AUGUST 8, 2012
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Brenda Case and Jennifer Phillips. Members absent were Robert Queirolo, Aldo Dusman and Thomas Jantzen.
Also present were Bob McCarthy, Phil Massaro, Robert Zimmerman, Kenneth Migliorelli, William Teubl, Robert Desmond, George Schmitt, Town Engineer and Andy Howard, Town Attorney.
MINUTES: The minutes of the public hearing and regular meeting of July were approved on a motion made by Clayton Andrus and Brenda Case. Jennifer Phillips asked for clarification on page l of the public hearing, second to last paragraph. The last sentence was changed to read " this use is not noxious".
FAYE WERNER: 382 Nevis Road – Tax Map ID#191-1-1-19.1
Representing Mrs. Werner were Bob McCarthy and surveyor Phil Massaro whom presented a map of the proposed 2-acre subdivision from 100 acres on the southernmost section of the property. The map showed that she will be leaving a 50 foot strip for access from Nevis Road to the remaining property on the east of this subdivision. There is an existing septic system and there will be a new well dug. The driveway exists to this two-acre parcel. The applicant will notify the adjoining landowners and a public hearing will be held next month.
KENNETH MIGLIORELLI: County Route 6 – Tax Map ID#191-1-1-32
Mr. Migliorelli and surveyor Robert Zimmerman approached the board with survey map for a subdivision on County Route 6 of 6.63 acres into two parcels, Parcel #1 – 3.00 with existing structures and septic, Parcel #2 – 3.63 acres vacant land with pond. He has spoken to Edward DeWitt and Sean Gilliard and will get an easement from Apple Valley Road in order to have access to Parcel #2. This parcel will also have a 50-foot access from County Route 6. The Board asked that the maps would state no further subdivision. The applicant will need a driveway permit from the town to enter from Apple Valley Road and septic approvals for both parcels.
TOWN OF CLERMONT, GEORGE W. SAULPAUGH & SONS, CLERMONT CEMETERY SOCIETY: Mr. Zimmerman, surveyor, presented a map of a proposed boundary line change to annex .47 acres from 2.58 acres from George W. Saulpaugh & Sons, 1790 Route 9, Tax Map ID#181.3-1-6.1 to the town parcel Tax Map ID#181.3-1-4 on the south side of the town’s property.
Also proposed is a boundary line change to annex .007 acres from The Clermont Cemetery Society, Tax Map ID#181.3-1-2 to the town parcel Tax Map ID#181.3-1-4 on the northwest corner of the town’s property. Letters will be sent out to the adjoining landowners of both properties and a public hearing will be held on September 12th at 7:30 P.M.
WILLIAM AND CLAUDIA TEUBL: 92 Nevis Road – Tax Map ID#191.4-1-24
The Zoning Board of Appeals sent the application for a special use permit from the Teubl’s for a doctor’s home office in an existing building on the property for recommendation. A site inspection was performed by Brenda Case and Clayton Andrus on July 17th. Brenda Case pointed out that coming in the driveway from the north, it is steep and blind. It is suggested that this rock cut be reduced for better vision for patients coming in the driveway. The Chairman read a letter from Highway Superintendent James Potts regarding the driveway on the property the crest of the driveway was cut down and widened at the entrance, it would make if safer for his patients. A letter will be sent to the ZBA recommending approval with the stipulation that the vision is improved for cars coming in and out of the driveway. The ZBA will be holding public hearing this month.
Town Board member Robert Desmond discussed the public forum held in Germantown on hydrofracking, which was attended by four members of the Clermont Town Board. He is asking the Planning and Zoning Boards to get a feel for how people in town feel about this method of natural gas drilling. The town would be able to initiate a moratorium or a ban on hydrofracking.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. on a motion made by Brenda Case, seconded by Jennifer Phillips.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon