Clermont Zoning Board Of Appeals
Rt 9 Clermont
Germantown, New York 12526
Date: Sept 26 2012
Members in attendance: Charles Larsen, Chairman, Bruce Unson, Hank Himelright
Charlie opens the meeting at 7:30 pm. The meeting starts with a salute to the flag
Charlie asks if the minutes are reviewed- James Potts suggested the opening of the driveway to be widened not that he would do it. Bruce makes a motion to accept the minutes with this change. Hank seconds it and all are in favor. The minutes are accepted with the noted change.
Application submitted to the board by Ray Tousey for an area variance for increased signage area for Tousey’s Winery. The application appears to be complete. We need a check for $75 for the application fee. He will leave it with Mary Helen Shannon, made out to the Town of Clermont. Charlie asks for a motion and Hanks seconds accepted the application. All are in favor and the application is accepted.
The public hearing will be held at 7:30 on October 24th at 7:30 pm on the town hall. Surrounding land owners need to be notified of the public hearing at least ten days prior to the public hearing being held.
Charlie asks for a motion to waive doing part two of the environmental statement until after the public hearing. Hank makes a motion to waive completing the part two of the environmental form until the 24th of October. Bruce seconds it. All are in favor and the motion is carried.
Charlie asks if there is any other business. There is none.
Charlie asks for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bruce makes the motion. Hank seconds it. All are in favor and the meeting is closed at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamera Connolly, secretary