of the January deposits as follows:
- The tax collector submitted $104,605.00 from taxes collected.
- Received reimbursement from the state for the youth program for $663.00.
- Received $931.70 from NYMIR for capitalization return.
- Deposited $106,492.20 last month.
- Councilman Kahle continued conversation on the bookkeeper position. It appears money could be saved and he has contacted two residents in town who would be interested, who have financial backgrounds and would be interested in being interviewed. Livingston pays $15.00 per hour for 4 hrs. per month work for their bookkeeper. The cost for accountants were varied. We paid $9300.00 for the bookkeeper last year and he thinks we could do it for about $5400.00. Supervisor explained that Brian is our bookkeeper and he keeps the books and closes the books. We did have estimates from accountants several years ago and it was about $9600.00 but we chose to stay with who we had. Councilman Desmond said we have considered getting quotes at the end of this year for our engineer, attorney and bookkeeper/accountant. We have also discussed having an independent accountant and we could budget this for 2013. He has done some inquiries and there are accountants who do not do municipal accounting because the insurance is too high. Councilman Kahle is suggesting that we start exploring this now in an effort to save money and not have a problem such as Kinderhook or Greenport had. Councilwoman Moore asked if we require that bookkeepers carry their own insurance? Councilman Hempel asked if we are committed to keeping the same bookkeeper for the year? This is a yearly appointment but it is at the pleasure of the board. Councilman Hempel would like to start looking now and if we can save money, make the change sooner. Councilman Kahle has no knowledge about the insurance coverage on the individuals. Supervisor Staats will get the information from Councilman Kahle and make contact with these people.
- Supervisor Staats reported that the Assessor, Henry Greenhouse, wife has passed away. The Town sends their condolences to Hank. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore to send flowers from the Board.
- Resolution No.36-12 – Official Undertaking of Municipal Officers for Town Justice: A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore to approve Resolution #36-12. All in favor. So carried.
- Resolution No. 37-12 – Lease agreement between Canaan Fellowship and the Town for 2012. A motion was made by Councilwoman Moore, seconded by Councilman Desmond to approve Resolution #37-12. A motion was made by Councilwoman Moore, seconded by Councilman Desmond for a roll call vote:
Councilwoman Moore, aye; Councilman Hempel, abstained; Councilman Desmond, aye; Councilman Kahle, aye; Supervisor Staats, aye. Motion passed.
- GERMANTOWN CENTRAL SCHOOL BUDGET: It has been publicized that there is a funding gap for next year of approximately 2 million dollars. There was a forum at the school, which Supervisor Staats attended. Those present talked about consolidation of classes, schools and doing away with certain programs. Supervisor Staats believes that the answer is not to raise school taxes, the public must consider cutting programs. The Supervisor would like to see more involvement from the community at these forums.
- SAULPAUGH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: Supervisor Staats has been in contact with Wayne Brouchard, one of the trustees of the Saulpaugh estate. Mr. Brouchard is going to authorize a lot line adjustment on the south of the Community House of approximately 75 to 80 feet, going approximately 300 feet back to give to the Town. We will have a survey done. This is a donation of land and a generosity that we can never repay. The Supervisor will get quotes for the survey for next months meeting.
- WALMART OPTION: Department of Social Services is located at 25 Railroad Ave. and has been leased for approx. 20 years. The building was built on a contaminated site but was closed and acceptable by DEC. It is necessary to wait for a determination on whether the site is contaminated and whether we should stay in the building or vacate, but the option with Walmart to purchase the property on Fairview Avenue in Greenport expired on February 5th. There is no guarantee that Walmart will renew the option. He believes it in the best interest of County to buy the property at 25 Railroad Avenue if the site is not contaminated.
- COURTHOUSE PROJECT: The approval should be done and bid out by end of first quarter.
- PINE HAVEN HOME: The Certificate of Need has been finalized and filed with the state. Once approved, construction can be bid out.
- PLEASANTVALE BRIDGE: Councilman Desmond asked if police departments are monitoring and enforcing the weight limit on the bridge. The Supervisor asked that if anyone notices heavy truck traffic on the bridge, please advise law enforcement.
- MILL ROAD BRIDGE: The bridge has been closed since July. The County had an engineering study done and is waiting for the estimate.
- A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to approve General fund abstract #2, vouchers #9-41in the amount of $7,846.33, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to approve Highway abstract #2, vouchers #5-13 in the amount of $13,687.92, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- Judy Blessinger-Neary: Judy cited a bill which was recently passed about more open government and she thought it might affect the minutes, asking if they could be posted in draft form. Supervisor Staats stated that the minutes are available two weeks after the meeting by request. Mrs. Cassidy cited that this law calls for the availability of anything being discussed at an open meeting to be available prior to the meeting for review. The Town Clerk did have copies of the resolutions for tonight’s meeting available on the table and minutes are available upon request two weeks after a meeting in draft form. The posting of the minutes on the website is after they are approved, which has been discussed at previous meetings.
- Ray Quintero stated that the tax map ID numbers are still not in the minutes of the Planning and Zoning boards. He would like the Supervisor to check into it. Councilman Desmond thought that Mr. Quintero’s concern was that the proper people were not being notified but with the new maps this should eliminate the problem. Charlie Larsen stated that it must be entered on the application and then entered into the minutes.
- Catherine Kahle’s daughter wrote an article in the Hudson River Sampler about Clermont. She asked if it could be posted on the website. She will get a copy to the Town Clerk.
- Supervisor Staats thanked John Mason for being here and writing an article about our revenues and low tax rate.
- Charlie Larsen: Thanked the Town Clerk for updating community channel with town meeting schedule and Fire Commissioners information. Also, Evan’s brother and another individual may join the fire department.
- Councilwoman Moore asked Charlie Larsen if Tammy has found someone to chair the Easter Egg Hunt, but Charlie does not know.
- There will be a roast beef dinner on February 25th at the Clermont Firehouse on Route 9G. Tickets are available from most firemen and Supervisor Staats.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:15 P.M. by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk