MARCH 24, 2012
The Clermont Town Board held a special meeting on Saturday, March 24, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. at the Town Hall for interviews for the Planning and Zoning Boards and to review the Annual Report for 2011. Those present were Supervisor Staats, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Nancy Moore, Councilman Evan Hempel and Councilman Edward Kahle. Others present were Charles Larsen and Brian Fitzgerald, Bookkeeper.
ANNUAL REPORT: There were questions by Councilman Hempel and Councilman Desmond on various accounts in the General fund revenues and General fund expenditures. Supervisor Staats and Mr. Fitzgerald explained where the various revenues come from and what types of expenditures are charged to the accounts. All this information is also filed with the Supervisor on a monthly basis in the reports that Mr. Fitzgerald submits, showing current months and YTD.
Councilman Desmond would like the Supervisor to check with our insurance agent to find out if our NYMIR premium is affected by our estimated revenues showing the expense of purchasing the truck.
Mr. Fitzgerald suggested that the board reviews the abstract, which he sends back to the Supervisor with the checks and compare to the bank statement each month, which also attaches copies of the checks, and they can sign off on that. The Supervisor noted that when he moved our funds to the Bank of Greene County, he put a stipulation on the account that no transfers of more than $100,000.00 in a month can be made.
BROWNSFIELD: Supervisor Staats received an updated proposal from C.T. Male for the ALTA survey of the Brownsfield property of $7950.00. The town will get reimbursed 90%. He would like to give them the approval to start the survey.
SAULPAUGH SURVEY: On the survey of the Saulpaugh property, he has spoken to Robert Zimmerman who submitted a bid as to whether or not his bid of $650.00 included surveying the remainder of the Saulpaugh property. It did not, so Mr. Zimmerman gave the Supervisor a bid of $1200.00 for the entire parcel. The other bid received from George Ihlenburg was $1600 to $1800. A motion was made to award the bid to Robert Zimmerman on a motion by Councilwoman Moore, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
Supervisor Staats had spoken to Bea Banks about the possibility of giving the Town a piece of property, which would enable the town to drive through to the town property at the western property line. She was willing to lease it to the town for $350.00 per month. Councilman Kahle suggested asking Mrs. Banks if she would grant an easement across her land with restrictions, such as no through traffic, no paving, etc. Supervisor Staats will talk to the Cemetery Association whose property borders on the north side of the garage.
FENCE BID: Supervisor Staats spoke to Roma Fence regarding their bid for the ballfield outfield fence of $8400.00. The bid did not mention bottom tension wire, as the bid from Red Hook fence did. Their bid was for $9100.00. After talking to Roma Fence, they agreed to include the bottom tension wire for the same price. Also, the Little League requested that there be no centerfield by pass, so this will be eliminated. The Little League has also said that they would donate $3500.00, $1,000.00 more than originally promised.
Councilman Hempel would like to see the Little League take care of the entire structure. He is not against having a park or a softball field but does not believe in the town putting in funds. Councilwoman Moore stated that we own the land and have a recreational fund for this purpose. Councilman Desmond said that we should be watchful of what we spend, but this will be the central part of a town park. Supervisor Staats said that we do receive other donations from outside for the ballfield.
Charlie Larsen pointed out that Red Hook is not allowing residents of Clermont to join the Little League. Germantown Little League is seeing an increase in signups, enough for two or three more teams. Councilman Kahle noted that the revenue from the signs would be replacing some of the money spent.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Moore to accept the bid from Roma Fence for $8400.00 and proceed as soon as possible, seconded by Councilman Desmond. In a roll call vote it was Councilwoman Moore, aye; Councilman Desmond, aye; Councilman Hempel, nay; Councilman Kahle, aye; Supervisor Staats, aye. Motion carried.
The Supervisor has been asked by the Kukon’s if there is a grant for cleaning up streambeds from all the recent storm damage. Councilman Kahle will look into it.
The Town Hall insulation project has received a verbal approval from NYSERDA to advertise for bids.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Moore to adjourn at 12:25 P.M., seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk