JUNE 4, 2012
The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Monday, June 4, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. at the Clermont Town Hall. Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Evan Hempel, Councilwoman Nancy Moore, Councilman Edward Kahle and Councilman Robert Desmond. There were six residents present and John Mason, Register Star.
MINUTES: The Town Clerk noted a correction to make on the last page, Abstracts to take out the word ‘not’. A motion was made by Councilman Kahle to accept the minutes with correction, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
TOWN CLERKS REPORT: The Clerk read the report for May 2012. Checks for the General Fund in the amount of $483.50 and Trust and Agency in the amount of $250.00 were given to the Supervisor. A motion was made to accept the Town Clerk’s report by Councilman Hempel, seconded by Councilman Kahle. All in favor. So carried.
FINANCIAL REPORTS: Copies of the financial reports for the period ending May 31, 2012 were distributed to the board.
- A town resident asked that an article be read regarding requirements for passengers under the age of 16 years to be wearing seatbelts or be in appropriate child safety restraint system.
- Dog Control Officer Inspection Report from NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets was received with a satisfactory grading.
- Letter from Town of Red Hook Planning Board regarding public hearings which were held on May 21st.
- Notice from Village of Tivoli regarding a public hearing to be held on June 13, 2012 on Local Law #2.
- Pine Plains Central School public hearing on District’s Code of Conduct & Safety Plans on June 6, 2012.
- Columbia County Department of Health information on Lyme Disease.
- Web Committee: Mrs. Eileen Cassidy expressed concerns regarding notices sent out by the Assessor on assessments. The Assessor sends out letters if an assessment is raised, as required, and also sends out notices if lowered, which is not required. No notice is sent out if there is no change in assessment and she would like a notice posted on the website that this is the case. There was further discussion on the data, which is used to determine the assessments. The assessor did a systematical review of all parcels. The Supervisor will talk to Mr. Greenhouse about speaking with people when they come in to grieve their assessments.
- GRANTS: Councilman Kahle had no report on grants.
- INSULATION PROJECT: Councilman Kahle called an installer in Albany and got a verbal quote of $1100.00 when he described the job. He will contact him to come down and get a firm quote. This will be fiberglass,not foam insulation and the rating is not as high. Supervisor Staats explained that the NYSERDA grant estimate was $3000.00 and the bids were much higher than the grant so it has been cancelled. Councilman Desmond suggested that Councilman Kahle check the estimated energy savings in the grant. Councilman Kahle stated that we should get a quick payback by doing this insulation even with fiberglass. Councilman Desmond asked if we can do this from this years budget or budget for next year. Supervisor Staats said we do have money in the buildings account. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond for Councilman Kahle to contact the installer and have him come down and give an estimate, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- HYDROFRACKING: The town received an email from Cherie Messore of IOGA of NY representing gas drilling companies in the Buffalo area. Councilman Kahle has contacted her and if we wanted representatives would come to a meeting to discuss hydraulic fracking. It would be unlikely that there would be drilling in Clermont because Marcellus shale does not run through Clermont, we have Utica shale in this area. Germantown did put a moratorium because they were approached to be a staging area for some project. Ed Kahle did call Victor Myers because he represented clients in Otsego County, which passed a home rule law, and it is being appealed. The towns set a precedent by using home rule law for allowing or disallowing something in town. There is a constitutional issue because people have the right to extract minerals from their properties, but others have a constitutional right not to have their water damaged, etc. He asked if the board would want them to come in and speak? Councilwoman Moore does not think we have enough information to have them come in. Judy Blessinger-Neary asked if there could be an effect if there was drilling in Livingston or Germantown that would effect our water. Councilman Hempel said that in Livingston it probably would follow the streams, but in Germantown he does not know how the land is sloped. Charlie said most of our water comes from the Hillsdale area so there would probably not be any effect. Councilman Desmond suggested that it would cost us money for our engineer to come in, but we could have soil and water come in to explain the water flow and not cost us anything. Councilman Kahle will follow up with soil and water. He also distributed a copy of a documentary called Gaslands.
- GRIEVANCE DAY: Councilman Desmond reported that the Board of Assessment Review did have 12 grievances, which is less than previous years. There were about an equal amount of stipulations. He also suggested that residents check their assessments at town hall to be sure that there has been no change.
- BALLFIELD: Councilman Desmond reported that the basketball court has been dug out and gravel put in.
- SCHOOL BUDGETS: Councilman Hempel reported that Red Hook and Pine Plains schools passed their 2012-2013 budgets but Germantown did not. Supervisor Staats said that there was meeting just after election and they are suggesting a revised budget with a 1.75% increase for the next vote. The next meeting in Germantown is June 13th. The budget vote is Tuesday, June 19th.
- MILL ROAD BRIDGE UPDATE: The Supervisor has requested David Robinson and Dean Knox, Columbia County Highway, to come down and inspect the area for a turn-a-round. This creates a safety issue for our snowplows and school buses, which cannot use the road. He hopes to have a solution or action. He is asking that if there is no adequate solution, that they should move forward with repairing the bridge.
- SURVEY FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: The Supervisor has spoken with Mr. Zimmerman, and he was not able to finish the survey of the Saulpaugh and Cemetery property yet.
- GRADER: The grader was declared surplus equipment at last month’s meeting and was sold to Old Tyme Power Association. A check was received as shown on the May deposits.
- FINANCIALS: Supervisor Staats reviewed the deposits shown on the report.
- Unclaimed funds listed on the NYS Comptroller’s website as AT&T mobile refund of $42.52.
- Sales Tax, 2nd Qtr. For $74,603.12, which is 14% more than last year at this time. We are above sales tax expectations.
- Little League reimbursed for fence for $3500.00.
- Mortgage Tax Check for $22,680.96.
- BALLFIELD: Pad was put in for basketball court, which needs to settle. There is a possible donation of a basketball hoop and the Supervisor will let the board know next month. There is an estimate of $3500.00 for blacktopping and would like to authorize up to $3500.00 for blacktop, being done by Highway department. This could be offset by the $3500.00 received from the Little League for the fence. Councilman Hempel does not want to see these costs get out of control, because there may be other costs associated, such as maintenance and upkeep. Supervisor Staats states that as of right now, there are few maintenance concerns. Councilman Desmond made a motion to approve the expenditure for the blacktop, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW: A letter was received from Henry Rudolf resigning from the BAR dated 5/31/12. His term is scheduled to end on 9/30/13. If anyone is interested please contact the Town Clerk or board members. Councilman Desmond gave an overview of the position which involves one day of training with Columbia County Real Property and Grievance Day duties.
- ABSTRACT CORRECTIONS: Supervisor Staats explained corrections on the last abstract. Two checks were voided and reissued to the correct vendors. The abstract can be used by board members to check against the bank statements, as discussed at prior meetings. There was a voided voucher this month for an invoice to Germantown Park Commission, which was held over for payment.
- SOCIAL SERVICES BUILDING: The Board of Supervisors approved the purchase of the Railroad Avenue property for DSS at last months meeting. The resolution had a provision that a two-acre parcel adjacent was included and this had not had an environmental study. Supervisor Staats did vote against the resolution, but it did pass but excluded the two acres until it could be studied.
- COURTHOUSE: Bids are being accepted at this time for renovation. The County should have the results at the next meeting.
- HOME HEALTH AIDES: The Health Committee voted to sell the County Home Health Agency Certificate of Need due to the fact that they are loosing money because of wages and benefits. There are currently two CON’s issued in the county, but the state is issuing a third. The county solicited for someone to purchase the Certificate of Need and had several responses. One company currently operating in Ulster and Greene Counties has offered $150,000.00. There will be restrictions, such as keeping the same employees, treating the same clients, etc. Councilman Desmond asked if the CON has to be renewed periodically or is it good forever. Supervisor Staats believes that once you have it to operate, it is good until you go out of business or transfer it.
- HOMELESS SHELTER: Charlie Larsen asked about the bids for the homeless shelter. Supervisor Staats is not involved with the process, but will get information.
- The Clermont Fire Company Steak BBQ is Saturday, June 9th.
- The Village Green BBQ will be held Saturday, August 4th.
A motion was made to approve Trust & Agency abstract #2, voucher #2 in the amount of $38.40 by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to approve Highway abstract #6, vouchers #49 to #54 in the amount of $3,883.47 by Councilman Hempel, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to approve General Fund abstract #6, vouchers #127 to 154 in the amount of $9,150.02 by Councilman Kahle, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- Judy Blessinger-Neary: Asked if it would be a year before work can begin at Pine Haven. Supervisor said that we have not received the CON, so until that is received, bids cannot go out. She said that until that takes place, work can not begin on the Veterans Care Center, which has been approved.
- Charlie Larsen: He believes that the Town is taking the correct stance on the shale and DEC. If anyone gets a list of what is proposed by DEC for fracking, he would like a copy. The bridge does need a turnaround; and there are already fifteen residences on the road, where zoning allows for twelve houses on a dead end road. What happens with the lots, which have already been subdivided and there is a potential of six or eight more lots being created. He thinks the County needs to take a look at it because it could be taking money out of people’s pockets.
- George Davis: The Health Care history shows that private enterprise takes those clients that they want to take. They promise to keep employees and keep costs down, but with insurance costs going up, he asks for the County to be cautious and keep an eye on them.
- Councilman Desmond commented on bridges, which the County is not taking care of. Supervisor Staats explained that the roads and bridges budget has been cut/chopped over the years. If revenues continue to come in, there may be excess funds which could be used in the next budget cycle. Councilman Desmond said that any savings should be utilized for infrastructure.
A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore at 8:25 P.M. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk