APRIL 16, 2012
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, April 16, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Mark Schiller, Commissioner Charles Larsen, Commissioner Raymond Bauer, Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh and Commissioner Harry Harned. Also present were Treasurer Denise Fiore and Chief Ronald Rifenburgh.
Chairman Schiller opened the meeting with the salute to the flag.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to accept the minutes of the March meeting, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
Total amount of March invoices paid $6,589.17
Proposed April invoices $3,694.73
Paid April invoices $ 0
Total $3,694.73
Bank of Greene County
Money Market Checking Balance $247,872.95
Checking balance $ 504.06
Plus Deposits $ 0
Less outstanding checks $ 0
Checking Balance to date $ 504.06
Money Market and Checking Total $248,377.01
Capital Reserve Fund $ 93,452.85
Reserve Fund $ 29,432.50
A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Larsen. All in favor. So carried.
- RBC Wealth Management account statement for March - $274,189.17
- Columbia County Sheriffs Office – Alarm registration for Station #1 will be completed and returned.
- Commercial Instruments & Alarm Systems (CIA)– Inspection was performed on system at Station #1 on April 3, 2012.
- FEMA Grant – Received letter with reasons for denial. Treasurer Fiore will get a copy to our grant writer.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioner Larsen and Bauer
- Commissioner Larsen has talked to Darryl about painting the floor at Station #1. The trucks will have to stay off painted floor for about three weeks and should use rubber pads for a period of time.
- Commissioner Larsen has put a copy of the Emergency Preparedness Plan in both firehouses.
- CIA Fire Alarm inspection report was received.
- Commissioner Bauer got a quote from A. C. Smith & Son on blacktop of Station #1 parking lot. The total cost for padding up sides, lower grade in front of doors and laying 2 ½ inches of #6 blacktop, rolling and finishing was $13,300. This will have to be budgeted for next year.
INSURANCE: Commissioner Larsen and Bauer
No report
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioner Bauer and Saulpaugh
- The van is going to Joe Palumbos to change oil, etc.
- Ralph’s Garage will be doing the servicing on the pumps. It was recommended to get an outside agency to do the pump test.
LOSAP: Commissioner Harned and Saulpaugh
- Commissioner Harned reported that the calls have been posted at firehouse but cannot be removed until later in the week.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to allow the Chairman to sign the forms for LOSAP, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
- Department of Labor Code Rule 800.7- The Chief reported on this ruling that a risk assessment must be done to determine the heights of the buildings, the types of structures and how many buildings there are at each height in the district. It also states that the SOP’s must be reviewed and updated per the risk assessment. Proper equipment must be purchased to comply, and training must be done on the new equipment. The Chief will check with the Chiefs Association for proper forms.
- A letter was sent to the Livingston Fire Commissioners regarding our volunteers responding to mutual aid calls with Livingston and that they must not respond in personal vehicles. Since that time, it was heard that this was not the case. The Chairman will send a copy of the letter to Livingston Commissioners and request a letter regarding the policy.
- Treasurer Fiore met with the accountant, Mark Fitzgerald on the LOSAP audit for 2011. There were several items that he inquired about as follows:
- Inventory – The Chief said that an inventory was done and should be in the district computer. New equipment should be added since that time.
- Travel Policy for mileage, meals, etc.
- Call Sheets – Suggested that those who did not attend a call be redacked from the call sheet.
- Summary of Calls: Suggested that a monthly total of calls, drills, miscellaneous be kept.
- Retiree’s Checks: Asked who issues the checks to the retirees. The checks are sent from Comerica Bank after the funds are transferred by RBC. Comerica Bank also sends out the 1099R for income tax purposed.
ANNUAL REPORT: Commissioner Larsen questioned the lease amount in the annual report, as it does not show the full $24,000.00 that the District pays the Clermont Fire Department for the firehouse. The difference between the $2,000.00 per month lease and any payment for fuel oil and insurance which are paid is what is shown
RESIGNATION: Commissioner Harry Harned submitted a letter of resignation effective April 16, 2012. A motion was made to accept his resignation with regret by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. Motion carried.
NEW MEMBERSHIPS: Applications for new membership were received from Calvin R. Decker, Joseph Boccia and Joseph Vusich. A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to approve the new members, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried. Letters and physical forms will be sent.
There were five calls for March as follows:
- 3/16/12 – Standby for Tivoli Fire Department
- 3/18/12 – CO Detector Activation – 57 Nevis Road
- 3/19/12 – Water Emergency – Vessel stuck in river (awaiting high tide)
- 3/20/12 – AAPI – 23 Pleasantvale Road
- 3/26/12 – Standby for Tivoli Fire Department
Drills for the month were:
- 3/20/12 – 2 1//2 hrs. SCBA training with Livingston
- 3/26/12 – 1 hr. OSHA training, 2 hrs. Vehicle extrication
- 3/28/12 CPR/AED training
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to accept the Chiefs report, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
- The Chief requested that letters be sent to Adom Lawyer and Harold Rockefeller that they are no longer active, as they have not attended required OSHA training. Also, request Harold Rockefeller to turn in gear and pager. Adom has done so already.
- The Chief reported that the combination lock at Station #1 is not working properly, will not open. Suggested installing a new combination lock. Commissioner Larsen will talk to someone.
- The flag pole is bent at Station #1, suggested possibly purchasing a new pole and flag.
- G-tel Communications is starting a program 537-INFO, a place for posting info about meetings, etc. Also the Chief would like to see a website for Clermont Fire Department/District.
Due to the resignation of Commissioner Harned, it will be necessary to replace him, if anyone knows someone interested in the position.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer to pay the bills, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:25 P.M. by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary