OCTOBER 10, 2012
The Clermont Planning Board held two public hearings on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Aldo Dusman, Thomas Jantzen and Jennifer Phillips. Brenda Case and Robert Queirolo were absent. Others present were Robert Desmond, Robert Zimmerman, George Schmitt of Morris Associates and Andy Howard of Freeman-Howard.
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the September meeting by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Thomas Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
Mr. Zimmerman brought in a map showing two parcels on Route 9 owned by Mary L. Madlon, Tax Map ID#200.-1-16 and Harold and Darlene Moore, Tax Map ID#200.-1-17 with an agreed upon lot line, which is shown by a chain link fence and pins which have been set. The parties are agreeing that this is the line between the parcels and have signed the map. He is asking if the board would stamp the map because it cannot be filed without the stamp from the planning board. Our attorney, Andy Howard, said that if the parties are agreeing to this line and this is fixing the line between them, then this would formalize it. Mr. Zimmerman thought that this would be the proper way to go to protect his client and the Moore's. A motion was made to accept the map as presented for a lot line agreement and waive the application fee by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried. The maps will be stamped so that they can be filed.
RAY TOUSEY: Tax Map ID#192-1-12 – Route 9 in the Hamlet – Mr. Tousey has applied to the ZBA to increase the size of the signs on Blue Roof Building for his winery. Currently the existing sign on the south is 10 feet x 15 feet, he would like to increase the size to 6 feet x 25 feet on the upper part of the building, 3 feet x 20 feet on the lower part and add a sign on west side 3 feet x 20 feet. The ZBA has asked for a recommendation on this application.
After discussion, a letter will be written to the ZBA that the planning board has no objections to the requested variance for signage. A motion was made by Thomas Jantzen, seconded by Jennifer Phillips. All in favor. So carried.
Chairman Saulpaugh read a letter from DEC regarding the old LaMunyan landfill/William Cole property on Route 9G dated 9/21/12. The department states that they have no further authority to require closure or remediation of the five-acre parcel north of the original landfill and has no jurisdiction with regard to its future development and use.
The application for a use permit to the ZBA by the Teubl's on Nevis Road was discussed in regard to improvements to the driveway. They have cut down the high spot and the Highway Superintendent will be checking it further to see if it follows his recommendation.
Chairman Saulpaugh and Clayton Andrus met with Bill Clarke, the caretaker at the Carmelites on Woods Road. The proposed memorial building has been relocated from where it was originally going to be set. There doesn’t seem to be a problem with the relocation. They will be cutting down fewer trees in the process.
Chairman Saulpaugh did mention about the Binghams Mill Road Bridge being closed by the County at the County Planning Board meeting. The board was sympathetic.
Bob Desmond brought up that at the budget meetings, it has been discussed that they might be changing the pay structure of the planning board and zoning board members. Members may be allowed to miss two meetings, but for any more than two, may be docked $100.00 per missed meeting. Members are currently paid $800.00 per year.
A motion was made to adjourn by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Tom Jantzen at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon