APRIL 2, 2012
The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Monday, April 2, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Edward Kahle, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilman Evan Hempel and Councilwoman Nancy Moore. Others in attendance were Desiree Webber, Animal Control Officer, John Mason, Register Star and three residents.
Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with a salute to the flag.
MINUTES: A motion was made to accept the minutes of the March 5, 2012 minutes by Councilman Hempel, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to accept the minutes of the March 17, 2012 special meeting by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Hempel. Councilman Kahle was not present at the meeting, therefore, did not vote. So carried.
A motion was made to accept the minutes of the March 24, 2012 special meeting by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- Town Clerk’s Report – A check was given to the Supervisor for the General Fund in the amount of $68.58. A motion was made to accept the Town Clerk’s report by Councilwoman Moore, seconded by Councilman Kahle. All in favor. So carried.
- The Town Clerk’s office will be closed on Saturday, April 7th.
- Received a favorable inspection report from Department of Agriculture and Markets on Pine Plains Vet Association with the exception of lack of contracts with three other municipalities.
- Received a donation for ballfield of 56 yards of Item #4 from Elizaville Sand and Gravel. The approximate value is $675.00.
- Received a check from Homeland Security Emergency Services towards Hurricane Irene reimbursement – Part #1 of 2 for $1,566.92. Total of approximately $4000.00 is expected.
- Received a check from Hilltop Communications for Franchise fees in the amount of $1,620.00.
- Website: Charlie Larsen asked if we could post the BBQ information as soon as possible. Also, could we put our website address on the G-tel community page.
- Councilman Hempel would like to set up a mailing list for announcements only to be sent to residents. He will look into this.
- Councilman Kahle has completed the application for the Berkshire-Taconic Grant requesting $2500.00. He is looking into a grant for cleanup along the Roe Jan after Hurricane Irene.
- Councilman Desmond reported that the Community House stairwell was patched and painted by Councilman Kahle and thanked him for the good job.
- Councilman Desmond, Councilman Hempel and ZBA Chairman Charles Larsen have completed the revamp of the ZBA applications. Chairman Larsen feels that it is a very workable package and people will have to read the zoning ordinance in order to answer the questions. He thanked Councilman Hempel and Councilman Desmond.
- Councilman Desmond reported that people have not been able to reach the tax collector to pay their taxes and there are concerns about interest being added. He suggested waiving the interest for those who had a problem. The Supervisor will be meeting with Joan Buser and discuss this with her.
- Councilman Hempel reported on school budgets, which are close to being finalized. Pine Plains increase is just (delete:over) (add: under) the 2% tax cap because of some exceptions, but state aid is decreasing by about 1%. Red Hook School has a hearing scheduled for May 3rd. They have been approached by Germantown School about consolidation. They are looking to do a joint study with surrounding school districts. Germantown is looking at an increase above the cap of 5% or 6.2% and will have to cut teachers and staff. They have a special budget workshop on April 9th from 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Supervisor Staats reported that Mr. Finch from Red Hook School will come to our May meeting. The budget votes will be held on May 15th.
- Councilwoman Moore has delivered copies of the Emergency Preparedness Plan to Charlie Larsen, who has not yet delivered them to the fire stations.
- YEAR-END AUDIT OF BOOKS: The Town Board held a special meeting on March 24th with Brian Fitzgerald, bookkeeper. There were several questions and Brian was very helpful answering them. Supervisor Staats thought that it went very well. He has looked into quotes provided by Mr. Kahle for an accountant. It appears that we would pay about the same for the services provided by an accountant as we are paying now, but we would still have to pay a bookkeeper. There will have to be trust that the Supervisor is watching things and the board members are watching him. Councilman Desmond mentioned a recommendation from the bookkeeper, that the board sign off on the bank statements every month. Starting next month when statements come in checks issued can be verified to the abstracts. Councilman Desmond asked if there were any lingering concerns from the board, but there were none.
- MILL ROAD BRIDGE: The Supervisor reported that at this time, the County has no intention of opening up the bridge. The Supervisor will pursue this, but with budget constraints it is not being considered. There are several points to argue for the safety and welfare of residents.
- BROWNFIELDS UPDATE: Received a proposal from C.T. Male for ALTA survey, negotiated a better proposal for $1000.00 less - $7950.00. This has to be done for DEC and it is possible that funding will follow in the near future. We also get 90% reimbursement.
- BIDS FOR SURVEY OF SAULPAUGH PROPERTY: Bids were opened at the March 17th special meeting from Robert Zimmerman and George Ihlenburg to survey the Saulpaugh property. The Saulpaughs have offered the Town what is close to a half acre adjoining the Community House. The bid was awarded to Robert Zimmerman for $1200.00.
- FENCE FOR BALLFIELD: Bids were opened at the March 17th special meeting from Roma Fence and Red Hook Fence. The bid was awarded to Roma Fence for $8,400.00. They will be starting the project tomorrow. Southern Columbia County Little League is paying $3500.00 of the cost. Previously we received $1000.00 from Fingar Insurance and $1000.00 from The Bank of Greene County. Councilman Desmond asked if the score board would be up this week and it will be.
- ROAD GRADER: The highway department has a 1953 road grader, which is starting to need some repairs. Germantown has a 1966 grader, larger and newer, runs good, good shape, good tires and good teeth. They are asking $3000.00. The metal on old one is probably worth about $1500.00. The Highway Superintendent has $8000.00 in the Machinery Fund. This purchase would not have to be bid out because it is an inter-municipality purchase. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to purchase the road grader from Germantown, seconded by Councilman Kahle. All in favor. So carried.
- ROLLER: Currently Germantown, Livingston and Clermont share a roller. Livingston and Clermont are interested in purchasing a Caterpillar 3-ton roller for $10,000.00. The funds were budgeted last year, but could not find one. The funds are back in this year’s budget for $5000.00. The roller would be housed at Livingston’s garage and covered by their insurance. They will have to get other bids because it comes from a dealer. A motion was made by Councilwoman Moore to authorize Superintendent Potts to seek bids, and approve the purchase under the proper procedures, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
- ST. LUKE’S CHURCH: Supervisor Staats and Councilman Desmond checked the church to determine what work should be done. The windowsills need work and the building needs to be painted. There is also a problem with the bees in the bell tower, which may have to be addressed. There is $10,000.00 in the building budget for this work, which will have to put out to bid. Councilman Desmond asked if we need to do two bids, for woodworking and painting? Supervisor Staats will advise.
- TOWN STORAGE BUILDING: County Route 33 (Church Avenue): Supervisor Staats and Superintendent Potts determined that the building needs some additional collar ties and diagonal bracing for support. The highway department can do the work.
- INTERVIEWS: Interviews for the Planning Board and Alternate for Zoning Board was held on March 17 and March 24th. Those interviewed were Kris Gildersleeve, Robert Queirolo and Luke Kumburis. A motion was made to appoint Robert Queirolo to fill the unexpired term of Nancy Sperry until December 31, 2012 and Luke Kumburis as the ZBA alternate by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Evan Hempel. All in favor. So carried.
- BUDGET AMENDMENT: Resolution No. 39 of 2012 to transfer from Other Funds A-5031.2 $3500.00 to Parks A7110.41. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to approve Resolution No.39 of 2012, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- Set a special meeting on Saturday, April 14th to open bids for insulation project for the Town Hall. This has been advertised.
- Mr. Finch of Red Hook Schools will be at the May town board meeting.
- Easter Egg Hunt was postponed until Tuesday, April 3rd at 6:00 P.M.
- At the public works committee meeting, the County proposed a pole barn building for $500,000.00 to create more space for working on machinery and equipment. On Friday a tour of the site will be held to see if it is really necessary.
- Court House Project: Drawings are approved, should be going out to bid.
- County meetings are now televised on local television channels.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to approve General abstract #4, vouchers 68 to 97 for $13,467.51, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to approve Highway abstract #4, vouchers 24 to 31 $3,762.42, seconded by Councilman Hempel. All in favor. So carried.
- Desiree Webber, Animal Control Officer reminded that a free rabies vaccination clinic would be held on Saturday, April 14th at Palatine Park for cats and ferrets 10-11 in carrier, dogs from 11 – 12 on leash. Rabies Clinics are also posted on the website.
- Mary Shannon thanked the Supervisor for working on the Mill Road Bridge.
- Councilman Kahle asked if the board should put thought into hydrofracking. Other towns have been passing resolutions and we should be prepared. There is a precedent that home rule law can prevail. Councilman Desmond said that there was an article in the Association of Towns magazine about hydrofracking. Supervisor Staats said that it should be looked into so we are prepared. He asked Councilman Kahle to present some information at the next meeting.
- Charlie Larsen: Another issue which will have to be considered in the zoning is regulation of wood boilers in congested areas.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to adjourn at 8:10 P.M., seconded by Councilwoman Moore.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk
Final draft