MARCH 5, 2012
The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Monday, March 5, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Supervisor Staats, Councilman Edward Kahle, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilman Evan Hempel and Councilwoman Nancy Moore. Others present were Peter Mercer and Brittany Bohnsack of G-tel Communications, John Mason of the Register Star and nine residents.
Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with the salute to the flag. He introduced Peter Mercer and Brittany Bohnsack from G-tel Communications. They presented the changes that are taking place with cable. The rates will increase by $3.00 effective 4/1/12. Letters have been sent out to customers of analogue and IPTV. Analogue will now be $42.95 month and IPTV will be $49.95. G-tel has also realigned by moving channels to the expanded from basic and from expanded to basic to try to lower costs. The analogue system, which is the 40 channel basic service, was started years ago. It is estimated that within 18 months they will be fazing out the analogue systems. G-tel is trying to provide a system that is not that much higher in cost. HBO and Cinemax have been added as a premium package.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to enter into executive session at 7:16 P.M. to discuss contractural negotiations, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by to come out of executive session at 7:36 P.M. by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to accept the minutes of the February meeting, seconded by Councilman Hempel. All in favor. So carried.
TOWN CLERK’S REPORT: The Town Clerk read the report for February and gave the Supervisor a check for the General Fund in the amount of $569.00 and for Trust and Agency in the amount of $150.00. A motion was made to accept the Clerk’s report by Councilwoman Moore, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
§ Town Board members were given a copy of the budget and revenue report for February 29, 2012.
§ The Clerk read the notice concerning the examination of Assessment Inventory and Valuation Data from the Assessor. Appointments can be made for Tuesday, March 13th 10 AM to 12 PM and Thursday, March 15th, 6 PM to 8 PM.
§ Ban on open fires by DEC from March 16th to May 15th with some exceptions. Check DEC website for information.
§ Pine Plains Central School District petitions are available from the school district for election on Monday, April 16th and the school budget vote is May 15, 2012.
§ Clermont Annual Easter Egg Hunt is on March 31st. Grounds open at 11:00 AM.
§ Columbia County Office for Aging Newsletter.
§ All these have been posted on the website. There was no other correspondence for the website..
§ The Supervisor would like to hold interviews of candidates for the positions on the Planning Board and the alternate position on the Zoning Board and open bids for the fence for the ball field outfield and any other business which may come before the board. This will be held on Saturday, March 17th at 10:00 A.M.
§ The Supervisor has received the annual report from the bookkeeper and would like to hold a special meeting for the board members to review. This will be held on Saturday, March 24th at 10:00 A.M.
§ GRANTS: Councilman Kahle did find that the Fire Commissioners have applied for the Safer Grant he mentioned last month. Berkshire-Taconic offers a grant, due on 4/1/12, usually for $1,000 to $2,000, for parks and recreation.
§ COMMUNITY HOUSE: Councilman Desmond told the board that the damage on the wall going up the stairs would be repaired by Councilman Kahle.
§ TOWN HALL INSULATION PROJECT: Councilman Desmond reported that the draft RFP for the insulation project has been reviewed. The NYSERDA grant has been approved for $2,700.00, of which the town share is $300.00. Bids may exceed this so we can apply for an increase or absorb extra cost or cancel the project. If anyone knows of a contractor in the area we can make contact with them.
§ Councilman Desmond and Councilman Hempel will be working on revisions to the ZBA application with Chairman Larsen.
§ Article 6 of Public Officers Law: Councilman Desmond read recently passed legislation, which states that local laws, resolutions, rules, regulations and policies, which are scheduled to be the subject of discussion during an open meeting shall be made available upon request to the extent practicable prior to or at the meeting. Copies of these records would be available for a reasonable fee. Also, if the agency maintains a website and uses a high speed internet connection, records shall be posted to the extent practicable as determined by the agency. There was further discussion on this law and the documents which are mentioned.
§ PINE PLAINS SCHOOL DISTRICT: Councilman Hempel attended a school budget workshop at Pine Plains School. Even with the 2% tax cap, there could still be a 2.6% increase, because of the way it is implemented. They are looking at an almost $700,000.00 reduction that has to be made in teachers and aides. It is a big impact. He also attended Red Hook School’s workshop but there should not be as big an impact but they are still working on it. Supervisor Staats has been attending Germantown School workshops and they are looking at a possible 6% increase, including cutting positions. This is an issue for all school districts.
§ EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN: Councilwoman Moore has emailed the plan to the Fire Chief, but will get printed copies to firehouse through Charles Larsen.
§ BOOKKEEPING SERVICES: Supervisor Staats received a letter from our Bookkeeper Brian Fitzgerald stating his duties as bookkeeper and the Supervisor explained these duties.
§ MILL ROAD BRIDGE: The report from Columbia County to repair the bridge is $560,000 to $670,000.00. Several are concerned about cost of the repairs for a shortcut road. The Supervisor has asked Morris Associates, our engineers, to review the report to see if it is within reason. Councilman Hempel suggested lowering the tonnage on the bridge.
§ BROWNFIELD UPDATE: The Town is seeking reimbursement from DEC for the Brownfield project. It is necessary to get an ALTA survey done on the property as what we have does not meet the DEC requirements. The Supervisor has spoken to our Town Attorney Andy Howard and Morris Associates about getting a survey done. Mr. Howard recommended contacting C.T. Male, since they have some of the information already, and they came back with a price of $8,950.00. Morris Associates could do it similar to this price. This is 90% reimbursed, town pays 10%. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to spend up to 9,000.00 for Alta Survey, seconded by Councilman Kahle. All in favor. So carried.
§ SAULPAUGH PROPERTY SURVEY: The trustees of George Saulpaugh and Sons have offered to give the town .47 acres on the south side of the Community House if the Town has the survey done. Supervisor Staats has asked for quotes from George Ihlenburg and Robert Zimmerman.
§ BALLFIELD: The Town will be seeking bids for a fence to close in the sides of the ballfield for safety reasons and for more advertising space. Each sign is $200.00 per year and is a revenue generator for the Little League. They use the revenue to put back into the field for items such as sand, which has been ordered and should arrive next week. The Highway department installed the parking lot with a separation made between the parking lot and field with Item 4 donated by Steve Williams, Elizaville Sand & Gravel. They were able to do the work due to a donation from Williams Lumber. The Town is considering a swing set purchase this year for the field.
§ YEAR END ANNUAL REPORT: There will be a special meeting on Saturday, March 24th at 10:00 AM for the board to review the annual report which has been submitted to the NYS Comptrollers office.
§ Supervisor Staats explained why he has decided not to caucus with the Democrats at the County level. He would like people to understand that there are five Hudson Democrats in the caucus and with only three other Democrats, there is a one-sided vote, which does not necessarily put the county’s interest first.
He serves on the Public Works, Health Services, County Government Committees, Budget and Salary and Finance Committee so will have first hand information of what is in resolutions
§ WALMART OPTION: The option for the County to purchase the former Walmart has expired and there is no official word on Railroad Avenue property.
§ COUNTY COURT HOUSE: The County is issuing a bond resolution in excess of $12,000,000.00 for the courthouse project, which will be going out to bid. There are also miscellaneous expenses, which will be reimbursed to the county and amounts to two million dollars of the bond.
§ PINE HAVEN: The County has submitted for the Certificate of Need and could be up to a year for approval.
§ DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES: Supervisor Staats reminded people that when renewing your motor vehicle, take it into the Hudson office of DMV, so that Columbia County receives the revenues. The Town Clerk has envelopes to mail it directly to the Hudson office.
§ WEIGHTS AND MEASURES DEPARTMENT: The Sealer of Weights and Measures goes around the County to measure weights of products on grocery shelves, gas stations to test octane, ethanol and quantities, etc.
§ EASTER EGG HUNT: The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 31st. Grounds open at 11:00 A.M., hunt starts at 12:00 P.M.
§ A motion was made by Councilman Kahle to approve General Fund abstract #3, invoices #42-67 for $6,898.73, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
§ A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to approve Highway abstract #3, vouchers #14-23 in the amount of $5,250.87, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
§ Councilman Kahle submitted his daughter’s article on Clermont, which appeared in the Hudson Sampler.
§ Councilman Kahle said that Andrea DiPace Seymour would be interested in the bookkeeper position. Also, an accounting firm could be used for preparation of annual reports and to help the bookkeeper for approximately $4200.00.
§ Judy Blessinger-Neary: Thanked Councilman Hempel for the school report. She asked if there would be any adjustment from the state because of the rise in price of gasoline and heating oil for the schools. Councilman Hempel said that Pine Plains school state aid was going up but by a very small percentage. She asked the Supervisor if the Railroad Avenue property has been contaminated, how have they been using it for years. She said that so much was spent on Ockawamick and Walmart and now we are back to Railroad Avenue. Supervisor Staats explained that where the building is and concrete coverage, it is okay, but if you are planning on digging on the site there has to be a Phase II study in order for the County to purchase the property.
§ Dr. George Davis: He thought we had been following what the DEC had asked for, is this in addition to what has been done. Supervisor Staats explained that we will be asking C.T. Male if there is anything we can do to reduce the costs. Councilman Desmond said that we are required to put an easement on the portion of the property that is contaminated, but if we decide to abandon it then DEC could come back and request funds back, and he doesn’t think we want to do that. There was further discussion on the ALTA survey and the certification process by the surveyor. Supervisor Staats will be checking into this further.
§ Dr. Davis also said that there is a resolution by the County for Colon Rectal Cancer month. This cancer is high in Columbia County and there are screenings available and the Columbia County Health Care Consortium will help people who have no insurance coverage.
§ Chris Nolan asked if the internet connection is a high speed connection at town hall. It is not believed to be the high speed connection. Asked if Supervisor Staats spoke to Sandy Williams at Williams Lumber and wondered if they have a sign at the ballfield. The Supervisor also said that Williams Lumber also donated the shingles for the dugout. In relation to bookkeeper, which was retained by prior administration, he asked if monthly reports are still submitted. The town board members are responsible. Councilman Desmond explained the process of the levels of auditing. Supervisor Staats feels that the process is transparent
§ Judy Blessinger-Neary: Asked why are we hung up on the bookkeeper, if we can save money by doing it the other way. The Supervisor is very satisfied with his work, but if we find a cost savings, we can look at it. Councilwoman Moore is happy with the letter from our current bookkeeper and it can be used to compare with other proposals. A line item will be added to next year’s budget for an outside audit, which is recommended every two to three years.
§ Charlie Larsen: Charlie spoke on the closure of the Mill Road Bridge, believing that the bridge belongs there. The County should realize that our zoning only allows for 12 lots and there are already 15 lots. Also, dead end roads are required to have a turn-a-round. There is a health and safety aspect also, so he believes it is imperative to keep the road open. Charlie also would like anyone who has had a sign on the ballfield to contact the Little League to continue with sign. Village Green BBQ will be the first Saturday in August, August 4th. Volunteers are needed. There are donations letters if anyone knows of a business, which would donate to the BBQ.
A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk