November 5, 2012
The Clermont Town Board held a public hearing on the 2013 Budget on November 5, 2012 at 6:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Supervisor Staats, Councilman Kahle, Councilman Desmond, Councilman Hempel and Councilwoman Moore.
Also present were Ed and Eileen Cassidy and Judy Blessinger-Neary.
Supervisor Staats opened the public hearing on the 2013 budget. He reported that sales tax is the main revenue generator, which has increased this year. We still do not have enough revenues coming in to the town to support the expenditures. The board is being very conservative in preserving the fund balance by keeping the expenditures down, budgeting $83,000.00 from the fund balance, down from $90,000.
Some of the expenditures include:
- Added $20,000.00 for Data Collection, which is due to be done next year.
- Repairs to Community House in the amount of $10,000.00 for painting.
Expenditures were still lowered and even with these budgeted items, we are still able to lower what is expended from the fund balance. It is necessary to preserve the fund balance and keep the rate low. There is no increase to the tax rate this year. There were no raises given to anyone in this year’s budget.
Councilman Desmond added that there is $5000.00 budgeted for an independent outside audit. The Supervisor said that this would be the third year since the State Comptrollers office audited our books and it will be audited by an outside firm.
- Judy Blessinger-Neary said that East Greenbush contacted the state for an audit and it will still be time before it can be done, and the reason they did this is because of the recent news on the Town of Stockport being broke. She asked which one of the board has an accounting or bookkeeping degree and can be assured that our books are in order. She pointed out several towns who have used the same bookkeeper that Clermont does and have had problems. Supervisor Staats has asked for complete copies of the General and Highway accounts and are available for anyone to review.
- Eileen Cassidy asked why the board has such an allegiance to Mr. Fitzgerald who is having trouble in other towns. Has the board budgeted for another bookkeeper, have we advertised for the position. The Supervisor stated that there is not a loyalty issue, everything that the Board or he has asked for from Mr. Fitzgerald has been provided. He is satisfied with what he receives from Mr. Fitzgerald. There are positions that we will be put out to bid, the bookkeeper, engineer, attorney and insurance. Also, Supervisor Staats said that every year a report goes into the State and there have been no problems. Councilwoman Moore is satisfied with the reports and has been looking at reports like this for years, even though she has no bookkeeping degree, it is the responsibility of the Board to verify the information. Councilman Desmond explained how the vouchers are audited by the board, the Supervisor signs the checks, verifies the bank statements as to what has been paid and so on. Councilman Hempel pointed out that in the classes given by the State, they pointed out that in the Towns of Greenport and Kinderhook, the problems that they had was because no one was checking the reports or statements. Councilman Kahle agrees that it isn’t proper to have the accountant and bookkeeper the same. Mrs. Cassidy said that Councilman Kahle has said that he had someone else in mind, but he explained that the person he had in mind took a job with Bank of Greene County and we do our banking there, so it is a conflict. He is talking to someone else who might be interested. The Supervisor stated that bids will go out, but unless we can find someone who is less money, he doesn’t see going with someone else when we are satisfied with Mr. Fitzgerald. Supervisor Staats said that we would be putting out RFP’s for a bookkeeper and an independent auditor to follow-up. Councilman Hempel stated that the town books are open for anyone to review. The Supervisor would ideally like to have an audit every year but it is quite expensive. The board was in agreement that they have not seen any problem.
- Judy asked how much money was given to the Saulpaugh’s for the use of their ballfield. We gave them nothing for use of the field. She sees the ballfield as an added expense and wants to know how much is going to be spent. Judy asked if anyone has checked how many people have used the facilities, the kids are in school most of the time. The Supervisor spoke about the use of the field and the lowering of the payment to Germantown. He would like to put a little into the field each year. Councilman Desmond noted that a significant amount has been donated for the field, such as, the scoreboard and basketball hoop, and a discount on the blacktop, to name a few. Councilman Hempel said that there is a concern about budgeting funds, and he would rather see donations and recreation fees used for this. When asked about insurance costs, Councilman Desmond said that the insurance currently is based on the amount of the budget, miles of roads in town, etc.
- Eileen Cassidy asked what other expenditures were eliminated. Supervisor Staats went over some of the expenditures, which were lowered or eliminated, building maintenance was lowered, snow and ice was lowered because of a surplus of sand and salt, budget officer position was eliminated and the attorney and engineer accounts were lowered. The total expenditures for 2013 is $611,881.00.
- Eileen asked about data collection and what it is used for. It was explained to update the property cards for the Assessor’s use.
The public hearing was closed at 7:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk